CIPD- Level 3 professional Certificate


Follow the instruction in the document. Avoid plagiarism, finish on time, accept any modifications, add references using APA style. follow the word count instructions and resubmission criteria. Please contact me if you have any questions or need more information.

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Wordcount Guidance
Jan 2023
What is the wordcount?
There is a stated wordcount for each assessment brief per unit. All wordcounts
include a +/- 10% which means if the wordcount is 4000 words, you also have
another 10% which is 400 hundred words – so this means your work can be
between 3600 – 4400 words
In order to ensure a fair process for all learners the CIPD have provided a policy
which is applied to all learners – please note you can find the policy in the help
centre on the Hub or by clicking here
What is and is not included in the wordcount?
Included Yes/No
Title page
Contents page
Titles/sub titles
In-text citations
Tables that include numbers
Tables that include text/narrative
Reference list/bibliography
What happens if I exceed the wordcount?
If your total work exceeds or is below the stated wordcount on the brief +/-10%
your attempt will be skipped and not marked. You will be notified by email and
asked to re-upload in the same area once you have carried out the required
This is NOT a fail as your work has not been graded, you DO NOT lose one of your
three attempts
If you receive an email advising you, your work has been skipped due to
wordcount, next steps and guidance is detailed on the email so please ensure
you read through this carefully.
How does this impact resubmissions?
All attempts, including resubmissions must adhere to the
wordcount policy. Therefore if you receive any fails/refers and
are required to provide amendments these MUST be included in
the overall wordcount or your work will be skipped
How do I keep to the wordcount for resubmissions?
1. Focus only on the assessment criteria which has been failed (these are the only criteria the
marker will review)
2. Decide which parts of the assessment criteria answers were correct and still relevant (you can
find this in the marker feedback)
3. Provide a new heading in your work for the AC that you are amending and prepare your new
answer, which MUST be completed in a different coloured font – use the word count from your
failed answer to gauge how many words you have to complete the amended criterion answer
4. Copy and paste any relevant parts of your previous answer underneath your new heading
5. Read through the action points provided by the marker and add those amendments to your
new answer
6. Once you have done this ‘strikethrough’ your previous answer – DO NOT DELETE
*please see example on next slide*
AC 3.1 Change management
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a situation of rapid change and disruption for organisations and an ongoing
response to
need to respond and adapt: changing their focus, expanding or contracting their activ ities and rethinking their
platforms, products, and serv ices. This change was significant in terms of its near univ ersal impact, but other driv ers of
change also create uncertainty, for example the period following the UK’s decision to leav e the EU – see our Brexit
hub. In the wake of the pandemic, financial pressures, corporate scandals and greater public scrutiny, organisations
are dev eloping a more balanced v iew of their stakeholders, and taking account of a greater range of considerations
(beyond financial) in making decisions. Meanwhile, technology is driv ing new forms of employment relationship and
fundamentally changing the way businesses operate.
AC 3.1 Change management – resubmission 1
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a situation of rapid change and disruption for organisations and an ongoing
need to respond and adapt: changing their focus, expanding or contracting their activ ities and rethinking their
platforms, products, and serv ices. In this context, organisations need to introduce and manage change to achiev e
organisational objectiv es, maintaining the commitment of their people, both during and after implementation. Often,
at the same time, they must also ensure that business continues as usual.
So it’s v ital to consider carefully the way any change is managed, and those doing it are properly supported. While
each change situation is unique, there’re still some common themes that will help giv e the change process the best
chance of success.
Hints and tips
✓ Ensure you are answering the question/assessment criteria and not including unnecessary
information eating away at your word count i.e., if you are asked to evaluate, jump straight in
– do not provide words on description
✓ Utilise practical examples as much as possible to support your knowledge and understanding
rather than lots of quotations
✓ If you are using quotations, remember these are to underpin YOUR knowledge and words not
to replace them
✓ Shorten titles by using the topic…for example; rather than the whole question “Drawing on your
reading, explain one theory or model which examines organisational culture AND interpret one theory
or model which examines human behaviour. (AC 2.1) ” ; you could shorten to “Organisational culture
and human behaviour 2.1”
✓ Do not place answers into the appendices to avoid being counted – appendices are for supportive
documentation only
Task 1:
AC 1.1 Explain each stage of the employee life cycle and the role of the people professional
in it.
In the employee lifecycle, initiation involves recruitment and hiring, where People
Professionals (PP) attract talent. Onboarding follows, where PP plays a pivotal role in providing
guidance, and information, and fostering a positive employee experience. Career development,
performance management, and progression planning are central to the growth stage, with PP
facilitating skill enhancement and ensuring alignment with organizational goals (Lee et al., 2019).
Exit strategies encompass the departure phase, managed by PP to ensure a smooth transition,
gathering insights for continual improvement, and preserving a positive employer brand.
