CHI 10 – Chicano Studies 10 Final


Chicana/o Studies 10 Winter 2024 Final

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Instructions: Respond to the prompt and follow these directions carefully.

This is a take home final exam. The exam consists of one C-L-I Chart and one essay. Both must use quotations from, and properly cite, the corresponding readings with page numbers. Use spell check and edit for grammar as they will count in the grading of your paper.

The final is due to be uploaded to Canvas no later than 3:30 pm Thursday March 21st. Your paper should be uploaded as a Microsoft Word Document or PDF (no Pages) and submitted in the Canvas Assignment Portal. Save your document with the following title: full name-CHI10 Final.

The papers will engage deeply with the course readings to develop and support your thesis. Outside sources will not be needed or accepted for this paper. All sources must be included in the bibliography.
The papers will be concise and thoughtful. It will have a solid thesis with thoughtful analysis and proper citation of sources and a bibliography that follows MLA format.
The papers should stay within the page limit, excluding your bibliography.
The papers will be double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman (1″ margins).
If you do not know MLA or do not own an MLA style guide you can view the style guide at the following website:…
The final asks that you engage the readings through the method by which we are learning about Chicana/os and other people of color: the historical interaction between Capital, Law, & Ideology and explain how they work together. Therefore, the final exam will be in two parts. The first is a detailed CLI chart that you have used this quarter to track the readings, lectures, and visual texts. The second is an explicative essay explaining how a racial subject is produced in/through history utilizing your specific chart.


Provide a detailed C-L-I chart in which you specifically name the relevant forms of Capital (economic goods/conditions), Law (legislation, enforcement, etc.), and Ideology (ideas/language/images) that were used to racialize Chicanos in the 20th, and 21st century.

Each complete row should contain connected forms of C-L-I per racial subject. Each complete column should contain a total of four full citations per category. You should address 4 of these racial subjects- zoot suitor, chicano soldier, interned Japanese, bracero, brown berets, chicano students, undocumented migrants.

Remember, each input should have the author, page number of article, a quote, and its relevance. For example: (Harris, pg. 1734, “A key decision defending the right of conquest was Johnson’s and Graham’s Lessee vs McIntosh” This law providing a legal defense of conquest and colonization, which meant force could be used to uphold taking land from Native people.)


Complete a minimum 5 Paragraph essay with an Introduction and Conclusion & at least 3 Body Paragraphs. Your introduction should have a clear thesis statement, and your conclusion should reinforce that thesis statement after you present your evidence in your body paragraphs.

The central concern of this course is to better understand racial difference and production of a racial subject in the US as emerging out of the afterlives of conquest. Throughout the course we have discussed, (via Harris), that racial difference is constructed through law and capital and (via Zinn) that capital and ideology are related in the prevailing construction of history that has been taught in the US to obscure or deny racial violence and dispossession in its understanding of itself. For the second half, we have been interested in how 20th century racialization built on racial projects of the 19th century, and how our contemporary conditions have been shaped by the 20th century.

Therefore, explain how and why did Chicanas/os continue to be produced as racial subjects in the emergence of the American West (California in particular) through the relationship between capital, law, and ideology. Consider the historical accounts of acts of legal and extra-legal violence, capitalist transformations of the California economy and landscapes, and racial panics that took place across the twentieth century. Your essay should therefore flow chronologically, with a paragraph dedicated to tracing Chicano/a racialization in the 1930/40s (Zoot Suitors/Interned Japanese), 1950/60s (Braceros/Brown Berets, LA Students), and 90s/00s (Undocumented Migrants/Transnational Border Communities).

Please do not use any outside sources, and I want this essay focused on Zoot Suitors, Braceros, and you can choose whatever is easer for the last one. As for the CLI chart, that can be done first in order to assist you in the essay. I would need 4 examples instead of three. I will give you an example of my midterm. Please try and keep the style the same. There is a chart in the slides that I gave that gives an example of the things that are considered for the CLI chart in the time period that my final is on. I will be sending more reading after since it doesnt allow me to post any more

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