ch. dev 002


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ch. dev 002
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You will have the opportunity interview 2 different Educators in the field of Child Development that hold 2 very different positions. This can range from a college professor, to an infant/toddler teacher, to an after school care provider, a nanny, or a school counselor. The goal is to interview 2 people that have jobs you might want in the future. Once you ask them the questions below, you will compare and contrast their roles and analyze which position would better suit your skill set.

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(50 Points)

Educator #1

Background Information:
Years in the field:
Questions to ask Educator #1:
How would you describe your role within the field of education?
What encouraged you to select your specific job?
What has been the most challenging part of your job?
What has been the most fulfilling part of your job?
How did you get the position you currently have?

Educator #2:

Background Information
Years in the field:
Questions to ask Educator #2
How would you describe your role within the field of education?
What encouraged you to select your specific job?
What has been the most challenging part of your job?
What has been the most fulfilling part of your job?
How did you get the position you currently have?

*The questions below should be answered by YOU independently of the 2 educators you interviewed for this assignment.
Follow-up Reflective Questions:
List what interests you about each of their jobs in the field.
List what concerns you about their jobs in the field.
Which job do you feel best suits your skills, passions and interest? Why?
Which job are you most interested in obtaining in the future? Why?