Capstone Project


If you have selected the Narrative Statement, use the discussion as a resource for drafting the first section of your statement. Please see attachment for Option 3. Please go over Capstone Timeline attachment very well before you begin. I will provide you with discussion topics once it post.begin to gather your references and save them, any reference used , I might need them.

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Capstone Project
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BHIS 593 Health Informatics Capstone
I. Instructor & Course Details
Spring 2024 – January 8 to May 3
The best way to contact instructors is by email. Your instructor will respond within 24 – 36
Section designation(s): CRN# 37311
Credit hours: 1
Office hours:
– Blackboard class discussion board (students post 24/7/365, faculty reply within 24 hrs)
– By appointment (send an email request for a phone call or zoom meeting)
Blackboard Course Site
Students are expected to log into the course site regularly to learn about any developments
related to the course, upload assignments, and communicate with classmates. For all technical
questions about Blackboard, email the Learning Technology Solutions team at [email protected].
Course Modality and Schedule
This class will have two synchronous sessions which are noted on the published course
calendar/timeline. The first session will be scheduled for the first week of class. This class will
mainly take place asynchronously, meaning this course does not have required synchronous
(live) class sessions for you to attend. Since this is a one credit hour course, you are expected to
devote between 3-5 hours of work to complete the Capstone each week. To meet the learning
goals for this class, you will complete a variety of activities such as: research and write drafts
for papers and other project-based assignments, active participation in online discussion
A course timeline is available under the Course Calendar link in Blackboard and at the end of
this document. This is the official schedule for the course and it includes all deadline dates.
Religious Holidays
At UIC we will make every effort to avoid requiring student projects be submitted on religious
holidays. If you wish to observe your religious holidays, please notify us by the tenth day of the
semester of the date when you will be absent unless the religious holiday is observed on or before
the tenth day of the semester. In such cases, please notify me at least five days in advance of the
date when you will be absent. I will make every reasonable effort to honor your request and not
penalize you. Students may appeal through campus grievance procedures for religious
Academic Deadlines
BHIS 593 Health Informatics Capstone
See the UIC Academic Calendar.
Evaluation Criteria
The Capstone will be evaluated by the Capstone faculty mentor as satisfactory/unsatisfactory
rating, by the deadline dates.
II. Course Information
Course Description and Prerequisite Statement
The BHIS 593 Capstone (16-week) course is required for all master’s degree students. Students
take this as their final, required course in the program. The course is a one credit hour
culminating experience where students complete a final product demonstrating a synthesis of
competencies from the program such as:
– Literature review research paper on a health informatics topic selected by the student.
– Project analyzing a business problem or related to the organization where they work
– Narrative Statement of Competence where they will reflect, discuss and write about their
experiences in the program and the competencies they developed as well as exploring the
HI job market and how their competencies fit with current HI job requirements.
The capstone course helps students to translate what they learned: the knowledge, skills and
professional attitudes, into the role of a health informatician in the work force.
Pre-requisites: Student should be in last 9 credit hours of successfully completing the program.
Growth Mindset:
Course materials and assignments can be complex and challenging, but they are crucial to your
intellectual and personal growth and development. There are times you may need extra help.
Students who attend class consistently, complete all assignments, thoughtfully engage with
feedback on work, develop good study strategies, visit the tutoring center, and contact faculty
when they are struggling can develop a thorough understanding of the course material and
ultimately succeed in the course!
Course Goals and Learning Objectives
BHIS 593 Health Informatics Capstone
Goals and Competencies Gained
All accredited health informatics programs cover these
10 knowledge domains.

F7#1 – Demonstrate the value and application of theories,
models and tools including implementation and adoption
frameworks to mitigate the risks and unintended
consequences of disruptive technology.

F7#2 – Demonstrate the value and application of theories,
models and tools including evaluation frameworks to a
real world health informatics problem.

