CIPD Unit5


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Talent management and workforce
Learner Assessment Brief
Assessment ID / CIPD_5HR02_22_01
Level 5 Associate Diploma in

People Management
Version 1- September 2022, the last moderation window for results for this
assessment brief is September 2024
Level 5 Associate Diploma
Talent management and workforce
This unit focuses on the impact of effective workforce planning in considering the development of
diverse talent pools and how to contract and onboard the workforce. It also includes analysis of the
potential cost to the organisation if this is poorly managed and the tools and interventions required to
mitigate this risk.
CIPD’s insight
Workforce planning (2021)
Workforce planning is a core business process which aligns changing organisation needs
with people strategy. It can be the most effective activity an organisation can engage in. It
doesn’t need to be complicated and can be adjusted to suit the size and maturity of any
organisation. It can provide market and industry intelligence to help organisations focus
on a range of challenges and issues, and prepare for initiatives to support longer term
business goals.
This factsheet examines the concept of workforce planning. It distinguishes between strategic and
operational workforce planning, ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ workforce planning, which work together to generate
and analyse information before planning actions. It also explores the stages of the workforce
planning process and highlights key issues and action points for implementation.
Workforce planning guide (2018)
World economics, technology, demography and changing social attitudes are constantly influencing
how we resource our organisations. The need for the right people, with the right skills, in the right
roles, at the right time and at the right cost rings true now more than ever. With concerns over skills
shortages and increasing competition to attract ‘talent’ to our organisations, considered workforce
planning is an imperative that will keep businesses ahead of the curve. Workforce planning is a
business process to align changing organisation needs and people strategy. It doesn’t need to be
complicated, and any necessary complexity can be adjusted to suit the size and maturity of your
organisation. Workforce planning will often be triggered by a specific event and/or a change to the
structure of an organisation, such as through a merger, acquisition or a transformational change
project. However, a focus on broader workforce planning will be important to your organisation at
any given time.
Version 1- September 2022
Level 5 Associate Diploma
Please note that the purpose of this insight is to link you to CIPD’s research and evidence
within the subject area, so that you can engage with the latest thinking. It is not provided to
replace the study required as part of the learning or as formative assessment material.
Version 1- September 2022
Level 5 Associate Diploma
Preparation for the Tasks:

Refer to the indicative content in the unit to guide and support your evidence.

Pay attention to how your evidence is presented, remember you are working in the People
Practice Team.

Ensure that the evidence generated for this assessment remains your own work.
You will also benefit from:

Completing and acting on draft feedback from your Assessor.

Reflecting on your own experiences of learning opportunities and continuous professional

