Choose a pathology that alters the normal structure and/or function of the body


Use of AI in any papers or other writing assignments in this program is prohibited, and is considered in violation of the academic dishonesty policy.Paper must have at least two references from peer-reviewed journals. May use a textbook in addition to the two or more other references. paper should be in AMA format. Length of the paper should be at least 6 pages: 1 cover page, 1 (or more) reference page(s) and a minimum of 4 full pages of content. Papers should be your original writing, and not be more than 20% citation. Anatomy & Physiology is the study of the normal structure and function of the body. When either or both of these are altered from normal, a disease state exists. Choose a pathology that alters the normal structure and/or function of the body. In your paper, explain what the disease is and how it causes alteration of the normal cellular body structure and/or function. Also include what populations are most affected. Describe the signs and symptoms of the disease. Explain how the disease is diagnosed; include any imaging studies, blood tests, procedures or other modalities used in diagnosis. Discuss how the disease is treated (medically, surgically, etc.) and what the prognosis is for this particular disease.

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Choose a pathology that alters the normal structure and/or function of the body
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