Chapters 19 & 20 Discussion


In your initial post, between 800 & 1000 words (worth 10 points):
Talk about ONE thing in EACH chapter that you found interesting and or surprising? I will provide you with one thing from each chapter.

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Be specific. Think about how what you talk about is connected to the historical time period. In other words, what else was going on and why is that important to what you are discussing? Be sure to include what the event, document, person, etc. is.

Where did this take place?

When? What else was going on?

What did you take from all this and why do you think it is important to U.S. history?

Use quotes from Foner and or the power point to support your discussion.

Focus your discussion.

Re-read it before you post so that you know that you are saying what you want to.

How to get a good grade on this assignment:

Use specific examples from the textbook or power point
Be specific. Refer to things by their name, event, or a document, such as a law or contract, so we know what you are talking about.
Tell us why you found it interesting or why it surprised you.
In your response posts, pay attention to what your classmate is talking about and include examples. Say more than, “Good post, I agree with you.” That might be a good start but response posts are a good place to expand on ideas or thoughts you and your classmates have made———-
After your initial post, respond to at least TWO of your classmates. (worth 10 points). I will provide you with my classmates post afterwards very shortly.

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Chapter 19 , Page 753
Chapter 19 cont, Page 754
Chapter 20 , Page 815
Chapter 20 cont, Page 816

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