Case analysis


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BA5012 – Management, Ethics & Theory
Prof. Robert Earhart
Fall 2023
FINAL ASSIGNMENT: “Management Ethics & Theory”
DUE 17 December 2023, before noon
We have covered an extensive number of theories and cases through the course. Your final paper is to
create a 10-15 page essay (approximately 2000-2500 words) that reflects on our course in a meaningful
This final assignment is designed to assess your understanding and engagement with the concepts,
theories, frameworks, and materials that we have covered during this course. How you structure your essay
is up to you, as is the degree of personal reflection that you wish to include. What your essay is “about” – in
the end – is also entirely up to you. Do you simply relate the information on the checklist, or do you construct
a narrative the ties it all together? This is up for you to decide.
Essay Criteria
Your essay must incorporate the following aspects:
o Usage or reference to at least three ethical theories or frameworks that we have covered in the
SAGE reading.
o You should make use at least three, in any context, but you can also include more.
o “Theory” includes any framework that we have covered in class that attempts to offer a way
of interpreting or understanding meaning (and is not limited only to ethical theory from our
second lecture).
o Refer either in reference to or in content relating to four of the cases that we have covered (this can
include any of the final cases assigned and yet to be covered).
o A consideration of Object Oriented Ontology (Harman) related in any fashion to other elements in
your essay.
o A discussion of Morton (Hyperobjects) related to any of the other criteria or made somehow relevant
in your overall essay narrative.
o At least one reference to Jackall (Moral Mazes). You should look at some sort of organizational
ethical problem in this context.
o A reference or references to Jones, Parket & Ten Bos (For Business Ethics). You should consider
some of the theories and concepts that are covered in the book or the discussion in class in relation
to the text.
o A reference to at least one of the articles that has been offered as a supportive reading for one of the
facilitated cases that your group was not responsible for presenting.
o A reference to A Dress Rehearsal: Strategizing Sustainability in a Post Covid-19 World or
Hypermanagement: Experiencing Complexity
o References to at least three other sources (texts, films, videos, articles, whatever) that were not
covered in the course and that you have selected yourself based on your own research for this
o Optional: A reference to the Ministry for the Future.
o Some degree of personal reflection must be present. You can come up with your own form of
personal reflection, but some questions to consider may include:
o What are your own personal values in relation to the content of the course, the cases, and
the materials that you have studied?
o What specifically, is your ethical position on your chosen topic and the materials that you are
o What would you do if you were placed in some of the same case contexts that we have
o How have your own values been confronted by our work in this class?
o What you perceive to be the salient (ie. noteworthy) parts of the course and the content that
we have covered. What grabbed you? Did you disagree with any of our course material? Did
anything strike you as brilliant (or stupid)?
To help you organize, here is a list of the cases that we have covered, or will cover, in the course:
FALL 2023 – BA5012 – Management, Ethics & Theory – American University of Paris, Prof. Robert Earhart

A Costly Train Journey A & B (in class)
Fiji Water Carbon Neutral
Dieselgate – Volkswagen Group
Goldman Sachs, Ethics and the Financial
Vodafone in Egypt: National Crises
Kitchen Best Corruption & Cross-Boarder
International Lobbying and the Dow
Chemical Company

Patagonia: The Earth is Now Our Only
Sanlu’s Melamine-Tainted Milk Crisis in
Suicides at France Telecom
Mental Health Services for Survivors of
Sexual Violence Congo
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Enron-Innovation Corrupted
BP and the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
Final Cases…TBC
Essay Narrative
One of the struggles you will face is how to put together an essay that meets the criteria above. Some of you may
opt to work through the criteria list like a checklist, focusing more on hitting the points of content in your essay,
rather than worry about the narrative and overall organization of your work into a coherent stream of thought. While
this is acceptable, I would like to encourage you to find a narrative thread or metaphor to make this essay your own
personal story of theory, management and ethics offering a clear demonstration of what you have learned in the
course. Is there a current event that you want to use as the primary context? Is there an experience you have had
that you can use the above criteria to explore in a new way? Is there a hypothetical future that you can create using
our course material as context? The more creativity you use to develop your narrative thread, the more interesting
the project will be to for you work on. (It will also be more interesting for me to read. I really do prefer to read
interesting things.) Honestly, I would rather you try and fail at establishing a central narrative than to simply check
the criteria off of the list, but it is your essay to write as you see fit. Along these lines, you might also want to
consider if you want to write in the first person or try to stick to more formal third-person constructs. As addressing
your own ethical position and values in this essay is a requirement, if you choose to write exclusively in the third
person, then you will need to frame your position within that context.
Word Count & Length
The essay should be 10-15 pages (approximately 2000-2500 words, double spaced depending on your chosen
font). You may come under or exceed this limit if you feel it necessary, but if you have less than 1500 words, it is
highly doubtful that you covered the assignment in any meaningful way. Likewise, if you thoughtlessly try to knock
off the essay criteria and do not show an understanding of what has happened in this course, and are not able to
create a coherent narrative around that, then you haven’t really done a good job on this assignment and your mark
will reflect that.
This project will be graded based on five factors: (1) the mastery of the material that you display in your project; (2)
the coherence of your narrative and arguments; (3) your inclusion of sources from required readings and your own
research in support of your arguments and narrative; (4) the quality and depth of your personal reflections in
support of your essay; and (5) the overall quality and organization of your essay narrative.
Please submit the essay to SafeAssign no later than 12.00 (noon) on 17 December. Late essays will not be
accepted, so please submit them on time. A good essay is the done essay, and a perfect essay will never be done!
I suggest you target an earlier date and time if possible. I will not be able to extend the deadline, so please plan the
time to work on your project while proactively keeping your other obligations in mind. It is best that you finish this
essay before final exams begin. If you can complete the essay by 11 December, I can have your essay score back
to you before you present your final cases during our final exam period on 14 December. Likewise, I strongly
encourage those of you who are travelling around the 16th to submit the assignment before you leave to avoid
problems with internet connectivity or travel disruptions.
Please submit your assignment on the SafeAssign link in Blackboard. Use only .doc, .rtf or .pdf format for your
papers. Other file formats may not work with the submission system. Please cite your sources using APA, MLA or
Harvard citation method and include a bibliography and citations for all sources.
Good luck!

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