Capstone Revisions


Attached is the paper requiring revisions with added references. It’s crucial that you thoroughly review the comments. Additionally, I’ve included a sample paper demonstrating the desired writing style specified by the professor. Please incorporate the necessary revisions, and don’t forget to include the client recommendations section following the discussion on cultural barriers for implementation (details provided below). Add table of content for sections I’ve already included in APA format Provide three to five recommendations for a client as to how to effectively apply the author’s work to an organizational intervention or initiative.Include modifications to the author’s recommendations that reflect your analysis of the gaps between theory and practice and address them (with citations).Add this text to the narrative portion of your Annotated Bibliography under the heading “Client Recommendations.”

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Cultural Barriers
Thesis Statement
In ‘The 5 Levels of Leadership,’ John C. Maxwell emphasizes that fostering meaningful
interpersonal connections is pivotal for effective leadership. Prioritizing relationship-building
skills and emotional intelligence, as underscored by Maxwell, becomes a critical pathway for
significantly increasing leadership effectiveness. Recognizing emotional intelligence as essential,
leaders can enhance their capabilities, ultimately contributing to heightened organizational
effectiveness and cultivating a more impactful and successful leadership approach.
Integrated Summary
Collectively, the six papers represent an in-depth and multi-faceted analysis of the
complex relationship among leadership, emotional intelligence, interpersonal relationships, and
organizational functions. The authors employ an integrated methodology of empirical studies, a
combined literature review, and long-term analyses to provide a more comprehensive perception
of what effect leadership has at different levels on the engagement of employees, team
productivity, trust, and the overall culture in a workplace.
The pioneering article by Lis et al. (2015) emphasizes the critical role of leadership,
mainly middle managers, in developing positive interpersonal relations in an organization. It
highlights the empirical evidence supporting the remarkable effect of leadership behaviors on
organizational achievements and employees’ well-being. It highlights the importance of
leadership in developing interpersonal networks. The article by Coronado-Maldonado and
Benítez-Márquez (2023) adds other components such as emotional intelligence, leadership, and
work teams. The systematic analysis shows that emotionally intelligent leadership delivers
Cultural Barriers
positive outcomes regarding team behaviors and business outputs. Thus, it underlines the essence
of the emotional component of leadership. This, in turn, creates a conducive environment for
effective team dynamics and leadership efficiency.
The work of Wilson and Cunliffe (2021) goes further in the theory as they try to
empirically evaluate the role of trust in developing and disrupting leader-member relations. This
study indicates the complex, dynamic, and reciprocal nature of these relationships, thus
reaffirming the centrality of trust to both interpersonal relationships and leadership practices.
Mazzetti (2019) introduces the concept of psychological capital and demonstrates how engaging
leadership gives everyone a positive psychological state, increasing organizational outcomes.
The quantitative study by Bracht et al. (2021) on self-awareness, self-efficacy, and self
leadership provides evidential proof that leaders’ self-related attributes are very significant
regarding team dynamics and team leadership emergence. This article demonstrates that a leader
should be self-aware and be able to develop team leadership qualities. The final study by Willett
et al. (2023) on the role of leadership communication in developing a culture that promotes
respect in the workplace discloses the indirect effects of leadership on employee engagement and
well-being through the mediating effects that respect, and resilience have on them. This study
gives us the facets of the role of communication in building a good organizational culture.
Taken as a whole, these articles contribute to a well-rounded understanding of
leadership’s role in directing organizational mechanisms, interpersonal relationships, and
supporting employees. They accentuate the value of emotional intelligence, trust, appropriate
leadership behaviors, self-awareness, and good communication skills in building a working
atmosphere that benefits everyone and uplifts them. Beyond the divergent insights of leadership,
the review increases our knowledge that leadership is complex in outcomes. Thus, it demands
Cultural Barriers
that leaders develop diverse competencies and behaviors that can support positive organizational
and employee development.
