combine the research process and correspondence professionally. must be able to answer questions and solve problems


Choose a specific issue (s) you feel effects students on this campus (i.e. parking, tuition, class sizes, lack of classes, etc.) and create 3 pieces of correspondence on this topic = 1 business letter, 1 memo, and 1 email.

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combine the research process and correspondence professionally. must be able to answer questions and solve problems
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You can pick 1 topic and approach it in the 3 different ways OR you can pick 3 student/campus issues for each piece of corresponndence.

You will be writing the following:

Letter – Consider this a letter of concern about the specific issue [30 points]

You should be answering = what specific issue should the audience be concerned about?

Memo – Consider this memo a discovery about the specific issue with research [50 points] –

You should be answering = what specific issue did you discover that the audience should be aware of?

The memo requires 2 sources [statistics, facts, etc. will work too] to support the discovery you claim in your memo

Email – Consider this email a call to action on the specific issue. [20 points]

You should be answering = what would you want your audience to do in regards to the issue you identified?


The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate abilities in writing correspondence. You should keep the 4 keys in mind while writing each one of your pieces.

Please follow the proper format for each of the pieces of correspondence – all are sampled and outlined in your text in Chapter 4 (letters and memo) with the exception of email which will be in Chapter 3 pgs. 77-85.
Formatting for EACH will be factored into the grade.

Headers, salutations, address, closures, spacing, etc. are going to be viewed and evaluated equally to your content.

The memo requires 2 outside researched sources [statistics, facts, etc. will work too].
You can address your correspondence to whoever you would like.
Letters should be a minimum of 300 words
Memos should be a minimum of 400 words
Emails should be a minimum of 200 words