
This template must be filled out completely and turned into the course instructor. If you need assistance please contact the instructor prior to the due date.

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This template must be approved prior to working on your project or paper.

Please type the following information:






Exploring the Relationship Between Exercise Habits and Mental Health Outcomes in College Students

(Check one)

I have decided to work on: ____ a capstone project

__x__I will be completing this project alone

____I will be working in a group on this project. The names of my group members are:

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please describe your project or paper by answering these questions: Your answers should give the reader the sense that the paper or project is worth doing. (Attach additional sheets as needed) .

1. What are you proposing to study? Or what project do you intend to complete?

2. What is the significance of this study or project?

3. What is your research methodology (e.g., interviews, surveys, etc.) and/or what kind of resources (e.g., cameras, lab equipment, etc.) will you need to complete your project? It is very important to explain how you propose to complete your project. As part of this section, briefly describe the schedule of activities you will engage in to complete your project. If applicable, include a budget with projected expenses and explain their importance to the project.

4. What is it you hope to discover or produce?

5. How will your project further knowledge, understanding, or increase your skills in your discipline?

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This template must be filled out completely and turned into the course
instructor. If you need assistance please contact the instructor prior to the
due date.
This template must be approved prior to working on your project or paper.
Please type the following information:
(Check one)
I have decided to work on:
____ a capstone project
____I will be completing this project alone
____I will be working in a group on this project. The names of my group
members are:
Please describe your project or paper by answering these questions: Your
answers should give the reader the sense that the paper or project is worth
doing. (Attach additional sheets as needed) .
1. What are you proposing to study? Or what project do you intend to
2. What is the significance of this study or project?
3. What is your research methodology (e.g., interviews, surveys, etc.)
and/or what kind of resources (e.g., cameras, lab equipment, etc.)
will you need to complete your project? It is very important to
explain how you propose to complete your project. As part of this
section, briefly describe the schedule of activities you will engage
in to complete your project. If applicable, include a budget with
projected expenses and explain their importance to the project.
4. What is it you hope to discover or produce?
5. How will your project further knowledge, understanding, or
increase your skills in your discipline?

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