CJ740 violence and aggression


Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a practice common in certain areas of the world, most notably in parts of Africa, the Middle East, and a handful of Asian countries. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than half a million females in the United States — mostly immigrants — have been (or will be) exposed to FGM. Although federal law outlaws FGM, many states have also passed legislation to further restrict its practice and to raise awareness with at-risk communities. Two such bills, HB1466, An Act to Prohibit Female Genital Mutilation, and HB3332, An Act Relative to the Penalties for the Crime of Female Genital Mutilation, are currently pending in the Massachusetts House of Representatives before the Judiciary Committee. Using anthropological theories of violence, examine this controversial procedure from opposing sides by answering the following question: Is FGM an act of violence? Be sure to couch your argument in theory, carefully examining the issue from different perspectives. Finally, if you were asked to testify as an expert in support or opposition of these bills, what position would you take and why?

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