Ethical Issues
John C. Maxwell’s “The 5 Levels of Leadership” offers a structured approach to
leadership development, yet it elicits ethical concerns, especially across diverse and crosscultural
dimensions. First, the model inherently suggests its universality, which does not allow one to
perceive cultural variations in leadership practice. To illustrate, the relevance of this standing
might not be in unison with other cultures where leadership is perceived as a communal or
collective activity. Secondly, there is an issue of overlooking the systemic biases and barriers that
could prevent individuals from underrepresented groups (e.g. racial or ethnic minorities, women,
LGBTQ+, or people with disabilities, etc.) in ascending these leadership levels. Such oversight
could accidentally support existing disparities within organizations. Thirdly, the emphasis on
individual leadership development may underestimate the significance of structural and
institutional changes required to achieve diversity and inclusivity, which could mean the
resulting model has weaknesses in terms of building an environment based on such principles.
The resolution of these ethical issues depends on the incorporation of a culturally aware
and inclusive approach into the leadership model. Recommendations comprise making leaders’
levels in compliance with the cultural differences in leadership styles and values and offering
leadership development opportunities without discrimination based on identity or background.
This could include specific mentorship programs, bias training, and policies that endeavor to
promote diversity at top management and leadership levels (Cox, 2022). Additionally, the model
should take a systemic perspective, which considers and tackles institutional barriers that hinder
Cultural Barriers
equity and inclusion. This allows the model to be more generally applicable, and the leaders
trained through it will not just be effective in their roles but also advocates for diversity, equity,
and inclusion within the organization.
Cultural Barriers To Implementation
Cultural barriers prevent organizations from cultivating a supportive leadership culture
and clear communication channels for emotionally intelligent, influential leaders. Mervat (2018)
detailed the mediating role of psychological safety and the correlations between supportive
leadership and employee job satisfaction and behavior. Authoritarian leadership and unclear
communication can hinder collaboration, decision-making, and organizational effectiveness.
Authoritarian Leadership
Authoritarian leadership, with its inherent emphasis on control and hierarchy, serves as a
significant cultural barrier to interpersonal and emotionally intelligent leaders in the workplace
(Johnson et al., 2019). Johnson et al. (2019) found that leaders who operate in an authoritarian
setting usually put their power ahead of developing deep relationships and are not sensitive to the
feelings of their subordinates. This inflexible framework stifles dialogue, teamwork, and
empathy, impeding the growth of emotionally intelligent leaders who cherish human connections
and try to comprehend the viewpoints and emotions of others. Additionally, employees under
authoritarian leadership frequently develop a sense of fear and resentment, which makes it
difficult for emotionally intelligent leaders to build a culture of trust and a positive work
environment where people feel free to express themselves, make valuable contributions and have
a sense of pride for the success of the company (Johnson et al., 2019). The establishment of
significant interpersonal relationships and emotional intelligence in leaders should be valued and
encouraged by the organizational culture.
Cultural Barriers
Unclear Communication
Another barrier to emotionally competent leadership is unclear communication practices.
Developing meaningful interpersonal connections and emotional intelligence requires effective
communication channels within the organization as leaders can openly communicate their
intentions, expectations, and concerns to their team members and gain respect and followership
(Uhl-Bein et al., 2014). The role-based perspective describes the importance and emphasis of
f ollowers fulfilling prescribed roles and adhering to hierarchical organizational structures with
trust and admiration (Uhl-Bein et al., 2014). Furthermore, these channels enable feedback loops
that let managers take in suggestions from their staff and modify their strategy as necessary. The
organization lays the groundwork for developing trust, teamwork, and emotional intelligence by
establishing clear communication channels for the fulfilment, job satisfaction and enjoyment of
their staff and leaders’ positions.