Reading the CIPD Insight, Fact Sheets and related online material on these topics as well as
key research authors on the subject.
Version 1- September 2022
Level 5 Associate Diploma
You work for a large organisation that has just completed a restructure of its people function. You
work in the resourcing team having previously specialised in employment relations. Your new
manager is an experienced resourcing specialist and is delivering a webinar at a forthcoming CIPD
branch event. The event is popular, with many bookings made. When participants make a booking,
they are asked to include questions they would like answers to.
Your manager is keen to develop your knowledge of talent management and workforce planning and
has asked you to prepare full written answers to the 15 questions the participants have raised. The
questions are varied, and you want to impress your new manager with your answers as well as your
ability to independently research any areas you are unfamiliar with. The questions will be answered
during the webinar, so it is important your answers are focused, clear and concise.
In addition, you should make appropriate use of academic theory and practical examples to expand
your responses and illustrate key points. Please ensure that any references and sources drawn
upon are acknowledged correctly and supported by a bibliography.
To help the reader, please make use of headings and assessment criteria references to signpost the
assessment criteria being addressed.
The 15 questions follow:
1. How can organisations strategically position themselves in competitive labour markets? (AC
2. What is the impact of changing labour market conditions on resourcing decisions? (AC 1.2)
3. What is the role of government, employers and trade unions in ensuring future skills needs
are met? (AC 1.3)
4. I am new to people practice and have heard that workforce planning is important. Before I try
to convince others of this, I welcome the views of someone with more experience. Could you
analyse the impact of effective workforce planning? (AC 2.1)
5. I want to introduce workforce planning in my organisation but I’m unsure which technique/s to
use. Could you evaluate the techniques used to support the process of workforce planning?
(AC 2.2)
6. Could you explain two approaches to succession and contingency planning aimed at
mitigating workforce risks? (AC 2.3)
7. I tend to advertise all vacancies on our organisation’s website, then managers interview
applicants. I would like to consider other recruitment and selection methods. Could you
briefly assess the strengths and weaknesses of these methods as well as one other
recruitment method and one other selection method? (AC 2.4)
8. I am aware employee turnover rates vary from one organisation to another but what turnover
and retention trends exist and what factors influence why people choose to leave or remain?
(AC 3.1)
9. I want to compare different approaches to developing and retaining talent on an individual
and group level? Could you give me some pointers? (AC 3.2)
10. Could you evaluate approaches that an organisation can take to build and support different
talent pools? (AC 3.3)
Version 1- September 2022
Level 5 Associate Diploma
11. Could you evaluate two benefits of diversity in building and supporting talent pools? (AC 3.4).
12. I am trying to persuade managers in my organisation to take employee turnover more
seriously but have been unsuccessful. Could you explain the impact associated with
dysfunctional employee turnover? (AC 3.5)
13. Could you assess suitable types of contractual arrangements dependent on specific
workforce need. (AC 4.1)
14. I have heard there are different types of terms in contracts – surely a term is a term. Can you
differentiate between express terms and implied terms? (AC 4.2)
15. Could you explain the components and two benefits of effective onboarding? (AC 4.3)
Your evidence must consist of:

