Communication, Culture and Indigenous Perspectives in Business A1: Case Study (Judy 18/03/2024)


The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will1000 – 1200 words long.Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all the info after being hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs -1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)

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Communication, Culture and Indigenous Perspectives in Business A1: Case Study (Judy 18/03/2024)
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MGMT 1002: Communication, Culture and Indigenous Perspectives in
Business – Assessment Task Sheet
Assessment 1: Case Study
Due Date: Friday 29th March by 10 PM WST.
Weighting: 30% of total marks.
Item to be Submitted
Where to Submit It
1. Case Study (inclusive of coversheet, case study
question responses, and reference list).
Turnitin under the assessment tab item. There is a
single submission point for:
1. The Final Case Study for marking.
Word count: 1,00-1,200 words. Please make sure you do not go over the maximum word limit of 1,200
words. We provided you with word limit guides for each question, to help you target your answers and
your time accordingly. The marker will stop reading once the word count is reached for the paper as a
whole. The word count excludes: the coversheet and reference list.
Font and spacing: Use size 12 font and line and a half spacing.
Cover Sheet. You MUST use this document to write your Case Study response.
Communication, Culture and Indigenous Perspectives in
Your Name
Student ID:
8-digit ID Number
Student Email:
[email protected]
Name of TA:
Person Who Runs Your Tutorial
Tutorial Day and Time:
Day, Time of Tutorial
Semester and Campus:
Semester 1/Trimester 1A/OUA Study Period 1,
Bentley/MIRI/Mauritius/Singapore/Sri Lanka/Fully Online/OUA, 2024
Word Count:
Includes your question responses, including in-text citations.
It does not include your Cover Page, Question Headings, or
Reference list.
Pre-Submission Checklist.
This checklist is a practical reminder to help students before submitting their assessment as well as to
note our shared commitment to academic integrity, which is especially appropriate in our ethics focused
“Integrity is an important virtue and one that shows both our respect for others and that we value our
character, seeing it as an important element of the good life”
Dr. J. Boaks & Dr. M. Baldwin
“I can confirm that I have:”
1. Ensured that file name for the document I am uploading to
Turnitin contains my full name. E.g. “Assessment
2. Used quotation marks (“ …”) to indicate all direct quotes from
authors and used in text references to cite these in line with
Chicago referencing standards (including page numbers)

3. Used in text references to cite paraphrasing and ideas from
authors in line with Chicago referencing standards (including
page numbers indicating where those ideas come from the in
text cited)
4. Included a complete Chicago formatted “References” list at
the end of this case study, in alphabetical order by author
5. This assignment is my own original work, except where I have
appropriately cited the original source.