The ADKAR model is a framework for addressing organizational challenges such as
resistance, communication barriers, and lack of understanding during change initiatives (Goyal et
al., 2018). By focusing on Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement, the
ADKAR model provides managers with a structured approach to effectively manage change
(Goyal et al., 2018). Creating an environment where all team members feel comfortable sharing
their thoughts, opinions, and concerns is the first and most crucial step in fostering open
communication. Leaders should promote communication and attentive listening in order to
enhance company viewpoints and advance an inclusive culture. Second, they can encourage
more collaborative leadership styles by giving authoritarian executives leadership training that
Cultural Barriers
emphasizes empathy, emotional intelligence, and effective communication techniques (Uhl-Bein
et al., 2014). Establishing consistent performance reviews and feedback channels can help
leaders and staff communicate positively and promote ongoing development. Organizations are
more likely to create a more conducive environment for effective communication, trust-building,
and overall organizational success by addressing both the structural and cultural aspects of poor
communication and authoritarian leadership.
Analysis of Maxwell (2013)
1. Leadership, particularly behaviors exhibited by middle managers, plays a crucial role in
shaping positive interpersonal relationships within organizations, impacting
organizational performance and employee well-being.
2. This article supports John C. Maxwell’s emphasis on the importance of leadership in
building interpersonal connections by providing empirical evidence that middle
management’s attitudes and behaviors significantly influence the quality of these
relationships within organizations.
3. Yes, it found support for the thesis statement.
4. This article is important for highlighting empirical evidence that leadership at different
levels distinctly impacts interpersonal relationships within organizations.
5. The source was helpful in providing empirical evidence on the impact of leadership on
interpersonal relationships.
6. A strength of the source is its empirical approach, combining quantitative data with expert
insights to analyze leadership’s impact on interpersonal relationships.
Cultural Barriers
7. A weakness is its limited sample size and geographical focus on Poland.
8. Compared to other sources, this study uniquely combines questionnaire data and Delphi
panel insights to explore leadership’s role in fostering positive organizational
9. The article appears objective, utilizing a methodological approach to investigate the
influence of leadership on interpersonal relationships without bias.
Analysis of Coronado-Maldonado (2023)
1. The article systematically reviews and analyzes literature on the relationship between
emotional intelligence, leadership, and team performance, highlighting the positive
impact of emotionally intelligent leadership on team dynamics and business outcomes.
2.This article supports John C. Maxwell’s emphasis on the importance of emotional
intelligence in leadership for fostering meaningful interpersonal connections, directly
correlating with the thesis statement.
4.It provides empirical support for the significance of emotional intelligence in enhancing
leadership effectiveness and fostering meaningful connections within teams.
5.The source was helpful because it consolidates a wide range of research findings,
showing the consistent impact of emotional intelligence on leadership and teamwork.
6.The strength of the source lies in its comprehensive and systematic review of literature
across two decades, offering a broad perspective on the subject.
7.A weakness might be its reliance on previously published studies, potentially limiting
the inclusion of the most recent findings beyond its coverage.
Cultural Barriers
8.Compared to other sources, this article provides a more systematic and extensive
review of the interplay between emotional intelligence, leadership, and teamwork.
9.The article appears objective, as it systematically reviews literature from various
sources and employs both quantitative and qualitative analyses to support its findings.
Analysis of Wilson et al. (2021)
1.The study highlights the significant role of trust in the development and disruption of
leader-member relationships, emphasizing the complex, dynamic, and reciprocal nature
of these relationships over time.
2.This article supports John C. Maxwell’s emphasis on the importance of building
interpersonal connections for effective leadership by demonstrating empirically the
critical role of trust in developing and maintaining these connections.
3.It provided support for the thesis statement.
4.This article is critical for illustrating the empirical evidence of how trust influences the
dynamics of leader-member relationships.
5.The source was highly helpful because it provides empirical insights into the role of
trust in leader-member relationships.
6.A strength of the source is its longitudinal qualitative approach, offering in-depth
insights into the development of leader-member relationships over time.
7.A weakness is its focus on a specific context (UK high-tech start-ups), which may limit
the generalizability of the findings.
8.This source provides a unique longitudinal and qualitative perspective compared to
other sources that may rely more on cross-sectional or quantitative methods.
9.The article appears objective, as it employs a qualitative, inductive approach.
