CJA 3230-Police Organization and Administration


Open the provided WordDoc to see questions 1-4.Answer each question and part seperately.Answer each part with 3-5 sentences. Cite all sources, NO PLAGIARISM!

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Course Activities for Chapter #1
1. Watch this short promotion/history for the Pinkerton National Detective Agency and peruse
the Wikipedia page dedicated to the agency. Then, read the following article, A Case for Private
Eyes. Describe your thoughts after reviewing these resources in the form of two paragraphs
including the following:
a. Share your thoughts about private eyes; do you think it is a good idea? Support your
views with arguments for or against?
b. What are some of the potential dangers with private detectives? What could be some of
the positives?
c. How, as an administrator, would you work with private detectives?
2. Read this article; Prohibition Caused the Greatness of Gatsby. Next watch a Simpsons’ episode
“Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment,” if the video won’t play or you would like more
information consider watching; Mark Thornton’s explanation (which includes the episode)
Prohibition Through The Eyes of Homer Simpson. Describe your thoughts after reviewing
these resources in the form of two paragraphs including the following:
a. Do you agree prohibition may create, cause, or enhance crime?
b. What do you think the answer is to this problem?
c. How would you deal with prohibited crime (examples: alcohol, drugs, etc.) as an agency
head (e.g., aggressively enforce alcohol, drug, and other prohibition laws or focus more
on violent/property crimes, or is there another solution)?
3. Peruse the sites of Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police & Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association
or a similar organization in a state or agency you are interested in working for. Describe your
thoughts after reviewing these resources in the form of one paragraph including the following:
a. How have organizations such as these helped to enhance professionalism?
b. Why are they important?
c. If you are eligible to join, consider doing so.
4. Research one of the following: The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment or The RAND
Criminal Investigation Study. Describe your thoughts after reviewing one of these publications
in the form of two paragraphs including the following:
a. Which study did you review?
b. How was the experiment conducted?
c. What lessons were learned from this study?
d. Do you believe that the experience can be applied to the police agency who serves you?
e. What is the value of conducting scientific research such as this?

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