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Revamped Employee Communication: Empowering Tech Knowledge
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Revamped Employee Communication: Empowering Tech Knowledge
Part 1
TechSolutions, Inc.
Revamped Employee Communication: Empowering Tech Knowledge
TSI Tech Talks: Fostering Growth and Collaboration
Dear TSI Team,
In the last week of January, we had an excellent chance to run our first set of engaging
Lunch and Learn sessions taken by the creative staff of our senior engineering. These sessions
emphasized and upgraded our team members’ trading expertise about the recent technology and
cybersecurity rules. This marked the first step of building our new in-house training program,
which we are looking forward to as the year progresses.
Earlier this week, I discussed with Christ Scerbo, one of our senior engineers, and I
retrieved his views on these new learning platforms. Chris mentioned, “[Our team is] committed
to the professional development of our technicians by offering certification education. It also
provides advanced training in the newest industry methods and maintains a culture based on the
principles of continuous improvement (Tech, 2024). We aim to provide every team member with
the required expertise to eliminate our customers’ problems promptly.”
These meetings mainly focused on networking troubleshooting and networking
technologies to boost our internal training programs and help our tech and engineering team
grow professionally. The launch of this section marks the setting up of the Training Task Force.
The Training Task Force is a team of five staff members, each with expertise in networking,
PaaS, automation and scripting, cybersecurity, and system administration. In summary, both act
as pillars of knowledge, creating a competent and learned technical force.
Looking back at the Lunch and Learn sessions, Chris said, “The best part was meeting
my colleagues in person after such a long time working online. Seeing the team having a good
time and engaging with one another was extremely useful.” The fact that everyone on our tech
team has given positive feedback shows their interest in personal improvement and professional
growth. We are encouraged by the momentum with which their spirit to participate and grow.
We are confident that the greater skills they will gain will benefit us in meeting our client’s
We are thrilled with the commitment of our employees to education, development, and
skill refinement. We welcome the diverse avenues this training will open for us and our clients.
Warm regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
TechSolutions, Inc.
Part 2
Justification of Rhetorical Changes in Document Revision
The main idea behind this modification is to improve the persuasiveness of the original
piece called “TSI, EMPLOYEE LUNCH AND LEARNS.” This goal was achieved through
revision, which necessitated the identification and correction of several of the original argument’s
errors. Such shortcomings are more about how effectively the text keeps the reader interested
and how good it is in the choice of words. The aim was to enhance the newly written version by
connecting it to current ideas of rhetorical thinking. The goal was to make the revised speech
align with the current rhetorical themes so that its relevance and effectiveness would not be
compromised. This technique improves the dynamics of current situations and the intensity of
the renewed version’s effectiveness and relevance for the targeted listeners.
Moreover, the revision tried to narrow the gap containing information from relevant
rhetorical theories, particularly those in Topics 5-8. In contrast, the new translation could now
provide practical answers underpinning the rhetorical principles. This was done by thoroughly
analyzing the apparent rhetorical flaws in the original document. Through this approach, revision
enables persuasiveness and communication power to cover the already emphasized issues. This
would enable the document to fulfill its intended purpose within TechSolutions, Inc.’s
organizational environment.
Identifying Audience and Purpose
The article is mostly meant for the internal audience of TechSolutions, Inc., which are its
employees. Its purpose encompasses two key objectives: in the first stage, to create awareness
about the Lunch and Learn sessions, and secondly, to evolve positive emotions and prompt
attendance in future training sessions. The primary document attempted to perform these two
functions. However, it cannot excite the audience and encourage them to take full advantage of
the training possibilities. The introduction was poorly structured because it did not have the
necessary elements to connect with employees emotionally, thus failing to spike their zeal to be
part of the training sessions. This gap between the plan and the audience’s perception resulted in
a situation when the content did not fulfill its objective (Tech, 2024). Therefore, it required
modification, eliminating these shortcomings and aligning them with the employees’ goals of
awareness and motivation.
Rhetorical Problems in the Original Document
Engagement of the audience is absent from the beginning to the end of the original
document. It opens up with a rather indifferent account of what happened, without captivating
wordplay or emphasis on the sessions’ importance. Without an interesting introduction, readers
will rapidly lose their attention and can easily glance through the content. To solve this problem,
the edited version uses creative language and stresses the necessity of self-improvement,
supporting the idea and making the readers interested.
The paper does not go far enough to use specific instances to describe how the sessions
would be conducted. It only refers to network troubleshooting and technology collection but
needs sufficient details to engage the reader. It also needs to illustrate the benefits of the
endeavor. With clear objectives and complete information, the employees may be aware of the
connection to their professional growth. Consequently, the revised version presents the areas
discussed in the sessions, highlighting the practical relevance and how they provide room for
skill development and career advancement. This strategy is taken to ensure that the readers
understand the worth of attending the training sessions and, in the process, are motivated to
participate actively in the sessions.
The document’s authenticity diminishes since the text fails to mobilize the advice of a
senior engineer who can boost the trust and persuade readers to attend the training. While it
briefly alludes to the senior engineer’s experience, it does not use this to good effect to raise trust
and convince prospective clients. It needs to convince the clients’ prospects about the positive
outcomes of these sessions. As a solution to this shortcoming, the reworked version strategically
weaves in direct quotes from the senior engineer in the text. It explains his expertise and the
importance of the training programs. The author achieves credibility and persuasiveness by
informing the readers of the engineer’s views and aligning these views with the document’s
objectives. The readers will, therefore, be encouraged to participate actively in the training
The original document comes up short in persuasion because it needs more inspirational
language to drive employee involvement in the training initiatives. The organization does not go
in-depth on motives why employees are “happy and excitedly on board to join the group.” With
clear objectives and outcomes stated in training sessions, employees may be sufficiently
prompted by their incentives to engage in the training sessions actively. Therefore, the revised
version uses simple yet persuasive language to emphasize the various advantages like skill
enhancement, promotion opportunities, and the prospect of self-growth to the learner. The
document successfully stimulates employees’ desire to take advantage of the learning
opportunities and devote themselves to their professional growth. This is shown by creating a
clear frame of the personal values of the training initiatives.