Cultural Barriers
Analysis of By, R. T. (2021)
1. The findings show strong correlations, demonstrating the value of active leadership in
improving team performance and employee well-being, which correlates with
interpersonal relationships and leadership.
2. This article investigates the role of team engagement in shaping interpersonal
relationships within the context of positive organizational potential, which correlates with
John C. Maxwell’s ‘The 5 Levels of Leadership’ on fostering meaningful interpersonal
3. This longitudinal, multi-level study explored the influence of leadership on employee
engagement and team effectiveness, considering the mediating role of personal and team
resources. The findings of this article contribute valuable insights to understanding the
dynamics between leadership, employee engagement, and team effectiveness over time,
which is crucial in supporting my thesis.
4. This article is crucial to my Capstone Project as it sheds light on the intricate dynamics of
engaging leadership at both individual and team levels. The findings reveal that engaging
leaders, perceived as inspiring, strengthening, and connecting, have a direct and indirect
impact on employees’ work engagement by fostering psychological capital. The
identification of psychological capital, encompassing self-efficacy, optimism, resiliency,
and flexibility, as a mediator emphasizes the critical role of leaders in shaping employees’
positive psychological states.
5. I found this source extremely helpful.
Cultural Barriers
6. The source is strong because it uses a good research method, including advanced
statistical analyses, to study the impact of inspiring and supportive leaders on individual
and team performance.
7. The article’s weaknesses include potential limitations in generalizability, as the study
focuses on a specific context or organization, limiting the applicability of findings to
different settings and organizational departments.
8. The article is objective because it starts by pointing out issues in previous research and
then presents its investigation on how individual and team resources relate to engaging
leadership. It uses a scientific approach with statistical modeling, and the conclusion
suggests practical ways to improve employee motivation through leadership training.
Analysis of Bracht et al. (2021)
1. Leaders can promote the development of leadership qualities in the team/group setting.
According to Bracht et al. (2021), leaders significantly influence the development of their
2. This relates to my thesis statement as it highlights the influence and power leaders wield
in the organization.
3. I found support in the article for the role of leader self-awareness, self-efficacy, and
selfleadership in leadership development, though it raised questions about the application
of these findings across different organizational contexts.
4. This article is crucial to my Capstone Project because it provides evidence on the positive
effects of leader self-awareness, self-efficacy, and self-leadership on team development
and satisfaction.
Cultural Barriers
5. The source was highly helpful because it offered quantitative evidence supporting the
theory that leader self-attributes significantly impact team dynamics and leadership
emergence, providing a solid foundation for my thesis argument.
6. The strengths of the source include its use of a large and diverse sample through the
Kantar online panel, the application of structural equation modeling for hypothesis
testing, and its focus on the interplay between leader self-awareness, self-efficacy, and
7. The weaknesses of the source are primarily its broad sample population that might not
account for specific organizational, cultural, or industry-related variables, potentially
limiting the generalizability of its findings.
8. Compared to other sources, this article uniquely contributes quantitative data and a
comprehensive analysis of how self-related leader characteristics influence team
9. The article appears objective, given its reliance on quantitative data and statistical
analysis to test hypotheses.
Analysis of Lis et al. (2015)
1. Leadership communication significantly contributes to fostering a culture of respect
within the workplace, which in turn positively impacts employee engagement and wellbeing,
although it does not directly relate to engagement and well-being but has a negative
relationship with occupational resilience.
2. This article aligns with the thesis that effective leadership communication is crucial for
creating a positive organizational culture.
Cultural Barriers
3. The findings support the importance of respectful workplace culture; however, the
negative association with occupational resilience prompts further investigation.
4.This article is important for illustrating the indirect effects of leadership communication on
employee outcomes through respect and resilience.
5. The source was helpful in understanding the nuanced role of leadership communication in
employee well-being.
6.Strength: Addresses the indirect effects of leadership communication on key employee
outcomes. Weakness: Lacks direct evidence linking leadership communication with
employee engagement and well-being.
8.Compared to other sources this article focuses more on the mediating role of respect and
resilience in the leadership communication-outcome relationship.
