Case study analysis


Case Analysis

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Case study analysis
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Facts – Write a brief synopsis of the case facts

Who were the persons involved? Suspect/Defendant & Victims) (include name, race, gender, and age)
Where did the incident occur? State, City, Location (outside, college, business, residence,
When did the incident occur? Time & Day (Month, day, year)
What occurred? List crimes: Assault, battery, murder, robbery, etc.
What weapon(s)/item(s) were used to commit the crime, if any?
Is this a misdemeanor or felony?
What is the relationship between the suspect/defendant and victims)
What was the outcome of the incident? Immediate arrest, admission, interrogation, search, death of victim(s), injured victims), trial, etc.

Procedural History – Outline the history of the case.

Which court does the case fall under, in regard to jurisdiction?

If the case has gone to trial, what was the decision?

If the opinion was written by a higher court, did the lower court issue the decision following a court trial, jury trial, or motion for summary judgment?
If the case has not gone to court, what are the pending charges?

Issue – Identify the issue(s) of the case.

Do not assume there is only one issue. For example, if you are reviewing a case about a party who has been injured, the issues reviewed may include:

Issues of liability – injuries, death, sexual harassment, sexual assault, etc.

Burden of proof to establish liability Statute of limitations.

Rule – List the relevant rule(s) of law that the court identifies. Each case will give a discussion of the

ist the state statutes that are related to this crime

Make sure you are utilizing the correct state and year when searching for the statute.

Application – This section discusses how the facts interplay with the relevant rule(s) of law. The deciding court typically spends time explaining how it applied each law to the facts to reach its final decision(s).

Discuss the actus reus, mens rea, and concurrence

Describe the state statutes that are related to this crime. Defend your answer of the statutes

What is the minimum or maximum sentence for the crimes) committed?

Conclusion – What was the final outcome? This discusses the result of the application/analysis of the law to the tacts used to resolve the issues. The conclusion is known as the court’s holding or


What did the court conclude? What was the sentence? Were there any concurrent or consecutive sentences? Was there time spent? Did the judge or jury notate the sentence?

Personal Perspective

Do you think the sentencing was fair? Explain your answer

Do you believe that there were issues in the case that should have been discussed the could have altered the outcome of the case?

If the case is awaiting trial, what do you think the charges will be in the case?
How do you think the outcome will fair out? Guilt, Not Guilty, Acquittal, or Mistrial?
What are your thoughts on the case in regard to the criminal justice system? Was justice served?