Clinical case study


PURPOSE: The purpose of this discussion is to learn about the evaluation and treatment of common
geriatric symptoms and syndromes, and exchange information in a discussion format regarding those
symptoms and syndromes.
DIRECTIONS: This assignment consists of a total of at least two (2) individual posts.
1. Make an initial post answering the questions listed below. Your initial post should reflect your
perspective and be well-supported by current resources. Please use complete sentences, proper
spelling, grammar, punctuation, and APA format when answering the questions.
2. You must use two (2) scholarly resources published in the past 5 years for your initial discussion
post. One of these resources may be your textbook.
3. End the initial discussion post with two questions for your peers with your assigned
symptom/syndrome as the topic

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Clinical case study
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All resources used in this course are required to be published within the past 5 years.

You are working in a primary care clinic, and the next patient on your schedule is Mr. Blue, a 75-year-old
Caucasian male. Mr. Blue complains of WEAKNESS. You have been
seeing Mr. Blue on a regular basis for the past three years, and this is a new complaint for him. He
arrives to the clinic alone, ambulates independently without assistive device, and is well-groomed. Mr.
Blue is alert and oriented and is a good historian. Please answer the following questions:

1. What additional subjective data are you seeking?
2. What additional objective data will you be assessing for?
3. What tests (if any) will you order?
4. Are there any screening tools that you want to use?
5. What are at least 3 differential diagnoses?
6. What treatment do you recommend?
7. What education will you provide for Mr. Blue?
8. Will you be ordering a consultation or referral to a specialist?
9. Using APA format, please site at least two scholarly resources published in the past 5 years that
you used to answer the above questions. One of these resources may be the assigned textbook.
10. Please end your initial discussion post with two questions for your peers, using your assigned
symptom/syndrome as the topic