F8#1 – Demonstrate awareness of and commitment to the practice of professional development,
information literacy, maintenance of skills and professional excellence.

F8#2 – Demonstrate practice and commitment to ethical principles including the AMIA Code of Ethics and
to legal principles including confidentiality, privacy and security of patient and other health data and

F10#1 – Demonstrate application of the methods, concepts, tools and characteristics of leading and
leadership to create vision, bringing a strategic perspective in building a health informatics vision.

F10#2 – Demonstrate behaviors and effective communication to motivate, direct and guide stakeholders,
building collaborations throughout the organization and bringing resources to projects, programs, and
people to accomplish a health informatics vision.
Course Learning Objectives
The capstone course helps students to translate what they learned: the knowledge, skills and
professional attitudes, into the role of a health informatician in the work force.

Complete a final product demonstrating a synthesis of competencies from the program
Create a description of the relationship of the research/project/narrative to the field of
health informatics
Apply the knowledge, skills and professional attitudes (competencies) developed in
other MSHI courses
The capstone meets the F7 AMIA Knowledge Domain and UIC Competency F7#2: “Demonstrate
the value and application of theories, models and tools including evaluation frameworks to a
real world health informatics problem.”
Required and Recommended Course Materials
BHIS 593 Health Informatics Capstone
1. Booth, W. C., Colomb, G. G., & Williams, J. M. (2008). Craft of Research (3rd Edition). Chicago, IL, USA:
University of Chicago Press. ISBN: 9780226065663
paperback ISBN: 9780226062648 ebook
2. American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological
Association (6th Ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. ISBN-10: 1-4338-0561-8 or
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition [Print Replica] or [electronic
3. American Psychological Association (2012) APA Style Guide to Electronic References (6th Ed).
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. ISBN-978-1-4338-0704-6, PDF from
Online access of UIC library is required.
Required Technology
Online students will need regular access to a personal computer that runs on a broadband
Internet connection. Please contact ACCC to request and borrow a laptop or be assigned a
hotspot for the semester if you do not have the required hardware and internet capabilities.
Required Reading, Video, or Lab Materials
There is no required reading for this course.
Respect for Copyright
Please protect the copyright integrity of all course materials and content. Please do not upload
course materials not created by you onto third-party websites or share content with anyone
not enrolled in our course.
Grading Policy and Point Breakdown
The final grade for the Capstone is either satisfactory/pass or unsatisfactory/fail. There are no
weekly assignments or points given. Faculty mentors will give feedback on student submissions
that require revisions. If students miss the due dates on the course timeline, faculty will
contact you to inquire about your progress. A lack of progress on the Capstone may lead to an
unsatisfactory grade which will require the student to repeat the Capstone.
Policy for Missed or Late Work
BHIS 593 Health Informatics Capstone
All assignments, unless otherwise noted, must be submitted via Blackboard. There is a
designated link to submit each assignment. An absence (e.g. an out of town business trip, job
interview or a vacation) does not excuse the student from the responsibility of completing
assignments. If a student does not meet an assigned deadline, this will be reviewed by the
faculty mentor and assessed as to the ability to satisfactorily complete the capstone.
Because the course is based on a single capstone paper or project there is no make-up work. If
personal difficulties develop due to accidents, surgeries, and / or illness, please notify your
faculty mentor and / or your student advisor as soon as feasible so your grade / graduate
standing are not jeopardized. If you are unable to participate as expected in this or any other
course, inform the instructor and your student advisor as soon as possible so that appropriate
next steps such as withdrawal or an incomplete grade may be considered. If you do not
withdraw, or take appropriate steps, an unsatisfactory grade will be given. Do not wait until
the end of the course to communicate you are having personal difficulties.
Attendance / Participation Policy
Students must check course announcements, the general discussion board, and UIC emails
daily. Students are expected to prepare for the class by reading assigned reading materials and
following assignment instructions. Attendance in an online course means logging into
Blackboard Learn on a daily basis and participating in all activities required by the assigned
deadline dates and times outlined in the class calendar.
Please email your instructor if you face an unexpected situation that may impede your
attendance, participation in required class and exam sessions, or timely completion of
Other Course Policies
Communication – Expectations, Policies, and Community Building
Online Course Communication Guidelines (Netiquette)
• Be mindful of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, as well as different political
ideologies and religious beliefs.
• Use good judgment when composing your written responses. Swearing and profanity is
unacceptable. Also consider that slang terms can be misunderstood or misinterpreted.
• Be careful using all capital letters when composing your written responses. This can be
considered “shouting” on the Internet and is regarded as impolite or aggressive. It can
also be stressful on the eye when trying to read your message.
• Be respectful of others’ views and opinions.
BHIS 593 Health Informatics Capstone

