CMIT 382 Project


Submit the required screenshots in the Project 2 Template document. Use Project 2 – Identity Guide document as a guide. There is also a requirement to answer questions on the Project 2 Template. Attachments have detailed instrutions.Objective One of the key aspects of deploying Microsoft 365 is the ability to provide users a single identity and ensuring it is properly configured. When this is accomplished, users can access seamlessly resources that are on-premises and in Microsoft 365 environment. Otherwise, users will have to use multiple accounts depending on where the resources are hosted. In this deliverable, you will use Microsoft Azure AD Connect tool to sync on-premises Active Directory to Azure AD. First, you will install Windows Server 2019 in a virtual environment and create an Active Directory Forest. Second, you will install and configure the Azure AD Sync tool. Finally, you will show the accounts that are synced to the Microsoft 365 Tenant. Part 1: Install Windows Server 2019Part 2: Install and Configure Active DirectoryPart 3: Install and Configure Azure Active DirectoryWrite a few paragraphs on the what is Azure AD Connect Health and its importance. There are additional tasks that be completed when configuring Azure Active Directory Connect (see screenshot below). Choose two options available and explain their importance.

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Active Directory and Azure
AD Connect
Prepared by:
[insert your name]
One of the key aspects of deploying Microsoft 365 is the ability to provide users a single identity and
ensuring it is properly configured. When this is accomplished, users can access seamlessly resources that
are on-premises and in Microsoft 365 environment. Otherwise, users will have to use multiple accounts
depending on where the resources are hosted. In this deliverable, you will use Microsoft Azure AD
Connect tool to sync on-premises Active Directory to Azure AD. First, you will install Windows Server
2019 in a virtual environment and create an Active Directory Forest. Second, you will install and
configure the Azure AD Sync tool. Finally, you will show the accounts that are synced to the Microsoft
365 Tenant.
Part 1: Install Windows Server 2019
The recommended format is to provide screenshots incorporated within the written narrative. No
external sources are required for this phase of the project; however, the screenshots must be your
own. Screenshots from external sources are not permitted.
Feel free to use Hyper-V, Oracle Virtualbox, or VMware workstation to install Windows Server 2019 as a
virtual machine. To request VMware, please email your professor.
Note: It is not necessary to provide screenshots of the installation or configuration of virtualization
Plan: Windows Server 2019 Active Directory
1. Step 1 – Windows Server 2019 Screenshot
2. Step 2 – Select the operating system to install (Choose the Standard Desktop Experience
3. Step 3 – Applicable Notices and License Terms Screenshot
4. Step 4 – Installing Windows Screenshot
Part 2: Install and Configure Active Directory
The recommended format is to provide screenshots incorporated within the written narrative. No
external sources are required for this phase of the project; however, the screenshots must be your
own. Screenshots from external sources are not permitted.
Plan: Install Active Directory and Create Accounts
1. Step 1 – Change the computername to FirstNameInitialLastNameInitial-CurrentDate (i.e
John Smith with the current date of 10/09/2020 would be JS-20201009) using
PowerShell (Rename-Computer). Provide a screenshot of the PowerShell.
2. Step 2 – Computer Systems showing Domain Name Screenshot
3. Step 3 – Screenshot of PowerShell showing the creation of 10 user accounts.
Part 3: Install and Configure Azure Active Directory
The recommended format is to provide screenshots incorporated within the written narrative. No
external sources are required for this phase of the project; however, the screenshots must be your
own. Screenshots from external sources are not permitted.
Plan: Install and Configure Azure Active Directory Connect
1. Step 1 – Screenshot of user accounts in Azure AD.
Part 4: Azure AD Connect Health
The Opportunity: Azure AD Connect Health

Write a few paragraphs on the what is Azure AD Connect Health and its importance. There
are additional tasks that be completed when configuring Azure Active Directory Connect
(see screenshot below). Choose two options available and explain their importance.
Windows Server 2019 Download:
Install Windows Server 2019 on Hyper-V:
Install Windows Server 2019 on VM:
Install Windows Server 2019 on Oracle VirtualBox:
Download Azure AD Connect:
Install Azure AD Connect:
Project 2: Identity Guide
Part 1: Install Windows Server 2019

Feel free to use Hyper-V, Oracle Virtualbox, or VMware workstation to install Windows Server
2019 as a virtual machine. To request VMware, please email your professor.
Part 2: Install and Configure Active Directory on Windows Server 2019
Step 1 – Change the Computer Name

Change the Computer Name to FirstNameInitialLastNameInitial-CurrentDate (i.e John Smith with
the current date of 10/09/2020 would be JS-20201009) using PowerShell (Rename-Computer NewName XXXXX)
Reboot the server after running the PowerShell command.
Step 2: Create a new forest and domain

Complete the following before pre-requisites before creating a forest.
o Assign a static IP address to Windows Server 2019 based on your network configuration.
o Create a folder on Server 2019 called CMIT382 on the root of the C Drive.
o Download CreateADDomain.PS1 PowerShell script and copy to the CMIT382 folder. Edit
the script and change the $DomainName and $DomainNETBIOSName name.
o Run the script in PowerShell in Administrator mode. Make sure the directory is changed
to CMIT382.