Throughout, PPs maintain open communication, offer support, and contribute to a cohesive
employee-employer relationship by addressing employee needs and organizational objectives.
Establishing and fostering an employee experience that fosters long-term commitment,
achievement, and high levels of employee engagement should be ingrained as a perpetual attitude
inside your organization. Instead than seeing employee engagement initiatives as isolated
interventions only implemented during periods of poor morale, the employee life cycle model
conceptualizes engagement as a deliberate and integrated experience that is ingrained throughout
the whole trajectory of each person inside the organizational context. The employee life cycle
model is designed to incorporate all phases of an employee’s tenure inside an organization,
organizing this trajectory into a structured framework that offers distinct engagement strategies for
each stage the person progresses through. For instance, in the event that an organization has a
commendable and captivating recruiting approach, however experiences elevated levels of
employee attrition, it would be prudent for them to direct their attention towards the retention phase
inside their Employee Life Cycle (ELC) framework. This would enable them to devise an
appropriate remedy for the aforementioned concern.
The employee life cycle model has a striking resemblance to the conventional customer
journey, a similarity that is purposefully designed. The fundamental premise behind the
development of an employee life cycle plan is the recognition that the experience of employees
has equal significance to that of customers. Numerous prominent firms lack a comprehensive
understanding of the significance of employee engagement, since they prioritize customer
satisfaction and see employee engagement initiatives as transient endeavors rather than an
enduring corporate philosophy. To effectively use the talent inside your organization, it is essential
to convert engagement data into valuable insights across all management tiers. This will enable
workers to acknowledge their contributions to the firm, hence fostering engagement and
facilitating overall success.
Why should the employer provide a job description?
Employers must furnish job descriptions for clarity, align expectations, and foster
transparent communication. Job titles, working conditions, and responsibilities set clear
expectations. Defining purpose aligns individual tasks with organizational goals. Specifying
reporting structures ensures a transparent hierarchy for effective communication. Job descriptions
aid legal compliance, preventing discrimination in hiring and promotions (Acquisti & Fong, 2020).
They attract suitable candidates, contributing to retention. Clearly outlined responsibilities serve
as a basis for fair performance evaluations. Overall, comprehensive job descriptions are essential
for a fair, transparent work environment, legal adherence, and aligning individual roles with
organizational objectives.
As previously said, the presence of a well-crafted job description may effectively set clear
expectations for both workers and employers. Job descriptions provide workers with a clear
understanding of their roles and responsibilities, enabling them to enhance their work efficiency
(Acquisti & Fong, 2020). Moreover, it offers a framework to guarantee that the responsibilities are
being executed by the employee, therefore establishing objective standards by which the employer
may evaluate the employee’s performance. In addition to assuring the fulfillment of objectives,
proficiently crafted job descriptions also enhance employee responsibility. Employers possess the
ability to enhance their capacity to enforce accountability among workers with regard to the
demands, expectations, performance, and decision-making associated with their respective
positions, all while maintaining a comprehensive comprehension of the necessary prerequisites. In
the event that the job description lacks specificity, workers may encounter situations where they
are required to do duties that are incongruous with their designated function. Moreover, businesses
may have difficulties in effectively addressing employee performance and identifying areas for
development when there is a lack of clarity on the specific responsibilities and requirements of the
job. A well-crafted job description eliminates ambiguity for workers, leaving no room for
uncertainty about their employers’ expectations (Acquisti & Fong, 2020). This mutually beneficial
arrangement establishes a framework that guarantees the fulfillment of obligations and
responsibilities by all parties involved.
Feedback: Marker’s feedback:
AC 1.1 Fail
Kholud, you have clearly referred to different stages of life cycle and provided an overview of the
employee lifecycle. You have further discussed in detail why should employer provide a job description
which was not relevant for this section. As per the requirement, you were expected to provide
examples of the role of people practice professionals within at least three stages of the employee
Please revisit this section to ensure the inclusion of a brief overview of all six stages of the employee
life cycle. Additionally, provide examples of the role of people practice professionals within at least
three stages. Consider using sub-headings for each stage to ensure comprehensive coverage.
Please avoid any unnecessary detail and consider more focused answer.
As a development point, you have utilized 716 words just for this section out of the total word count of
1500 for task 2. A more concise and focused answer would have allowed you to allocate word count to
other sections lacking detail.
AC 1.2 Explain different ways in which you can prepare information for specified roles.
To prepare information for specified roles, utilize diverse methods such as job analysis,
interviewing incumbents, and consulting with department heads. Job analysis involves assessing
tasks, skills, and qualifications. Interviews with current employees offer insights into day-to-day
responsibilities. Collaborating with department heads ensures alignment with organizational
objectives. Additionally, leveraging industry benchmarks and researching market trends helps