Written responses to each of the 15 questions above.
Approximately 3,900 words in total, refer to CIPD word count policy.
Version 1- September 2022
Level 5 Associate Diploma
Assessment Criteria Evidence Checklist
You may find the following checklist helpful to make sure that you have included the required evidence
to meet the task. This is not a mandatory requirement as long as it is clear in your submission where
the assessment criteria have been met.
Assessment criteria
Explain how organisations strategically
position themselves in competitive labour
Explain the impact of changing labour
market conditions on resourcing
Discuss the role of government,
employers and trade unions in ensuring
future skills needs are met
Analyse the impact of effective workforce
Evaluate the techniques used to support
the process of workforce planning.
Explain approaches to succession and
contingency planning aimed at mitigating
workforce risks.
Assess the strengths and weaknesses of
different methods of recruitment and
selection to build effective workforces.
Examine turnover and retention trends
and the factors that influence why people
choose to leave or remain.
Compare different approaches to
developing and retaining talent on an
individual and group level.
Evaluate approaches that an organisation
can take to build and support different
talent pools.
Evaluate the benefits of diversity in
building and supporting talent pools.
Explain the impact associated with
dysfunctional employee turnover.
Assess suitable types of contractual
arrangements dependent on specific
workforce need.
Evidence reference
e.g., Answer to Q1, page 2
Version 1- September 2022
Level 5 Associate Diploma
Assessment criteria
Differentiate between the main types of
contractual terms in contracts.
Explain the components and benefits of
effective onboarding.
Version 1- September 2022
Evidence reference
Level 5 Associate Diploma
Talent management and
workforce planning
Assessment Criteria marking descriptors.
Assessors will mark in line with the following assessment criteria (AC) marking descriptors, and will
indicate where the learner sits within the marking band range for each AC.
Assessors must provide a mark from 1 to 4 for each assessment criteria within the unit. Assessors
should use the mark descriptor grid as guidance so they can provide comprehensive feedback that
is developmental for learners. Please be aware that not all the mark descriptors will be present in
every assessment criterion, so assessors must use their discretion in making grading decisions.
The grid below shows the range for each unit assessment result based on total number of marks
awarded across all assessment criteria.
To pass the unit assessment learners must achieve a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the
assessment criteria.
The overall result achieved will dictate the outcome the learner receives for the unit, provided NONE
of the assessment criteria have been failed or referred.
Please note that learners will receive a Pass or Fail result from the CIPD at unit level. Referral
grades can be used internally by the centre.
Overall mark
Unit result
0 to 29
30 to 38
Low Pass
39 to 49
50 to 60
High Pass
Version 1- September 2022
Level 5 Associate Diploma
Marking Descriptors
Mark Range
Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills (as
appropriate) required to meet the AC.
Insufficient examples included, where required, to support answers.
Presentation and structure of assignment is not appropriate and does
not meet the assessment brief.
Insufficient or no evidence of the use of references to wider reading to
help inform answer.
Low Pass
Demonstrates an acceptable level of knowledge, understanding or
skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.
Sufficient and acceptable examples included, where required, to
support answers.
Required format adopted but some improvement required to the
structure and presentation of the assignment.
Answers are acceptable but could be clearer in responding to the task
and presented in a more coherent way.
Sufficient evidence of the use of references to wider reading to help
inform answer.
Demonstrates good knowledge, understanding or skills (as
appropriate) required to meet the AC.
Includes confident use of examples, where required, to support each
Presentation and structure of assignment is appropriate for the
assessment brief.
Answers are clear and well expressed.
Good evidence of the use of references to wider reading to help
inform answer.
High Pass
Demonstrates a wide range and confident level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as appropriate).
Includes strong examples that illustrate the point being made, that link
and support the answer well.
Answers are applied to the case organisation or an alternative
Answers are clear, concise and well argued, directly respond to what
has been asked.
The presentation of the assignment is well structured, coherent and
focusses on the need of the questions.
Considerable evidence of the use of references to wider reading to
inform answer.
Version 1- September 2022
Talent Management
and Workforce
Assessment Walkthrough
Today’s session
❖ Walkthrough session to guide you through the assessment brief
❖ Overview of the brief and each question/assessment criteria
Walk Through
End of
Assessment Preparation
Read the Assessment Brief, including CIPD Insights
Worked through the Learning Materials
Watched the Assessment Walkthrough Video
Read the Unit Guide
Assessment Overview
The assessment for this unit consists of 1 task:
Written Responses to 15 Questions
3,900 words +/-10% word count variance applies
The result will be a Fail, Low Pass, Pass, High Pass
❖ You work for a large organisation that has just completed a restructure of its people
function. You work in the resourcing team having previously specialised in
employment relations. Your new manager is an experienced resourcing specialist and is
delivering a webinar at a forthcoming CIPD branch event. The event is popular, with
many bookings made. When participants make a booking, they are asked to include
questions they would like answers to.
❖ Your manager is keen to develop your knowledge of talent management and workforce
planning and has asked you to prepare full written answers to the 15 questions the
participants have raised. The questions are varied, and you want to impress your new
manager with your answers as well as your ability to independently research any areas
you are unfamiliar with. The questions will be answered during the webinar, so it is
important your answers are focused, clear and concise.
Task 1 – Written Responses
❖ Your assessment should include:

