CJ740 Violence/Aggression


A) Choose two scholarly articles from this week or last week, and answer the questions posed below. NOTE: A book chapter is not a scholarly article. Submit your answers in short paragraph form (essay format is not required for this assignment). Be sure to answer the same six questions for both articles. Please be advised that incomplete sentences or bullet point answers will not be accepted. You must answer each question in its entirety, while appropriately citing the authors using APA format. Simply put, your work should demonstrate a command of the readings. To do so, it is essential that you devote adequate time to each reading; that you reflect on the subject matter; that you organize your thoughts; and that you compose complete and carefully constructed answers.

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CJ740 Violence/Aggression
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You will be graded on a 20-point scale.

Questions to answer:

1) What is the premise of the scholarly article? Is the premise based on research conducted by the author(s), or does the author arrive at a conclusion through synthesis alone?

2) What methods does the author(s) employ in approaching this subject (e.g., research, tests, studies, techniques, analyses)? Be specific.

3) Why is the article important? In what ways does it contribute to this field of study? Be specific (i.e., do not simply regurgitate the abstract in answering this question).

4) Are there questions that the article fails to address? In other words, were you left with questions that went unanswered?

5) What did you learn most from this article?

6) How might policymakers, public administrators, and other stakeholders utilize this article to prevent or reduce crime?