COMP 310 Proposal Memo


Pick a topic for your Formal Technical Report and submit a proposal to me in memo format. Follow the outline provided in the Unit #4 folder for your memo. Your proposal will identify the purpose and audience of your Formal Report, the scope of the report, your research plans, and the schedule you have established for yourself to complete the project on time. I chose “Should the college be offering more online courses or fewer? Should we have entire degrees that can be earned online” I attend SUNY Morrisville there should be some public knowledge on the course avalible there. ill attach soem more relvant documents

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This proposal is a good model, but
it is not perfect. I’m not pointing
out the weaknesses or errors but
they are there. Keep that in mind if
you are tempted to copy it.
Remember to include all the
requirements of a proper memo
To: Dr. Roxanna Pisiak, School of Liberal Arts Professor at Morrisville State College
From: Marissa Woodard, Morrisville State College Student
Date: 3/31/17
Subject: Proposal for a Formal Report on Addressing Stress among Student Athletes
You can take your Topic Headings right from the Outline (as this
student did).
The purpose of this memo is to obtain approval of a topic for the formal report. My proposed
topic is to propose more resources to help student-athletes handle/cope with stress. No need for a long,
complicated intro (this is not
like an essay).
Background of Topic
Many student athletes, including myself, are often overwhelmed with the number of activities we
must attend to each day and throughout the week. Some of those activities include attending
classes, going to practice and games, going to extra weightlifting and/or running sessions, going
to physical therapy, doing homework and attending tutoring and/or study sessions, all while
trying to maintain a healthy social life and personal life. Some even attempt to hold down a job
or multiple jobs, and many first-time student athletes have a hard time adjusting to college life.
Purpose of Report and Intended Audience Explains who the target readers are and why they are being chosen.
Who your reader is might change as you research and work on the
report—that’s ne. Many students often end up choosing just one
person to deliver the report to (as this student did eventually).
The intended readers of this report are:

Gregory Carroll, College Athletic Director
Julia Rizzo, Director of Campus-Wide Advising and Study Hall Instructor
All athletics coaches
This formal report will help Mr. Carroll and Ms. Rizzo implement campus wide programs to
help student athletes cope with stress. The report will also be addressed to all athletic team
coaches so they can be more aware of the experiences of their athletes and be prepared to work
with them as a team and individually to address this problem. Coaches can also let Mr. Carroll
and Ms. Rizzo know which recommendations they support and are willing to help initiate.
Scope of the Report
Subtopics I plan to write about include:

What causes stress in student athletes

How stress affects student athletes
Proven ways to cope with stress (i.e. developing outlets for stress relief, connecting them
with tutors or other academic support, etc.)
How current programs can be improved to address athlete stress (study hall, counseling
services, etc.)
The benefits of helping student athletes learn how to cope with their stress
While I will explore possible new programs that help student athletes learn how to deal with
stress, I will not research the financial costs of these programs or the support staff to run them.
Research Plans
I will conduct research to understand why student athletes experience stress and how it affects
them. I will also learn about effective programs and methods of helping student athletes reduce
their stress.
I plan to interview the following people to ask how they feel about the programs and resources
on campus that help student athletes deal with stress, any areas that could be improved, and any
new strategies or programs that they think might help:
Mr. Gregory Carroll, Athletic Director
This student ended up being able to interview only
Erin Skaradek, Women’s Basketball Coach
two coaches (due to time constraints) and spoke with
Fred Wallace, Women’s Volleyball Coach
a different representative from Campus-Wide
Advising than the one designated here.
Kelsey Schwan, Women’s Lacrosse Coach
Joe Smith, Men’s Basketball Coach
Julia Rizzo, Director of Study Hall and Campus-Wide Advising
I plan to create a survey for student athletes, that will ask:

Your research plans will likely change as you begin
working on the report, and that’s ne.
Before you decide to conduct a survey,
please read the discussion about surveys in
the online materials. They are often a lot of
work and a waste of time.
1. How many years have you attended Morrisville?
2. Do you feel that you successfully adjusted to college life during your first semester?
3. How many hours a day do you spend attending to academics (classes, tutoring,
4. How many hours a day do you spend on sports related functions (practice/games,
conditioning & weightlifting sessions, meetings, physical therapy)?
5. How many hours of free time do you have every day, that don’t involve school or sports?
6. How many hours of sleep do you get on average, every night?
7. Do you feel that a higher standard is placed on you by professors, coaches, and/or peers?
8. Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the academic and athletic responsibilities you have?
9. Do you feel that there are adequate resources on campus to help you cope with any
stress from athletics and school?
10. What programs or resources should the college add to help student athletes deal with
I have already gathered the following sources for my formal report. I believe these are legitimate
sources because they come from the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), or they
are scholarly articles written by sports psychologists or other professionals:
2. Seunghyun, H., & Youngjun, C. (2016). Data Mining in the Exploration of Stressors
Among NCAA Student Athletes. Psychological Reports, 119(3), 787-803.
4. Hudd, S. S., Dumlao, J., Erdmann-Sager, D., Murray, D., Phan, E., Soukas, N., &
Yokozuka, N. (2000). Stress at College: Effects on health habits, health status, and selfesteem. College Student Journal, 34(2), 217. You are not committed to using the sources you list on your
Proposal, and it is ne if you nd other, better ones later.
I have consulted a few other potential sources that might be useful, and I am confident that I will
have enough reliable data to produce a strong report on my proposed topic.
Project Timetable
I plan to start my research and interviews immediately. Here is my proposed timetable:

I encourage you to create a week-by-week schedule for yourself with goals you
Week 1 (April 4-10) hope to reach by the end of each week. Be ambitious, but also be realistic.
o Contact necessary people for interviews and set up dates and times to interview
o Create survey and contact athletics coaches to send out to their athletes
o Begin brainstorming ideas for the layout/outline and design
Week 2 (April 11-17)
o Complete half of interviews
o Start reading secondary sources and gathering data to use in my report. Make
sure I have proper citation info for each source.
Week 3 (April 18-24)
o Complete the rest of interviews
o Compile interview notes and determine what info I will use from them in my
o The deadline for the survey will be this week—I will compile the data and
analyze it to determine what results will be useful in the report. I hope to create
some visuals from the survey data and will do that as soon as possible.
o By this point I will be able to sketch an organization plan for the report.
Week 4 (April 25-May 1)
o Begin a draft of the final report, including front and back matter.
Week 5 (May 2-8)
o Once I have a complete draft I will work on formatting issues.
o Review, proofread, and submit the final product.

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