Note: You will be asked to create a safe mode administrator password. The password is
needed if you want to recover from AD.
When the script finishes, reboot server.
Provide a screenshot of the Computer System showing Domain.
Step 3: Create 10 User Accounts

Download and copy the Create_ADUsers.PS1 and UserAccounts.csv files to the CMIT382 folder.
Edit the CSV file and change the UserPrinciplanName column to match your domain name (i.e.
Run “Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted” command
Open PowerShell ISE in Administrator Mode and run the Create_ADUsers.PS1
Run the Get-ADUser -Filter *PowerShell Command and paste the results in Step 3 of the project
2 submission document.
Part 2: Installing Azure Active Directory
Step 1: Install Azure Active Directory Connect

Download Azure AD Connect
Run the installer once the download completes.

Use express settings at the Express Settings

Enter your Azure AD Global Admin credentials that you created in Project 1 (i.e.
[email protected])

Enter the Active Directory Domain Services Administrator password in CMIT382XX.Local format.

At the Azure AD sign-in configuration, check the continue without matching all UPM suffixes to
verified domains.

At the Ready to configure screen click Install.
Log in to the Microsoft Portal using your Global Admin Credentials, go to Azure Active Directory
and take a screenshot of the on-premises Active Directory user accounts. Paste in Part 3 Step 1
of the Project 2 document.
Note: It might take up to 30 minutes for the accounts to sync.
Windows Server 2019 Download:
Install Windows Server 2019 on Hyper-V:
Install Windows Server 2019 on VM:
Install Windows Server 2019 on Oracle VirtualBox:
Download Azure AD Connect:
Install Azure AD Connect:
11/9/23, 8:54 AM
​Rubric Assessment – CMIT 382 7382 Managing Microsoft 365 Identity (2238) – UMGC Learning Management System
Project 2: Identity Guide
Course: CMIT 382 7382 Managing Microsoft 365 Identity (2238)
1.1.1: Articulate
the main idea and
purpose of a
10.1.3: Define the
specifications of
Exceeds Performance
Meets Performance
Does Not Meet
Criterion Score
10 points
8 points
7 points
0 points
/ 10
Articulates fully and
clearly the main
idea and purpose of
the communication.
Articulates the main
idea and purpose of
a communication.
Attempts to
articulate the main
idea and or purpose
of the
communication, but
one or both is not
Does not attempt to
articulate the main
idea and purpose of
10 points
8 points
7 points
0 points
Defines thoroughly
and clearly the
specifications of
Defines the
specifications of
Attempts to define
the specifications of
technologies, but
there are gaps
and/or lack of
Does not define the
specifications of
/ 10
11/9/23, 8:54 AM
11.1.3: Install
​Rubric Assessment – CMIT 382 7382 Managing Microsoft 365 Identity (2238) – UMGC Learning Management System
Exceeds Performance
Meets Performance
Does Not Meet
Criterion Score
30 points
20 points
10 points
0 points
/ 30
Installs software
that is fully
functional and
appropriate for the
Installs software
that is appropriate
for the given
Installs software
that may not be
fully functional
and/or appropriate
Does not install
given requirements.
11.2.1: Configure
according to
specifications and
13.1.1: Create
appropriate to the
for the given
40 points
30 points
20 points
0 points
accurately and
technology that
meets stakeholder
Attempts to
Does not configure
technology that
meets stakeholder
thoroughly to meet
specifications and
specifications and
according to
specifications and
specifications and
10 points
8 points
6 points
0 points
Creates thorough
and accurate IT
Creates IT
documentation that
Creates IT
documentation that
Does not create
appropriate IT
documentation that
meets requirements.
lacks detail and/or
does not fully meet
/ 40
/ 10
/ 100…
11/9/23, 8:54 AM
​Rubric Assessment – CMIT 382 7382 Managing Microsoft 365 Identity (2238) – UMGC Learning Management System
Overall Score
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
90 points minimum
80 points minimum
70 points minimum
0 points minimum…
$import_users = Import-Csv -Path C:CMIT382UserAccounts.csv
$import_users | ForEach-Object {
New-ADUser `
-Name $($_.FirstName + ” ” + $_.LastName) `
-GivenName $_.FirstName `
-Surname $_.LastName `
-Department $_.Department `
-State $_.State `
-EmployeeID $_.EmployeeID `
-DisplayName $($_.FirstName + ” ” + $_.LastName) `
-Office $_.Office `
-UserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName `
-SamAccountName $_.SamAccountName `
-AccountPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString $_.Password -AsPlainText Force) `
-Enabled $True
$DomainName = “CMIT382XX.local”
$DomainNETBIOSName = “CMIT382XX”
$DomainMode = “7”
$ForestMode = “7”
$DBPath = “C:NTDS”
$LogPath = “C:NTDS”
$SysvolPath = “C:Sysvol”
# Replace XX with your initials
# Replace XX with your initials
Write-host “Installing AD Domain Services feature” -foregroundcolor yellow
$command = Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services –IncludeManagementTools
Write-host “AD Domain Services feature was installed successfully” foregroundcolor green
Write-host “Installing New AD forest : $DomainName” -foregroundcolor yellow
$SafeModePass = Read-Host -AsSecureString -Promtp “Please enter safe mode
administrator password”
$command = Install-ADDSForest -CreateDnsDelegation:$false -DomainName
$DomainName -DomainNetbiosName $DomainNetbiosName SafeModeAdministratorPassword $SafeModePass -DatabasePath $DBPath -LogPath
$LogPath -SysvolPath $sysvolPath -DomainMode $DomainMode -ForestMode
$ForestMode -InstallDns -NoRebootOnCompletion

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