Chapter 4. The Aegean


This week we will be looking at art work from the Aegean, a group of islands in the eastern Mediterranean Sea that had trade relation ships with the Near East, Ancient Egypt, Greece and nations/tribes in the western Mediterranean Sea. Another words these people where contemporaries. For the most part there is no written history of these people. The artworks remain to tell their story a best as possible.

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The video lecture is long. Pause it when you need to and restart it when you want. Watch the entire video lecture. As an experiment I included the quiz. at the end or the lecture. I am not sure it works as well so I also posted a link to the quiz as a separate video.

1. Read Chapter 4.

2. Watch the video lecture.

3. Watch or read any supplemental material

4. Take and submit the quiz.

Below is the link to the video lecture:

The Aegean – Chapter 4. Links to an external site.

Below is the Quiz video.

Quiz . Chapter 4. The Aegean Links to an external site.