tailor role requirements (Ioannides & Loury, 2004). Integrating these methods ensures a
comprehensive understanding, facilitating the creation of accurate and relevant information for
specified roles.
Feedback: Marker’s feedback:
AC 1.2 Fail
In this section you have given a brief overview of the job analysis however as per the requirement of
this criterion, you were expected to also explain the purpose and key content of a job description and
person specification. Some of the content used in the earlier section could be used here to address this
Please revisit this section and ensure you also provide explanation of purpose and key content of a job
description and person specification.
AC 1.3 Explain different recruitment methods and when is it appropriate to use them
Recruitment methods vary, encompassing internal and external approaches. Internal
methods, like promotions or transfers, are apt when seeking talent within the organization,
fostering loyalty and motivation. External methods, such as online job postings or recruitment
agencies, are effective for accessing a broader talent pool and specific expertise (Lee et al., 2019).
For the case study at Techsolutions Inc. Corporation, employing online job postings suits the
expansion needs by attracting external candidates efficiently. Simultaneously, internal promotions
align with the company’s growth culture, recognizing and nurturing internal talent. The
appropriateness of each method hinges on factors like organizational culture, urgency, and the
desired skill set, ensuring a strategic and tailored recruitment approach.
In the case of Techsolutions Inc. Corporation, the strategic use of online job postings can
effectively attract external candidates and expedite the expansion process. By leveraging online
platforms, Techsolutions Inc. can reach a wider audience and tap into a diverse talent pool,
increasing the chances of finding individuals with the specific skills and expertise needed for
growth. Simultaneously, internal promotions within the organization can reinforce the company’s
growth culture and cultivate a sense of loyalty and dedication among existing employees.
Recognizing and nurturing internal talent through promotions not only motivates employees but
also fosters a sense of stability and continuity within the organization. By considering factors such
as organizational culture, urgency, and desired skill sets, Techsolutions Inc. can craft a customized
and effective recruitment strategy that aligns with its expansion goals.
Feedback: Marker’s feedback:
AC 1.3 Fail
You have provided sufficient explanation for using job postings and why it is appropriate to use this
method. While you have referred to recruitment agencies, there is not enough explanation for this
method. Additionally, you have discussed internal promotions; however, they are not considered as
recruitment methods.
Please revisit this section and ensure you provide an explanation of one more recruitment method
including when it is appropriate to use your selected method.
Task 3:
AC 3.1 Explain the importance of work-life balance within the employment relationship and
how it can be influenced by legislation.
Employees must have a balance of work and normal daily activities at home. The balance
has a great bearing on employee health and motivation resulting in employee satisfaction and
productivity. Legislation plays a pivotal role in shaping this balance, ensuring fair treatment
(Kelliher et al., 2018). The Working Time Regulation 1998 and the Working Time Directive 2003,
for instance, establish limits on weekly working hours and provide rest periods, safeguarding
employees from excessive demands. The Employment Rights Act 1996 safeguards employee
rights, including leave entitlements, reinforcing the importance of time away from work. Minimum
wage legislation contributes to economic well-being, preventing exploitation. These regulations
collectively promote a healthy work-life balance, recognizing its importance not just for
individuals but for sustaining a motivated and productive workforce.
Furthermore, organizations themselves play a crucial role in fostering a healthy work-life
balance for their employees. Implementing flexible work arrangements, such as remote work
options or flexible schedules, can empower employees to manage their work obligations alongside
their personal lives. Encouraging employees to take regular breaks, vacations, and engage in selfcare activities also contributes to their overall well-being and prevents burnout.
Moreover, promoting a culture that values work-life balance and recognizes the importance
of personal time can enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty. When employees feel supported
in achieving a healthy balance between work and their normal daily activities, they are more likely
to be motivated, engaged, and productive in their roles.
In conclusion, achieving a proper work-life balance is crucial for employee health,
motivation, satisfaction, and productivity. Legislation, such as the Working Time Regulation 1998,
the Working Time Directive 2003, and the Employment Rights Act 1996, establishes the
framework for fair treatment and time away from work. Simultaneously, organizations can
contribute by implementing flexible work arrangements and fostering a supportive culture. By
prioritizing work-life balance, both legislation and organizations can create an environment that
nurtures a motivated and productive workforce while safeguarding the well-being of employees.
Feedback: Marker’s feedback:
AC 3.1 Fail
You have demonstrated reasonable knowledge and understanding of work-life balance and the
importance of work-life balance within the employment relationship.
You have also referred to relevant legislations however as per the requirement you need to provide
brief overview of the ALL regulations relevant to work-life balance i.e. holidays, rest periods, working
hours, night working.
Please revisit this section and provide a brief overview of the ALL regulations relevant to work-life
balance i.e. holidays, rest periods, working hours, night working.
AC 3.3 Summarise the main points of discrimination legislation