Proposed Solutions Based on Rhetorical Theories
The newly written document employs the idea of pathos Aristotle introduced initially.
The introduction is designed to be captivating and stir the audience’s emotions. This revised
paragraph accentuates the major role professional development and personal growth play in
immediately opening the emotional connection between readers and the message. Such a strong
emotional bond causes the audience not only to connect on a deeper level but also helps them to
reach their fleeting aspirations and feelings for self-improvement. A restructured document will
connect the training initiatives as critical avenues for personal and professional advancement,
making readers feel enthused and motivated as they participate actively.
Implementing the rhetorical principle of logos, the corrected document carefully presents
details about the Lunch and Learn session content and objectives. This logical reasoning
approach is also emphasized by the complete exposition demonstrating the direct connections
between the sessions and the employees’ professional development and growth at work. The fact
that it illustrates the practical benefits and learning outcomes associated with participation
reinforces the rational dimension of why employees should participate in the training initiatives.
Providing detail focuses on the message and becomes evidence enough to persuade the readers
that sessions would be valuable and they should invest themselves in their growth and
By employing rhetoric based on ethos, the revised document effectively appropriates the
words of senior engineers to enhance the narrative authority and credibility through the
presentation of the area of expertise and the invaluable insights of the company leaders. The
rewritten version becomes more persuasive, inviting readers to give credit to the training
initiatives. These direct quotations prove not only the knowledge but also the experience of the
seniors, thus giving the essay its authority and validity. The revised content becomes more
convincing than the views of respected figures within the organization by establishing such a
foundation (Tech, 2024). This makes the audience realize the importance and relevance of the
training initiatives for their career growth and development.
Differentiating this updated version from the modern persuasive theories of Kenneth
Burke and Chaim Perelman, the revised document adopts persuasive language. The language
enhances the employee’s participation in the training sessions. For example, the next version
deals with the immediate effects contributing to career development and indicates that the
readers should make plans for their professional growth. The document informs and motivates
employees by explicitly outlining the gains and chances for growth from full participation in the
sessions. It motivates them to take the opportunity to contribute to their success (Mullett, 2023).
Therefore, using persuasive language in the article is a call for action. It allows readers to view
the provided training initiatives as valuable approaches for personal and professional
development in the company.
Evaluation of Effectiveness
The revisions strongly improve the rhetorical effectiveness of the original document
through highly precise and comprehensive addressing of its identified shortcomings and
corresponding the content with modern rhetoric theories. The revised version highlights a serious
correction as it straightens the original and applies contemporary rhetorical frameworks to ensure
soundness. The revised document draws the audience in using engaging language, thereby
leading to the active cooperation of the audience. Moreover, it is made clear regarding the
content and objectives of the training sessions that the revised version is stronger by providing
clarity and creating a reason for participation (Herrick, 2020). Incorporating authority through
quotes from high-level engineers will add an extra layer of trustworthiness to the readers’
thoughts about the importance of these training programs.
Furthermore, in addition to fixing the errors in the original text, the amended version
includes persuasive strategies that aim to appeal to the audience’s emotions, reason, and sense of
trust. An updated template version catches the reader’s attention and brings a positive response
by emphasizing these many characteristics. In a skillful use of rhetorical devices, the document
gives the staff a clear picture of the purpose of the training sessions and urges them to participate
actively in a personal capacity.
In addition, the amendments made to the original document increase the instrument’s
effectiveness as a platform for stimulating employee involvement and development.
TechSolutions, Inc., the newspaper was modified to ensure that the new version addressed the
shortcomings of the previous version. To ensure that the document explains and encourages the
employees to use the company’s learning and development options, persuasive language and
argumentation techniques are used. Overall, the changes align the document more with the
organization’s mission of empowering employees’ progression while fostering a culture of
constant improvement.
The well-crafted speech seeks to rectify these shortcomings by scrutinizing the errors in
the original speech’s rhetorical strategies and incorporating the right theories into the modified
versions. Through it, it fulfills the objective of educating and mobilizing the audience. The
revised document has highlighted these changes: using proper language, conveying needed
information, providing examples from experts, and relying on logical and emotional arguments.
The revised paper clearly shows the advantages of the training topics and invites employees to
participate enthusiastically in professional development activities.
Additionally, having accomplished this, the successful speech utilizes the appropriate
rhetorical theories and admits to the thinking at that time and how it might have been
problematic. The revised version advances the idea by carefully examining the original discourse
and these limitations. The new document actively crafts the subjects’ benefits through
appropriate words, providing information, and calling to action authoritative arguments.
Employee excitement and involvement in professional development activities are thus
promoted, which aligns with the organization’s goals of supporting staff members’ ongoing
development and progress. Therefore, throughout the paper, I have re-written the newspaper for
Tech Solutions Inc. This has greatly been done to show improvements in how communication
can be made better.
Herrick, J. A. (2020). The history and theory of rhetoric: An introduction. Routledge.
Mullett, M. (2023). Rhetoric, theory and the imperative of performance: Byzantium and now.
In Letters, Literacy and Literature in Byzantium (pp. X_151-X_170). Routledge.
Tech. (2024, February 15). TSI EMPLOYEE LUNCH AND LEARNS. TechSolutions, Inc.

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