Front Cover Sheet
Answers for questions (AC numbering as a heading)
Reference List
Appendices (if required)
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q1 – How can organisations strategically position themselves in competitive labour
markets? (AC 1.1)
❖ Explain the practical steps organisations take to position themselves
❖ Competitor analysis
❖ Organisational positioning including ‘employer of choice’, branding, organisational
image and culture.
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q2 – What is the impact of changing labour market conditions on resourcing decisions?
(AC 1.2)
❖ Explain the impact on resourcing decisions taken by a business
❖ Changing labour market – Tight and loose markets, demand and supply of labour
❖ Think about types of resourcing decisions taken based on labour markets:
❖ Recruitment methods
❖ Long-term planning
❖ Contingency measures
❖ Retention strategies
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q3 – What is the role of government, employers and trade unions in ensuring future
skills needs are met? (AC 1.3)
❖ Discuss the roles, meaning you need to critique each and form a judgement
❖ Cover all three areas – the role of government, employers and trade unions
❖ You need to bring in a range of opinions, arguments and discussions
❖ Areas could include government skills strategies, employers identifying needs and trade
union led agendas around training and development.
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q4 – I am new to people practice and have heard that workforce planning is important.
Before I try to convince others of this, I welcome the views of someone with more
experience. Could you analyse the impact of effective workforce planning? (AC 2.1)
❖ Produce an analysis of the impact of effective workforce planning
❖ Consider the impact of forecasting demand for labour
❖ What are the strategies to address the gaps between supply and demand.
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q5 – I want to introduce workforce planning in my organisation but I’m unsure which
technique/s to use. Could you evaluate the techniques used to support the process of
workforce planning? (AC 2.2)
❖ Provide an evaluation of the techniques used to support workforce planning
❖ It could be techniques to forecast demand/supply
❖ At least two techniques mentioned here
❖ Look at the positive and negative elements and form a judgement on their suitability
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q6 – Could you explain two approaches to succession and contingency planning aimed at
mitigating workforce risks? (AC 2.3)
❖ Explain approaches to succession and contingency planning to mitigate workforce risks
❖ Discuss a minimum of 2 approaches covering both areas; succession and contingency
❖ E.g. – developing talent pools or identifying skills gaps
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q7 – I tend to advertise all vacancies on our organisation’s website, then managers
interview applicants. I would like to consider other recruitment and selection methods.
Could you briefly assess the strengths and weaknesses of these methods as well as one
other recruitment method and one other selection method? (AC 2.4)
❖ Assess strengths and weaknesses of 2 recruitment methods and 2 selection methods
❖ Recruitment methods must include organisation’s websites and selection methods
must include interviews
❖ Ensure you demonstrate a link between the methods used and building effective
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q8 – I am aware employee turnover rates vary from one organisation to another but
what turnover and retention trends exist and what factors influence why people choose
to leave or remain? (AC 3.1)
❖ Examine means to scrutinise the trends – what are the reports/data showing?
❖ Bring in, and reference current, relevant and contemporary trends found from
reputable sources.
❖ Ensure you cover all 3 points:
Turnover trends
Retention trends
Factors influencing why people choose to leave or remain
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q9 – I want to compare different approaches to developing and retaining talent on an
individual and group level? Could you give me some pointers? (AC 3.2)
❖ Compare different approaches to developing and retaining talent.
❖ At least two different approaches.
❖ Cover approaches at an individual and group level.
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q10 – Could you evaluate approaches that an organisation can take to build and support
different talent pools? (AC 3.3)
❖ Evaluate approaches to build and support different talent pools.
❖ Look at positives and negatives of each and form a judgement.
❖ Bring in at least two different approaches, such as, coaching and mentoring,
performance reviews, etc.
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q11 – Could you evaluate two benefits of diversity in building and supporting talent
pools? (AC 3.4)
❖ Evaluate the benefits of diversity in building and supporting talent pools
❖ Bring in current, contemporary sources and trends
❖ You must include two benefits in your answer.
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q12 – I am trying to persuade managers in my organisation to take employee turnover
more seriously but have been unsuccessful. Could you explain the impact associated
with dysfunctional employee turnover? (AC 3.5)
❖ Explain the impact associated with dysfunctional employee turnover
❖ Focus on costs, both formal and informal
❖ These could include recruitment and selection costs, loss of productivity, etc.
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q13 – Could you assess suitable types of contractual arrangements dependent on specific
workforce need? (AC 4.1)
❖ Assess suitable types of contractual arrangements dependent on specific workforce needs
❖ Think about workforce needs first, then what contract would be suitable
❖ Bring in examples from further reading.
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q14 – I have heard there are different types of terms in contracts – surely a term is a term.
Can you differentiate between express terms and implied terms? (AC 4.2)
❖ Differentiate between the main types of contractual terms in contracts
❖ Ensure you are explaining the key terminology
❖ Using examples from further reading could help illustrate the difference.
Task 1 – Written Responses
