Communications Question


Attached are directions and questions for two different assignments.For Assignment 4, you must develop a topic for an informative speech. It can be any topic, but I was thinking of something related to education. Then, you must find a scholarly article and answer the questions based on what you read from the article.For Assignment 7b, you must develop a topic for an persuasive speech (it can be similar to the informative speech). It can be any topic, but I was also thinking of something related to education. Then, you must find a different scholarly article and answer the questions based on what you read from the article.Make sure you follow all of the steps for each.

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Communications Question
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Assignment 4: Evaluating Internet Sources
Step 1: Using Google or another Search Engine, locate 1 high quality article on a topic
of your choice to be used in your Informational Speech.
Step 2: Briefly summarize the article (if you can’t remember how, see the link on eLearning)
Step 3: Evaluate the article using the questions in Part 1
Step 4: Analyze each article using the questions in Part 2
Complete each article separately and complete a Works Cited page as the last page.
Summary: In the article, (put article name here – remove parenthesis and add quotation
marks) by (put author’s name here – remove parenthesis) write summary here….
Part 1: Analyze each article and then answer questions 1-7 below.
1. Author. Who is the author? What qualifications does the author possess? (research this
on the internet)
2. Timeliness. When was this site first published online? When was it last updated? Is the
argument and information still timely?
3. Evidence. Where does the author’s evidence come from? Does the evidence adequately
support the author’s claims?
4. Bias. Can you detect particular biases of the author? How do the author’s biases affect his
or her arguments and conclusions?
5. References. Are references provided for information given on the site? If so, who
considers these references reputable?
6. Links. Are there links to additional information? Do the links work? Is the linked
information reliable? Do these links offer further insight into the author’s biases?
7. Advertising. Is the Web site an advertisement for a product, place, or service? If so, how
does this affect the credibility of the site?
Part 2: After you answer the above questions 1-8 answer the following questions to determine
the validity and usefulness of your information.
1. Should you use this source? If so, how will it support your project? What information will
you use from this source and why will you use it?
2. Will your audience find this source credible and persuasive? Why? How will the credibility
of the author, his or her research, or the credibility of the site itself assist you in ensuring that
the audience believes your research?
3. Is the credibility of this source suspect in any way? How?
Assignment 7b: Evaluating Internet Sources
Step 1: Using Google or another Search Engine, locate one high quality article on a topic
of your choice to be used in your persuasive Speech.
Step 2: Briefly summarize each article (if you can’t remember how, see the link on eLearning)
Step 3: Evaluate the article using the questions in Part 1
Step 4: Analyze the article using the questions in Part 2
Complete each article separately and complete a Works Cited page as the last page.
Summary: In the article (put article name here) by (put author’s name here)
Part 1: Analyze each article and then answer questions 1-8 below.
1. Source. What organization sponsors or pays for the Web site? What does this sponsor
indicate about the credibility of the site?
2. Author. Who is the author? What qualifications does the author possess? (research this
on the internet)
3. Timeliness. When this site was first published online? When it was last updated? Are its
argument and information still timely?
4. Evidence. Where does the author’s evidence come from? Does the evidence adequately
support the author’s claims?
5. Bias. Can you detect particular biases of the author? How do the author’s biases affect his
or her arguments and conclusions?
6. References. Are references provided for information given on the site? If so, who
considers these references reputable?
7. Links. Are there links to additional information? Do the links work? Is the linked
information reliable? Do these links offer further insight into the author’s biases?
8. Advertising. Is the Web site an advertisement for a product, place, or service? If so, how
does this affect the credibility of the site?
Part 2: After you answer the above questions 1-8 answer the following questions to determine
the validity and usefulness of your information.
1. Should you use this source? If so, how will it support your project? What information will
you use from this source and why will you use it?
2. Will your audience find this source credible and persuasive? Why? How will the credibility
of the author, his or her research, or the credibility of the site itself assist you in ensuring that
the audience believes your research?
3. Is the credibility of this source suspect in any way? How?

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