Chapt 2 review AVIA4070


Answer the following questions. Sources must be cited in APA format.

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Chapt 2 review AVIA4070
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What are the primary objectives of an airport’s public relations process?

What types of formal training and education programs exist for current and future airport managers?

Who established the first airmail service in the United States? How long did it last?

What was the primary purpose of the Kelly Act?

What was the primary purpose of the Air Commerce Act of 1926?

How did the Bureau of Air Commerce become established?

When did the federal government first give financial support for the development of airports? Why?

What was the overriding purpose of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938?

What was the difference between the Civil Aeronautics Board and the Civil Aeronautics Administration?

What was the purpose of the Federal Airport Act of 1946?

What were some of the provisions that had to be adhered to before federal aid was granted under the Federal-Aid Airport Program?

What was the main concern of the aviation industry that led to the Federal Aviation Act of 1958?

What was the purpose of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966?

What are some advantages of the user charge/trust fund approach?

How did the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 affect the airport system in the United States?

What is the purpose of the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979?

What was the primary purpose of the Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1987?

Why were Passenger Facility Charges (PFCs) finally approved by Congress? List some of the provisions under the Aviation and Capacity and Expansion Act of 1990 pertaining to PFCs.

What is the State Block Grant Pilot Program?

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AVIA 4070
Chapter 3-2
Acts of 1976
and 1978
• Signed by President Jimmy Carter
• End to the economic regulation of the airline
• Allowed for more competition and freedom
• Hubs and Spoke routes – creating short routes
that feed into airport hubs allowing for more
flights and passengers
• Smaller airports felt the affects the most with
the decrease in one-way flights
The Airport
and Airway
Act of 1982
After the Airport and Airway Improvement
Act expired in 1980, congress had to relook
at its role for funding projects at airports
The grant program funding was reduced with
smaller airport suffering the most as big
airports expanded
Should large airports benefit from the grant
Established the operation of a
new airport and airway trust fund
Increased the tax on fuel
Created a grant called Airport
Improvement Program
National Plan of Integrated
Airport System (NPIAS)
Created a security research and development
program intended to defeat the threat of
terrorism and criminal acts targeting aviation.
The Aviation
Act of 1990
Signed by President George H. Bush
Result of two major terrorism attacks on Pacific
Southwest Airlines in Dec. 1988 killing 43
Attack on Pan American Airlines in Dec. 1988
killings everyone on board

The Aviation
Security Act of
“Permanent and aggressive steps to improve the
security of our airways” said President George W.
Funding came from surcharge on air carrier
passenger’s tickets of $2.50 per flight
Today its $5.60
Act of
Established the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Customs and Border Protection
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Secret Service
Coast Guard

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