Change Theories Project


You will create a PowerPoint slide presentation (not an APA paper) for this assignment. Submit your assignment through Canvas for grading for this module. If you do not submit a PowerPoint slide presentation you will not receive credit for this assignment.

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Change Theories Project
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Each student will produce a plan for implementing a change project in nursing departments throughout the organization. You will begin by selecting one of the options provided in module one and propose a change to solve the problem. If you do not select one of the provided options you will not receive credit for this assignment.

3 topics are (choose one to write about)

Nursing Shortage

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 28 million nurses worldwide. Yet that number still isn’t high enough for patient numbers and needs. As a result, there is a global shortage of nurses, and 6 million more jobs are needed to be filled by 2030 to meet healthcare requirements for all patients and their needs.

These numbers are predicted to continue to rise throughout 2023 as well. Many of the baby boomer generations are near retirement age, COVID-19 stunted new potential nurses from gaining education, and as nurse burnout increases, more nurses are leaving the healthcare field. The ramifications of COVID-19 and the global nursing shortage are felt throughout healthcare and will continue to be felt for the next few years.

You are the chair of a task force that has been challenged to come up with strategies to not only recruit new nurses to your hospital but also retain the current staff. Please create a presentation to present to your hospital leadership on the changes needed to make this happen.

Travel Nurses

The last few years showed how much society needs traveling nurses to meet shifting demands. We saw thousands of nurses pour into COVID-19 hot spots to support the surging patient volumes.

Travel nursing as an industry grew 30% between January and August of 2021. The lure of higher compensation amounts, travel opportunities, and a chance to work in different work environments has influenced the major jump in traveling nurses. With more nurses traveling around the country to help new patients, more nurses have been increasingly interested in the profession, keeping this trend around for years to come.

“The good part of travel nursing is that when there’s a natural disaster or there are very irregular levels of demand, hospitals can use travel nurses to sort of patch up the gaps,” Patricia Pittman, a professor of health policy and management at the School of Public Health at George Washington University, said. “The bad side of travel nursing is that it becomes an excuse to not invest in your regular nursing staff. It’s a double-edged sword.” Kelly Rivera-Craine, a business agent for Teamster Local 332 and an RN at Ascension Genesys Hospital in Michigan, said offering bonuses to travel nurses but not staff members—who have remained loyal to their employers throughout the pandemic and amid staffing shortages— is a “slap in the face.” (Advisory Board, 2023)

According to Pittman, many staff nurses are being driven away due to frustrations stemming from working conditions and staff shortages, along with pay disparities between staff and travel nurses. You have been assigned as the chair of a task force to decrease the use of travel nurses in your facility from 25% to 10%. Please develop a presentation that describes not only why travel nursing should be decreased but also the possible consequences of not having travel nurses.

Self-Care for Nurses

Nurses are trained caregivers, yet they sometimes forget about themselves. Self-care is a planned activity to provide for our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Lack of self-care can lead to errors, fatigue, and burnout, which comes at a high cost to patients, nurses, and the healthcare organization. The stress of the pandemic and the increase in workloads have made many nurses put self-care even further on the back burner. During times of increased stress, self-care should increase, not decrease. As more research and data come out about the physical and mental strain of nursing, healthcare leaders worldwide are taking the initiative to acknowledge and treat self-care as an actual responsibility. It’s time for nurses and the facilities they work for to make self-care a top priority. Self-care can look different for every nurse and should be centered on their specific needs. A self-care plan should be specific, measurable, achievable, action-oriented, and time-sensitive. You have been tasked with creating a self-care program for your bedside nurses.

Then you will select one of the change theories you have studied that models how you want to implement the proposed change:

3 change strategies (choose one to apply with the topic chosen above)

Power-Coercive Strategies

Power-coercive strategies are based on the application of power by legitimate authority, economic sanctions, or political clout. Changes are made through law, policy, or financial appropriations. Those in control enforce changes by restricting budgets or creating policies. Those who are not in power may not even be aware of what is happening. Even if they are aware, they have little power to stop it. Health care reform legislation, is an example of power-coercive strategy by the federal government.

Power-coercive strategies are useful when a consensus is unlikely despite efforts to stimulate participation by those involved. When much resistance is anticipated, time is short, and the change is critical for organizational survival, power-coercive strategies may be necessary.

Empirical–Rational Model

In the empirical–rational model of change strategies, the power ingredient is knowledge. The assumption is that people are rational and will follow their rational self-interest if that self- interest is made clear to them. It is also assumed that the change agent who has knowledge has the expert power to persuade people to accept a rationally justified change that will benefit them.

The flow of influence moves from those who know to those who do not know. New ideas are invented and communicated or diffused to all participants. Once enlightened, rational people will either accept or reject the idea based on its merits and consequences. Empirical–rational strategies are often effective when little resistance to the proposed change is expected and the change is perceived as reasonable.