Discrimination legislation encompasses protections against direct discrimination, where
individuals are treated less favorably based on specific characteristics, and indirect discrimination,
which occurs when seemingly neutral policies disproportionately affect certain groups.
Harassment, unwelcome conduct based on protected characteristics, and victimization, the
mistreatment of individuals for asserting their rights, are also addressed (Collings et al., 2018). For
instance, in the employment relationship, direct discrimination may be evident in hiring decisions
or promotions. Indirect discrimination could occur through policies that disadvantage specific
groups. Harassment might manifest as a hostile work environment, impacting mental health.
Victimization could be observed when an employee faces retaliation for reporting discrimination.
Discrimination legislation ensures fair treatment throughout the employment lifecycle, fostering
an inclusive and equitable work environment.
The legislation prohibits acts of discrimination based on many characteristics, including
age, handicap, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and motherhood,
race, religion/belief, sex (gender), and sexual orientation. This manifestation of prejudice is less
overt and might occur inadvertently. Indirect discrimination is a phenomenon that arises when an
entity implements a policy, rule, or practice that seems applies universally, however in reality, it
disproportionately disadvantages a certain group of individuals who possess a legally protected
feature. Indirect discrimination may manifest in instances when certain criteria, such as a certain
height requirement or a prerequisite of extensive prior job experience, are imposed as conditions
for eligibility to apply for a particular position. If the organization is unable to provide a valid
justification for the height/age requirement, it may be seen as engaging in discriminatory practices
against a certain demographic that has challenges in meeting this condition.
Victimization occurs when an individual is subjected to differential treatment due to their
involvement in making an accusation of or providing support for a claim of prejudice. The scenario
may include an individual presenting substantiating information in support of a discrimination
accusation or lodging a formal grievance pertaining to discriminatory practices. Instances of
victimization might include scenarios in which a worker, after filing a complaint of discrimination
against their employer and continuing to be employed, experiences social exclusion as a result.
The justification for discrimination may be warranted if an organization can demonstrate that the
policy or obligation it seeks to enact is applied uniformly to all individuals. There are instances in
which it may be deemed legally permissible to engage in discriminatory practices, such as when
an organization seeks to preserve its authenticity or dignity. However, caution should be used in
this matter, since it is very uncommon for such a stipulation to be deemed justifiable.
Feedback: Marker’s feedback:
AC 3.3 Fail
You have demonstrated good understanding of the discrimination legislation including direct
discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment, and victimisation. However, as per the
requirement you were expected to also provide at least two examples of the impact during the
employment relationship.
As a development point, you may have also referred to the relevant legislation i.e. Equality Act 2010.
You should also avoid the repetition and consider more focused answer.
To fully meet this criterion, you must also provide at least two examples of the impact during the
employment relationship. Such as (but not limited to) retention, morale, reputation.
Additional instructions:
Overall Strengths:
The formats for all tasks are in line with the assessment brief, and professionally formatted.
You have clearly utilised both the course study material as well as the tutor support material and
guidance and this has resulted in some good answers that address the question and command words
Task 3 skills assessment – you prepared for the recruitment interview well, and devised a good person
specification and shortlisting matrix with which to shortlisting candidates.
Your work was produced in line with the word count requirement of the brief.
For development:
Where your answers could have been stronger is where you could have drawn on and applied some of
the concepts and theories from your course study material.
Additionally, evidencing wider reading and workplace examples would have gained further marks too.
To ensure effective word count management, it is crucial to pay attention to the command verbs used
in each criterion. These verbs provide guidance on the level of detail required for each response,
helping you strike the right balance between providing sufficient information and staying within the
specified word count limit.
Please ensure to consume the full word count allocation; you can consume up to 10 percent above the
mentioned word limit.
Your Turnitin score was 33%, which is largely due to assessment criteria and referencing however to
improve your score, you are recommended to paraphrase the information in your own words.
Please re-submit your work as follows;

Review the feedback provided

Where criteria is marked FAIL there is an ACTION point provided

You only need to action Failed criteria. Please do not delete any text but use the strike through
function for the text that is not relevant and please make any changes in different colour

Please ensure any additional text is highlighted in a different colour font as so.

Please do not delete any words from assessment criteria which have already passed

Re-save work as ‘attempt 2’. Please reach out to tutor if you have any questions or would like
to discuss any criteria.

Please ensure that ALL documents are provided in your second attempt.
For your second attempt you need to ensure your work is still within the word count stated on the
assessment brief

Please refer to the guide in the help centre or guidance in the getting started area
Word count guidance – Avado Learning

Purchase answer to see full