Chemistry Question


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Lab 7 Precipitation Reactions
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Lab Report Format Expectations
Utilize college level grammar and professional formatting when completing this worksheet.
Report all equations in a proper mathematical format, with the correct signs and symbols.
Pre-Lab Questions”
1. What is percent yield and why is percent yield important to the field of chemistry?
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2. What information would you need to calculate a percent yield?
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3. Research some common precipitation reactions online and list two, here.
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4. Why is atomic mass significant to calculating percent yield?
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Lab 7 Precipitation Reactions
Introduction Questions
1. In this experiment, you will test to see if the calcium ion is present in solution. How will you
know if this is the case?
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2. Under what conditions do precipitates form during a chemical reaction?
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3. What chemicals do you add to the test tube in Step 1 and Step 2 of this experiment?
a. Step 1: Click here to enter text.
Step 2: Click here to enter text.
Lab 7 Precipitation Reactions
Data and Observations
Below, insert a photo of your test tube as soon as you mix the two chemicals together, before the
precipitate forms. Your name must be included in the background for credit.
Below, insert a photo of your test tube after the reaction has completed. The precipitate must be clearly
visible in the photo for credit on this lab. You must also include your name in the background of the
Lab 7 Precipitation Reactions
Lab 7 Precipitation Reactions
1. Below, describe what you observed throughout the course of the reaction. Be specific.
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Results and Discussion
1. In your own words define and describe the reaction that occurred.
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2. Write the reaction equation that took place, below. Ensure that you note the state of the
compounds where appropriate.
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3. Suppose you didn’t know that the original solution contained the calcium ion. From your results,
how can you know that it did in fact contain calcium?
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4. What is the difference between Ca and Ca2+? They are both calcium, but what makes them
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5. What is the chemical name (not the formula) for the precipitate formed during the reaction?
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