Well-researched, cost-effective technology can be implemented using these strategies. In- troducing a new technology that is easy to use, cuts nursing time, and improves quality of care might be accepted readily after in-service education and a trial use. Using bar codes to match medications to patients is another example.

The change agent can direct the change. There is little need for staff participation in the early steps of the change process, although input is useful for the evaluation and stabilization stages. The benefits of change for the staff and research documenting improved patient out- comes are the major driving forces.

Normative–Reeducative Strategies

In contrast to the rational-empirical model, normative–reeducative strategies of change rest on the assumption that people act in accordance with social norms and values. Information and rational arguments are insufficient strategies to change people’s patterns of actions; the change agent must focus on noncognitive determinants of behavior as well. People’s roles and relationships, perceptual orientations, attitudes, and feelings will influence their acceptance of change.

In this mode, the power ingredient is not authority or knowledge, but skill in interpersonal relationships. The change agent does not use coercion or nonreciprocal influence, but col- laboration. Members of the target system are involved throughout the change process. Value conflicts from all parts of the system are brought into the open and worked through so change can progress.

Normative–reeducative strategies are well suited to the creative problem solving needed in nursing and health care today. With their firm grasp of the behavioral sciences and communica- tion skills, nurses are comfortable with this model. Changing from a traditional nursing system to self-governance or initiating a home follow-up service for hospitalized patients are examples of changes amenable to the normative–reeducative approach.

In most cases, the normative–reeducative approach to change will be effective in reduc- ing resistance and stimulating personal and organizational creativity. The obvious drawback is the time required for group participation and conflict resolution throughout the change process. When there is adequate time or when group consensus is fundamental to successful adoption of the change, the manager is well advised to adopt this framework.

You will conduct a SWOT analysis and develop a comprehensive action plan.
You will create a PowerPoint presentation of your plan with a “script” in the Notes section below
each slide, as if you are presenting this to an audience. Your script must be in the Notes section
that is below each slide within your PowerPoint presentation. See the Resource tab for
examples. These will be your speaker notes as if you are presenting your PowerPoint to an
audience. You MUST have a notes section for your slides. There will be a 50 point deduction
if your notes are not below each slide.

During and after your work, you will examine the types of communications, decision-making
processes, and processes you use, and comment upon those in the last part of the “script.”
1. Select and utilize a change theory model to implement the proposed change (chapter 5)
2. Analyze the leadership roles and management skills necessary to implement a new
3. Identify your decision-making process.
4. Demonstrate the elements of the change process