Be careful when using acronyms. If you use an acronym it is best to spell out its meaning
first, then put the acronym in parentheses afterward, for example: Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs). After that you can use the acronym freely throughout your message.
Use good grammar and spelling in written communications.
In emails, always identify yourself and what class and section you are in. It is a good
practice to put your course and section in the subject line. This helps your instructor
identify course related emails.
Community Agreement: Online Etiquette
• Be in a quiet place and use headphones
• Mute microphone unless talking
• Video on when speaking or engaging in group activities
• Quit all other screens (email, text, social media) to create a classroom “presence” (also
helps with internet stability)
• Actively participate in class sessions
• Raise hand if you have a question to ask verbally
• Use Chat feature if you prefer to type your question
Privacy Notification and Policy for Video Recording of Synchronous Class
We will record optional live (synchronous) sessions for students who are unable to attend live
lectures. Recordings will be posted to Blackboard, shared only with the students enrolled in the
course, and be deleted at the end of the term. Students are prohibited from recording and
distributing recorded class sessions. The recording feature for others is disabled so that no one
else will be able to record this session through Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate, Webex, or
Echo360. Recording by other means is not permitted. The recorded class sessions will be posted
on our Blackboard class website unless otherwise notified.
If you have privacy concerns and do not wish to appear in the recording, turn OFF your video. If
you would like to ask a question, you may do so privately through the chat feature by
addressing your question to faculty only (and not to “everyone”), or you may contact faculty by
by email. If you have questions or concerns about this video recording policy, please contact
your faculty mentor before the end of the first week of class.
Drop/Withdraw Course Information
Dropping a course and withdrawing from a course/semester are different. After the university’s
official drop period, but through the end of the fourth week (Friday at 5 p.m.) of a fall/spring
semester eight-week course or summer-B eight-week course, students can drop a course with
Director of Graduate Study approval. Tuition refunds will be prorated according to published
UIC policies. After the four-week deadline, a petition process is required and may only be
applied to an extenuating circumstance (this does not include an unsatisfactory grade or a
BHIS 593 Health Informatics Capstone
sudden work-related problem); the petition must be approved by the Director of Graduate
Studies (Professor Eric Swirsky).
Academic Integrity
As a student and member of the UIC community, you are expected to adhere to the Community
Standards of academic integrity, accountability, and respect. Please review the UIC Student
Disciplinary Policy for additional information.
By submitting your assignments for grading you acknowledge these terms, you declare that
your work is solely your own, and you promise that, unless authorized by the instructor or
proctor, you have not communicated with anyone in any way during an exam or other online
assessment. Let’s embrace what it means to be a UIC community member and together be
committed to the values of integrity. Commit to upholding a class honor code in which we trust
one another and engage only in behaviors that reflect our community standards of academic
Use of AI Tools
Students may use advanced automated tools (artificial intelligence or machine learning tools
such as ChatGPT or Dall-E 2) on assignments in this course if instructor permission is obtained
in advance. Permission will not be granted to use AI tools for the Narrative Statement of
Competence as it is a personal point of view from the student themselves. Unless given
permission to use those tools, each student is expected to complete their capstone written
assignment without assistance from AI tools.
If permission has been granted, students must properly document and credit using approved
APA guidelines:
Along with citation in the references section, students will include a full version of the text of all