10. Appears objective, based on its empirical approach and analysis of specific relationships
within the workplace.
Analysis Cox (2022)
1. The Telos Leadership Lens (TLL) and the importance of purpose in leadership, arguing
that leadership should be a collective pursuit to deliver on purpose, guided by internal
goods like the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
2. This aligns with my thesis by emphasizing the importance of purposeful leadership and
its impact on addressing global challenges through effective leadership practices,
highlighting the role of emotional intelligence in achieving such purposes.
3. The article is crucial for my Capstone Project as it expands the discussion on leadership
to include the dimension of purpose, offering a framework for understanding leadership
in the context of global challenges.
Cultural Barriers
4. It is helpful because it provides a new perspective on leadership, focusing on purpose and
collective action, which complements the emotional intelligence aspect of my thesis.
5. Its strength lies in its innovative approach to leadership theory, though its weakness may
stem from a potential lack of practical application examples.
6. Compared to other sources, it uniquely focuses on the concept of purpose in leadership,
offering a fresh lens for viewing leadership challenges.
7. The article appears objective, aiming to contribute meaningfully to leadership discourse
by introducing a new model and lens for understanding leadership, thereby enriching the
debate around effective leadership practices.
Analysis of Sonmez (2020)
1. This study highlights the significant positive impacts of leadership effectiveness and
knowledge-sharing behavior on work performance, firm strategy, and firm performance.
2. It employs statistical analyses to explore these relationships, emphasizing the importance
of knowledge sharing and the role of leadership in fostering organizational success.
3. This source supports my thesis by demonstrating the critical role of leadership in
enhancing organizational effectiveness through effective communication and knowledge
sharing, underpinning the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership.
4. The article is essential to my Capstone Project as it provides empirical evidence linking
leadership effectiveness with organizational success, making it a valuable resource.
5. The source is helpful due to its comprehensive analysis and empirical evidence,
presenting strong arguments for the significance of leadership and knowledge sharing.
Cultural Barriers
6. Its strength lies in the robust methodology and the relevance of its findings to modern
organizational dynamics. However, its focus is more on knowledge sharing than
interpersonal connections, which could be seen as a limitation in the context of my thesis.
7. Compared to other sources, it offers a unique perspective on the importance of knowledge
sharing within leadership effectiveness.
8. The article maintains objectivity through its empirical approach, contributing valuable
insights to leadership and organizational performance discourse.
By, R. T. (2021). Leadership: In pursuit of purpose. Journal of Change Management, 21(1), 30–
Cultural Barriers
Bracht, E. M., Keng-Highberger, F. T., Avolio, B. J., & Huang, Y. (2021). Take a “selfie”:
Examining how leaders emerge from leader self-awareness, self-leadership, and
selfefficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
Coronado-Maldonado, I., & Benítez-Márquez, M.-D. (2023). Emotional intelligence,
leadership, and work teams: A hybrid literature review. Heliyon, 9(10).
Cox, W. T. (2022). Developing scientifically validated bias and diversity trainings that work:
Empowering agents of change to reduce bias, create inclusion, and promote equity.
Management Decision, 61(4), 1038–1061.
Goyal, C., & Patwardhan, M. (2018). Role of change management using ADKAR model: a study
of the gender perspective in a leading bank organization of India. International Journal of
Human Resources Development and Management, 18(3-4), 297-316.
Johnston, E., Kelly, N., & Oliver, F. (2019). Influential Article Review- The Implications of
Authoritative Leadership and Mission Outcomes. Journal of Leadership, Accountability
and Ethics, Suppl.Special Issue, 16(6), 1-22.
Lis, A., Glińska-Neweś, A., & Kalińska, M. (2015). The role of leadership in shaping
interpersonal relationships in the context of positive organizational potential. Journal of
Positive Management, 5(4), 28.
Cultural Barriers
Mazzetti, G., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2022). The impact of engaging leadership on employee
engagement and Team Effectiveness: A longitudinal, multi-level study on the mediating
role of personal- and Team Resources. PLOS ONE, 17(6).