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N4455 Nursing Leadership and Management
Change Theories Project
Note: You will create a PowerPoint slide presentation (not an APA paper) for this
assignment. Submit your assignment through Canvas for grading for this module. If you do not
submit a PowerPoint slide presentation you will not receive credit for this assignment.
Overview: Change Theories Project
Each student will produce a plan for implementing a change project in nursing departments
throughout the organization. You will begin by selecting one of the options provided in module
one and propose achange to solve the problem. If you do not select one of the provided
options you will not receive credit for this assignment. Then you will select one of the
change theories you have studied that models how you want to implement the proposed change.
You will conduct a SWOT analysis and develop a comprehensive action plan.
You will create a PowerPoint presentation of your plan with a “script” in the Notes section below
each slide, as if you are presenting this to an audience. Your script must be in the Notes section
that is below each slide within your PowerPoint presentation. See the Resource tab for
examples. These will be your speaker notes as if you are presenting your PowerPoint to an
audience. You MUST have a notes section for your slides. There will be a 50 point deduction
if your notes are not below each slide.
During and after your work, you will examine the types of communications, decision-making
processes, and processes you use, and comment upon those in the last part of the “script.”
1. Select and utilize a change theory model to implement the proposed change (chapter 5)
2. Analyze the leadership roles and management skills necessary to implement a new
3. Identify your decision-making process.
4. Demonstrate the elements of the change process.
Use this rubric to guide your work.
©2018 University of Texas at Arlington
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N4455 Nursing Leadership and Management
Assignment: Change Theories Project
Assignment: Change Theories Project
This criterion is
linked to a Learning
This criterion is
linked to a Learning
8 to >6.0 pts
Target: Clear statement of a
scenario (problem) and
proposed change and
rationale Clear statement of
change theory model to be
6 to >5.0 pts
Statement of a
proposed change
Statement of theory
model addressed
5 to >0 pts
No statement of a proposed change No
statement of theory model Not an approved
topic (Refer to module 1 for a list of
approved topics) 5 points if no note section
12 to >10.0 pts
Clear identification of the
strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats
associated with
implementing or failing to
implement the proposed plan
10 to >8.0 pts
Description of some
potential strengths,
opportunities and
threats associated
proposed plan
8 to >0 pts
Missing description of viable strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, or threats
associated with proposed plan Not an
approved topic (Refer to module 1 for a
list of approved topics) 8 points if no note
This criterion is
linked to a Learning
OutcomeAction Plan
40 to >32.0 pts
Each of these components addressed in
detail • Change Theory Model • Steps
and processes • Communication plan •
Leadership styles • Management
functions • Budget requirements/
implications • Steps to assure staff
compliance • Evaluation Formatted
correctly as PowerPoint slideshow for
stakeholders with script in Notes
©2018 University of Texas at Arlington
32 to >17.0 pts
Each of these
addressed generally
(See list under
slideshow for some
audience and script
in some slides
17 to >0 pts
Some components addressed
minimally or not at all PowerPoint
slideshow not written as a script
and/or not recorded in the Notes
sections (0-5 pts) Not an approved
topic (Refer to module 1 for a list
of approved topics) NO POINTS
TOPIC 17 points if no note section
Page 2 of 4
N4455 Nursing Leadership and Management
Assignment: Change Theories Project
This criterion is
linked to a Learning
OutcomeDecisionMaking Process
This criterion is
linked to a Learning
This criterion is
linked to a Learning
15 to >14.0 pts
Analysis of the decisionmaking process used by the
group, including
processes and what you
would change in the future
15 to >14.4 pts
At least 3 references
to professional
literature, with
correct APA citations
14 to >9.0 pts
General analysis of the
decision-making process used
by the group, including
processes or what you would
you change in the future
14.4 to >6.0 pts
At least 2 references to
professional literature,
with mostly correct
APA citations
10 to >9.0 pts
Full Marks
Professional, appropriate
appearance with no spelling or
grammar errors; designed with
appropriate use of color,
graphics, and fonts. Up to 5
points will be deducted if images,
pictures, graphics, direct quotes
used are not cited.
©2018 University of Texas at Arlington
9 to >0 pts
Some components addressed
minimally or not at all PowerPoint
slideshows not written as a script
and/or not recorded in the Notes
sections (0-5 pts) Not an approved
topic 0 points (Refer to module 1
for a list of approved topics) NO
APPROVED TOPIC 17 points if no
note section
6 to >0 pts
6 to >0 pts Unacceptable One reference to
professional literature, with correct APA citation Not an approved topic (Refer to module 1 for a
list of approved topics) 5 points if no note section
9 to >5.0 pts
One or more spelling or
grammar errors; design
missing graphics and/ or
inappropriate fonts,
unprofessional in
5 to >0 pts
Design or grammar/spelling errors
prohibit reading or understanding
content and if images used are not
cited. Content unorganized and
lacks professionalism NO POINTS
Page 3 of 4
N4455 Nursing Leadership and Management
Assignment: Change Theories Project
Total Points: 100
Action Plan (Pivotal portion of project)
Your plan will include at least• Supporting rationale for implementing the new program.
• Steps and processes necessary to assure staff compliance.
• Ways in which you will communicate your plan.
• The change process you have chosen with an explanation of how and why this model
was selected.
• A definition of the leadership style you expect to be most effective.
• What management functions you will utilize.
• Any budget requirements/implications.
• The advantages and disadvantages of using a work group vs. sending an e-mail
announcing the change.
• A plan for how you will handle noncompliance, late majority, laggards, and rejecters.
• Specifications regarding how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your proposal.
You are expected to use current professional references to support your work throughout. At
least two of your references must be from separate professional nursing management journals.
Project Presentation
Your presentation should be constructed as follows:
You will open a new PowerPoint presentation and save it to your computer desktop or other
storage device with the filename: N4455_ YOURNAME. In the actual file, YOURNAME should be
replaced by your name.
The presentation should include slides with the script in the Notes section of each slide. This
script reflects what would be said at an oral presentation of the change proposal to key
stakeholders. The slides should be created as followsSlide 1:
Title Slide – Title and Your Name
Slide 2:
Introduction with chosen
Change Theory
Slide 3:
SWOT Analysis
Identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats associated with
implementing or failing to implement the proposed plan.
Slides 4-14:
Action Plan
Discuss the details of the implementation plan. Demonstrate the application of
theory to the specific decisions and recommendations.
• Change theory model
©2018 University of Texas at Arlington
Page 4 of 4
N4455 Nursing Leadership and Management
• Steps and processes
• Communication plan
• Leadership styles
• Management functions
• Budget requirements/implications
• Steps to assure staff compliance
• Evaluation
Slide 15:
Decision-making process
Analyze the decision-making process used. What was effective or ineffective and
what would you change in the future? (Note-Your slides should be indicative of
what would be used in the presentation to the stakeholders, and the script in the
Notes section should describe to the stakeholders how you arrived at decisions.
Then, also in the Notes, describe in parentheses the effective and ineffective
methods or situations involved in your work. You would probably not go into such
details in your presentation to stakeholders!)
Slide 16:
Throughout: Minimum of three APA references, correct APA format, spelling, and grammar
©2018 University of Texas at Arlington
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