Communication discussion


Chapter 12 chapter 14 Chapter 16

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Communication discussion
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This Discussion Board assignment is designed to encourage you to make connections between the topics of “Social Psychology”, “Stress, Lifestyle and Health”, “Psychological Disorders”, “Therapy” and your own life. For example, topics in “Social Psychology” could be applied to analyzing your prejudices. Topics in “Stress” could be used to identify your own sources of stress, how you cope, and the effect on your health. Finally, the topics in “Psychological Disorders” and “Therapy” could be used to explain common mental health challenges many of us have faced or life challenges we have overcome.

To get the discussion going, I will give 3 extra credit points to the first 10 students to post their response.

(This assignment assesses the following SLO for the course: “Communication Skills- Students will describe and apply major concepts and theories of psychology in writing or in other forms of effective presentation.”)

Response (please number each part of your response)

1. Choose a specific term, theory or concept covered in Chapter 12-16. Summarize it in a concise yet informative manner. We are not covering chapter 13, but you may choose something from that chapter if you like. (The topic should be more specific than the general topic of each chapter.)

2. Describe how it applies to you or your world around you.

3. Describe how you can use the knowledge about the topic to improve your world or the world around you. (The term, theory, or concept you choose must be different than the ones chosen for the “Video Application Assignment”.)

4. Finally, post a question to your fellow classmates to stimulate discussion on your topic.

Reply (can be posted until the end of Section D)

You should read and reply to the post of one of your classmates. Your reply should include an analysis if the course concept was accurately described and applied. It should also encourage further discussion.

Important note: Before completing the assignments, familiarize yourself with the criteria provided on the grading criteria/rubric. Note that responses should be at least 300-450 words in length. Your reply to your classmate should be at least 150-300 words.