CMSC 425 7380 Mobile App Developme


Project 1: Simple text display

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CMSC 425 7380 Mobile App Developme
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The first programming project involves downloading the latest Java SDK, installing the Android IDE, adding an Android Virtual Device (AVD) and writing a simple Android Application which will print a message: “Hello CMSC425 Student’s, my name is “Your Name”.

The message, “Hello CMSC425 Student’s, my name is “your name” – My AVD is “Name of selected device.” needs to be displayed in In the Android Compose preview and on using an Android Virtual Device (AVD). You may add additional interfaces/displays (button, etc.) if you prefer.

What to Submit:

A .zip file that contains the entire Android Project, zipped in a single .zip file. The .zip file should contain the entire project, so anyone can just open the project, compile, and run it. Additionally, each Kotlin source file should include a comment block at the top containing your name, due date, the project# and a short description of the app functionality. You must also include comments throughout the project explaining the logic.
Complete documentation for the project (a Word or PDF file), that includes the following:
A walk-thru on the program design and functionality
Screenshots of the IDE, the code, and the program running on the AVD.
A display of the IDE, displaying the code window and the AVD running.
A short paragraph on lessons learned from the project.

A simple “Sample Text Display” could be as shown below. You can experiment with different background colors, font colors/sizes, user interfaces and displays.

Sample Display

Unformatted Attachment Preview

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