Mervat, M. E. (2019). Supportive leadership, proactive personality and employee voice
The mediating role of psychological safety. [The mediating role of psychological safety]
American Journal of Business, 34(1), 2-18.
Sonmez Cakir, F., & Adiguzel, Z. (2020). Analysis of leader effectiveness in organization and
knowledge sharing behavior on employees and organization. SAGE Open, 10(1),
Uhl-Bien, M, Lowe, R., & Carsten, M. (2014). Followership theory: A review and research
agenda, The Leadership Quarterly, 25(4), 83-104.
Willett, J. F., LaGree, D., Shin, H., Houston, J. B., & Duffy, M. (2023). The role of leader
communication in fostering respectful workplace culture and increasing employee
engagement and well-being. International Journal of Business Communication.
Wilson, J. A., & Cunliffe, A. L. (2021). The development and disruption of relationships between
leaders and organizational members and the importance of trust. Leadership,
18(3), 359–382.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
THESIS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
TRAIT THEORY OF LEADERSHIP …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
CONTRADICTIONS TO TRAIT THEORY ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
COURAGE IN LEADERSHIP …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
MORAL CHARACTER ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
BUILDING MORAL CHARACTER …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
ETHICAL ISSUES………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
COMMUNICATION STYLES …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
LIVING YOUR VALUES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
PERSONAL GROWTH…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
RECOMMENDATIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
CULTURAL BARRIERS TO IMPLEMENTATION …………………………………………………………………… 10
TOUGH CONVERSATIONS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
TRUST ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
CLIENT RECOMMENDATIONS ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
ANCHORING THE NEW APPROACH IN THE CULTURE ……………………………………………………………………… 15
CONCLUSION …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
ARTICLE REVIEW ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 67
Over the past century, leadership has been a focus of research by numerous individuals
trying to better understand the process. Through all the research, many try to boil leadership
down to a simple, easy-to-follow construct that can be taught within a 50-page book or a
onehour lecture. Contrary to the attempts for simplicity, leadership is a sophisticated and
extremely complex process with many theories and approaches (Northouse, 2021).
Research in this complex field has continued as the field is continually developing, and
the definition and theories are continuing to be expanded and improved (Northouse, 2021). After
reviewing the ever-changing definitions, Northouse (2021) defines leadership as a process where
an individual influences a person or group to achieve a common goal. This definition describes
leadership as a process not a trait or characteristic specific to the leader, and it implies that
leadership is a two-way construct where both leader and follower are affected (Northouse, 2021).
This definition opens leadership to everyone rather than as a designation based on positional
authority in a group or organization.
Dare to Lead (Brown, 2018) provides leaders a framework to more courageous
leadership through vulnerability (showing up even when we cannot control the outcome) and
living your values (taking care to align your behaviors to your beliefs). Through this framework,
Brown (2018) provides evidence that great leaders are not born but developed, and she describes
the need to further develop courage in leadership. Though contradictory to the trait theory of
leadership, the framework Brown (2018) describes provides a clear path to effective leadership.
Trait Theory of Leadership
Along with the many definitions of leadership, there are also many theories on
leadership. The trait theory of leadership states that leaders are born, not made (Germaine, 2012).
This theory describes the differences between leaders and others through several traits including
drive, desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, cognitive ability, knowledge of a
business and extraversion (Germaine, 2012). Trait theory focuses solely on the leader and their
characteristics to determine the effectiveness of leaders, but through a qualitative review,
Germaine (2012) identified characteristics shared between leaders and experts including
intelligence, self-confidence, determination or drive and sociability.
Contradictions to Trait Theory
The research by Germaine (2012) identified an overlap in traits between leaders and
experts while also identifying several characteristics of both leaders and experts that may be
learned or developed. While they identified several intrinsic traits of leaders and experts that
may not be taught, they also identified multiple traits that could be developed to improve a
person’s leadership potential indicating a potential gap in the trait theory (Germaine, 2012).
In researching trait theory, further gaps have been id