Case Study
For Assessment 1, students will need to write a 1,000-1,200-word response on, one, why connection to
country is so important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; and two, how both individuals
and organisations can show respect of Indigenous people’s cultural values.
Case Study Questions:
Read and reflect on the two-stimulus pieces (found on Blackboard).
Assessment (30%) of Unit marks:
Students are asked to write a 1,000-1,200-word response on why connection to country is so important
to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and how both individuals and organisations can show
respect of Indigenous people’s cultural values, specifically addressing the questions below, noting the
word count expectations:
Question 1. This question has one part.
For Question 1, You must use ideas and information from Source Lists A and B to support your answer.
Outline the concept of ‘Country’ as understood by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in
Australia. Why is connection to Country so important to Indigenous people in Australia? Make reference
to the spiritual and material dimensions of the concept of Country.
350-450 words
Write your response here….
Question 2. This question has two parts. You must answer both parts.
For Question 2a, you must use examples from Source List C to support your answer. You may also wish to
draw on ideas from Source Lists A and B.
a) With specific reference to examples mentioned in Source List C, identify and discuss two or more
actions taken by organisations to show respect to Indigenous people’s cultural values (including
relationship to Country). What were the actions? Why are they significant? How do they reflect
respect for cultural values and relationship to Country?
300-350 words
Write your response here….
Question 2b is asking you to take what you have learnt from the sources and from answering the previous
questions, and then apply it in a business setting. For Question 2b, you must use examples, ideas and
information from across Source Lists A, B, and C.
b) Imagine another organisation or business has sought your advice about how to show respect for
Indigenous people’s cultural values. What key insights would you share with the organisation or
business (e.g. opportunities and/or challenges) to help them decide on a course of action? What
should they prioritise, and why?
350-400 words
Write your response here….
As this is the students’ first assessment, sources will be provided by the Library for this Case Study,
this ensures students’ time focus is on academic skills development and understanding what a
credible source constitutes. You MUST only use the sources provided.
Good luck and show off your cultural understanding in your Case Study!
Assessment 1: Case Study – …
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This case study is worth 30% of the total mark for the unit.
It is due Monday 25th March Friday 29th March 10PM WST – This has
been changed due to a SAP student request.
Singapore Students please note: your Assessment 1 submission
deadline is Friday 12th April 10PM WST.
For Assessment 1, students will then need to write a 1,000-1,200 word
response on, one, why connection to country is so important to Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander peoples; and two, how both individuals and
organisations can show respect of Indigenous people’s cultural values.
Please make sure you do not go over the maximum word limit of 1,200
words. We provided you with word limit guides for each question, to help
you target your answers and your time accordingly. The marker will stop
reading once the word count is reached for the paper as a whole. More
details about this assessment including the marking rubric are located
below. Please note: You MUST use the “Case Study Task Sheet” below to
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Assessment 1: Case Study – …
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write your response and submit.
Country is the central pillar of Indigenous peoples’ culture.
Question 1. This question has one part.
For Question 1, You must use ideas and information from Source Lists A
and B to support your answer.
Outline the concept of ‘Country’ as understood by Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander peoples in Australia. Why is connection to Country so
important to Indigenous people in Australia? Make reference to the spiritual
and material dimensions of the concept of Country.
350-450 words
Question 2. This question has two parts. You must answer both parts.
For Question 2a, you must use examples from Source List C to support
your answer. You may also wish to draw on ideas from Source Lists A and
a) With specific reference to examples mentioned in Source List C,
identify and discuss two or more actions taken by organisations to
show respect to Indigenous people’s cultural values (including
relationship to Country). What were the actions? Why are they
significant? How do they reflect respect for cultural values and
relationship to Country?
300-350 words
Question 2b is asking you to take what you have learnt from the sources
and from answering the previous questions, and then apply it in a business
setting. For Question 2b, you must use examples, ideas and information
from across Source Lists A, B, and C.
b) Imagine another organisation or business has sought your advice
about how to show respect for Indigenous people’s cultural values.
What key insights would you share with the organisation or
business (e.g. opportunities and/or challenges) to help them decide
on a course of action? What should they prioritise, and why?
350-400 words
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Because we are the designated communications unit for the BCOMM, our
role is to assist you in learning the conventions of referencing. For your first
assessment we provide ALL the sources you will need and you do not need
to look for any others. We would like you to focus only on these sources and
referencing (in-text citations and reference list). The library has set up an
area on the assessment sources to assist you (Focused on the assessment
sources). Please view it here – library Source List or a PDF Source List is
available here .
You can directly access these sources here:
Access PDF here : Foster, Brendan. 2024. “Aboriginal Elders give
WA council green light to return park to Indigenous name.” National
Indigenous Times. February 15, 2024.
Why use it? This newspaper article reports on a recent vote by the council
in the City of Vincent (a local council in Perth) to rename Banks Reserve to
its original Noongar name, Warndoolier. The article explains that this action
is part of a broader commitment to recognising and preserving Noongar
language and culture in the community. The article appears in the National
Indigenous Times, an online newspaper that reports on Indigenous issues
across Australia.
Access PDF here : Bloch, Aaron. 2021. “Australia Post Launches
Traditional Place Names Packaging.” National Indigenous Times July
8, 2021.
Why use it? This news article describes Australia Post’s initiative to include
traditional place names on their packaging. By listening to Indigenous
voices Australia Post has found a way to recognise country and to promote
and celebrate Indigenous communities. The article appears in the National
Indigenous Times, an online newspaper that reports on Indigenous issues
across Australia.
Please see the suggested milestones to ensure you have the best chance
of submitting a successful case study. These include:
Week 1 Module – Attend class, and begin to reflect on the
assessment questions. Complete the critical reading activity and
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template on the readings which are sources for the assessment.
Week 2 Module – Review the Case Study questions to find the
necessary information needed to craft your response.
Week 3 Module – Start early, getting a draft ready to allow you to
check the similarity prior to submission.
Week 4 Module – Continue working on your draft. Ask your tutor for
feedback in class.
Week 5 Module – Submit your final copy to the correct Turnitin folder
no later than 9:59 PM on Friday 29th March.
Please see the following documents for Assessment 1 Case Study:
You MUST use this task sheet to write your answers and submit Case Study Task Sheet
Marking Rubric
CAS terminology
Please see the following Library resources to assist you with referencing:
Click here for the library Case Study sources guide (You MUST only
use these sources) or a PDF source list here .
Click here for the library Chicago 17B guide
Please note: Use of Gen-AI in assessments is not permitted
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