Chicanos history


The historical collision between the western (Europe) and non-western (the Americas) worlds
has resulted in contests, negotiations, adaptations, and resistance, to name a few, where the
formation and institutionalization of power is concerned. Utilizing lectures, the assigned reading,
and assigned videos, please write a minimum five page (double spaced, 12 pt. font) summary
essay in response to the following prompt. Per the evaluation rubric provided below, your essay
will be evaluated on the basis of your ability to make statements in response to the prompt,
substantiate those statements with evidence from course material along with citations, and
provide analysis of the issues addressed.
Prompt # 2
Address ways in which the pre-contact world was altered after contact with Europeans and after
experiences of conquest and colonization. Things to consider: Identify, define and discuss the
significance of colonial practices and institutions. How did these affect gender, race, and class
positionality and relations? Was this imperial expansion simply a conquest and imposition of
ideals? Or, was this experience more of a negotiated process between Spanish Mexicans,
Americans and indigenous people? Draw examples from course material to substantiate you

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Chicanos history
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