Q15 – Could you explain the components and two benefits of effective onboarding? (AC
❖ Explain the components and benefits of effective onboarding
❖ A minimum of two benefits of onboarding should be included
❖ Include both components and then benefits in the answer.
End of session
❖ If you have any academic questions throughout this assessment, do not
hesitate to get in touch by clicking on Contact Your Tutor within the
Connect and Communicate section of your course.
5HR02 – Talent Management and Workforce Planning
Unit Guide
Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
Unit Aims and Outcomes ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria …………………………………………………………………….. 4
How To Approach The Unit ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Support …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Assessment Questions and Tips……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Marking Descriptors and Marking Grid …………………………………………………………………………… 19
Submitting Your Assessment …………………………………………………………………………………………. 21
Unit Disclaimer and Updates …………………………………………………………………………………………. 22
Appendix ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23
1. Unit Aims and Outcomes
About This Unit
This unit focuses on the impact of effective workforce planning in considering the development of
diverse talent pools and how to contract and onboard the workforce. It also includes analysis of the
potential cost to the organisation if this is poorly managed and the tools and interventions required
to mitigate this risk.
Unit Information
Unit Credits:
Guided Learning Hours (GLH):
Additional Learning Time:
25 hours
35 hours
Guided learning hours represent viewing recordings, attending live sessions, completing your
eLearning, and support from tutors. Additional learning time includes self-study, research and
assessment preparation and completion.
What You Will Learn
You will extend your understanding of labour market trends and their significance for workforce
planning. You will explain how organisations position themselves and the impact of a changing
labour market on resourcing decisions. You will evaluate techniques to support workforce planning
and explain approaches to succession and contingency planning, assessing the strengths and
weaknesses of different methods of recruitment and selection aimed at building effective workforces.
Additionally, you will examine turnover and retention trends, and compare different approaches to
developing and retaining talent, looking at how organisations build talent pools. Finally, you will learn
about the importance of managing contractual arrangements and onboarding.
2. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Understand contemporary labour
market trends and their signficance
for workforce planning.
Understand the purposse and
importance of workforce planning.
Assessment Criteria 1.1
Explain how organisations
strategically position themselves
in competetive labour markets.
Assessment Criteria 2.1
Analyse the impact of effective
workforce planning.
Assessment Criteria 2.2
Assessment Criteria 1.2
Explain the impact of changing
labour market conditions on
resourcing decisions.
Evaluate the techniques used to
support the provess of workforce
Assessment Criteria 2.3
Explain approaches to succession
and contingency planning aimed
at mitigating workforce risks.
Assesment Criteria 1.3
Discuss the role of government,
employers and trade unions in
ensuring future skills needs are
Assessment Criteria 2.4
Assess the strengths and
weaknesses of different methods
of recruitment and selections to
build effective workforces.
Outcome 3
Understand the purpose and
impact of effective talent
Assessment Criteria 3.1
Examine turnover and retention
trends and the factors that
influence why people choose to
leave or remain.
Assesment Criteria 3.2
Compare different approaches to
developing and retaining talen on
an individual and group level.
Assessment Criteria 3.3
Evaluate approaches that an
organisation can take to build and
support different talent pools.
Assessment Criteria 3.4
Evaluate the benefits of diversity
in building and supporting talent
Assessment Criteria 3.5
Explain the impact associated wth
dysfunctional employee turnover.
Outcome 4
Understand the importance of
managing contractual arrangements
and effective onboarding.
Assessment Criteria 4.1
Assess suitable types of
contractual arrangements
dependent on specific workforce
Assessment Criteria 4.2
Differentiate between the main
types of contractual terms in
Assessment Criteria 4.3
Explain the componenets and
benefits of effective onboarding.
3. How To Approach The Unit
Inside each unit in My Learning, there are tiles to access. These are Plan and Prepare, Learn and Assess.
This is a strategy to allow you to systematically work through the unit. By taking your time and reading
each resource in the tiles, it gives you a greater chance of achieving success.
Each unit has three tiles:
Plan and Prepare
Before tackling the assessment, you should plan how you are going to approach it. Read the
assessment brief thoroughly to make sure you have a clear understanding of the nature of the tasks
to be completed. Then, watch the videos and attend live sessions where possible. Don’t forget you
can ask your Programme Tutor any questions if you are unsure. By completing these activities, you
should have a full understanding of what the brief is asking you to do and how you are going to do it.
Now you have planned how to tackle the assessment, you should complete each Learning Topic and
the Chapters and Activities within them. This is how you will learn the key knowledge and skills
required to complete the assessment. You should carry out further reading to support your work and
attend any Masterclasses running at that time.
Write your assessment as you complete Learning Topics. Keep checking with your Programme Tutor
if you have any questions and don’t forget you can submit a draft (ensuring you follow the draft
We suggest that you follow the stages in order. Always start with the Plan phase first before you
commence your learning and assessment. When you have completed all your learning and written
your assessment, you should begin your preparations to submit it. Check that your work is fit for
submission before uploading into the Assessment Centre.
4. Support
For this unit you will have access to the following support:

Course Site Content
Videos and Live Communications
Contacting Your Programme Tutor
Information around this process can be found in your programme guide and on the course site.
Course Site Content
Access My Learning and work through the Plan, Learn and Assess tiles.
You should read the assessment brief, use this guide for support and then
work your way through each learning topic writing your assessment as you
go. Don’t forget to carry out further reading to support your work.
Videos and Live Communications
If you feel you have a question or want to seek further advice, you should
watch the video walkthroughs and attend live sessions.
You can also post in forums. Your programme tutors will check this each
day, so you won’t have to wait too long for a response to your queries.
Contact Your Programme Tutor
Contact your Programme Tutor via Connect and Communicate.
Your Programme Tutor is a subject matter expert and can provide you
with expert advice around the assessment, knowledge of HR and L&D
theory and how you can practically apply that in your assessment and
5. Assessment Questions and Tips
Assessment Type
Style of Writing
Word Count
CIPD Insight Links
Written Responses to
Professionals – Answers
supported with Harvard
3,900 words (+/10%)
A word document with front cover
sheet attached and signed.
Workforce Planning (2021)
Workforce Planning Guide (2018)
Assessment Questions and Tips
Answer the below questions in your assessment. They have been taken directly from the Assessment Brief which you can find in Plan and Prepare.
You work for a large organisation that has just completed a restructure of its people function. You work in the resourcing team having previously
specialised in employment relations. Your new manager is an experienced resourcing specialist and is delivering a webinar at a forthcoming CIPD branch
event. The event is popular, with many bookings made. When participants make a booking, they are asked to include questions they would like answers
Your manager is keen to develop your knowledge of talent management and workforce planning and has asked you to prepare full written answers to
the 15 questions the participants have raised. The questions are varied, and you want to impress your new manager with your answers as well as your
ability to independently research any areas you are unfamiliar with. The questions will be answered during the webinar, so it is important your answers
are focused, clear and concise.
Assessment Criteria
Assessment Question
Indicative content
Assessment Guidance
Explain how organisations
strategically position
themselves in competitive
labour markets.
How can organisations
strategically position
themselves in competitive
labour markets?
Competitor analysis,
strengths and weaknesses
of competitors’ employee
experience; organisational
positioning including the
characteristics of an
employer of choice;
attitudes to reward and
culture; employer
branding; organisational
image, ethics and
You should explain the practical steps organisations take
to position themselves in competitive markets.
Some mention of competitor analysis should be included
as well as other key factors. You could consider employer
branding, employer of choice, etc.
You could draw on examples from further reading to
demonstrate where organisations have strategically
positioned themselves in competitive labour markets.
Explain the impact of
changing labour market
conditions on resourcing
Discuss the role of
government, employers
and trade unions in
What is the impact of
changing labour market
conditions on resourcing
What is the role of
government, employers
and trade unions in
Changing labour market
conditions: differences
between tight and loo