prompts/queries submitted and the output generated in an appendix. Material generated
using other AI tools should follow a similar citation convention.
Email Expectations
Students are responsible for all information instructors send to your UIC email and Blackboard
accounts. Faculty messages should be regularly monitored and read in a timely fashion.
BHIS 593 Health Informatics Capstone
(week of)
Jan 3
Jan 8
Notify faculty of your capstone written assignment selection.
*Introduction – Live Collaborate Session – January 9th at 5:00 pm CST.
Discuss capstone experience and how we will work together on this course. Q&A.
This session will be recorded for students that cannot attend.
Discussion 1 opens
After approval, begin capstone written product. Continue to use the group discussion
for input and to discuss questions and ideas.
*First Review –
Literature Review: submit method section and 15 references
Project: submit project scope and deliverables
Narrative Statement of Competency: submit first draft of section 1
Discussion 1 ends on Friday.
Jan 15
Jan 22
Jan 29
Feb 5 12
Feb 19
Feb 26
Mar 4
Mar 11
Mar 25
Continue to use the group discussion for input and to discuss questions and ideas.
April 1
*Submit Second Draft – Complete SafeAssign check
Live Collaborate Session – April 2nd at 5:00 pm CST.
Continue written capstone product. Continue to use the group discussion for input and
to discuss questions and ideas.
Discussion 2 opens.
*Second Review –
Submit draft of capstone written assignment by the end of week 7.
Narrative Statement: submit revised section 1 and first draft of section 2
Continue to use the group discussion for input and to discuss questions and ideas.
Discuss 2 ends on Friday
Draft Discussion and Summary of Findings
Discussion 3 opens.
*Submit First Draft – this is a complete draft of the capstone written assignment.
Note: If a complete draft of the capstone written product has not been
submitted by this date, completion is unlikely and withdrawal is recommended.
Students may withdraw up until week 12 of the semester.
Discussion 3 ends on Friday. Revisions as necessary and final submission of Capstone
Apr 8
Apr 22
*Submit written assignment for final approval and grade
Apr 29
– May 6
Final approval, grade entered to complete Capstone
BHIS 593 Health Informatics Capstone
Weekly Schedule, Assignments, Due Dates, and Deadlines
This syllabus is intended to give the student guidance on what may be covered during the
semester and will be followed as closely as possible. However, as the instructor, I reserve the
right to modify, supplement, and make changes as course needs arise. I will communicate such
changes in advance through in-class announcements and in writing via Blackboard
Disability Accommodation Procedures
UIC is committed to full inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of
university life. If you face or anticipate disability-related barriers while at UIC, please connect
with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at, via email at [email protected], or call (312)
413-2183 to create a plan for reasonable accommodations. To receive accommodations, you
will need to disclose the disability to the DRC, complete an interactive registration process with
the DRC, and provide me with a Letter of Accommodation (LOA). Upon receipt of an LOA, I will
gladly work with you and the DRC to implement approved accommodations.
Religious Accommodations
Following campus policy, if you wish to observe religious holidays, you must notify me by the
tenth day of the semester. If the religious holiday is observed on or before the tenth day of the
semester, you must notify me at least five days before you will be absent. Please submit this
form by email with the subject heading: “YOUR NAME: Requesting Religious Accommodation.”
Student Feedback on the Learning Experience
It is important for us to understand the value of the capstone experience. Three times during this course
students will be asked to provide feedback on their learning experience. You will receive access to a short
survey asking for your input. The survey is anonymous and feedback is presented to faculty in summative
form, not as individual responses.
Inclusive Community
UIC values diversity and inclusion. Regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, race, gender, gender
identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, geographic background, religion, political
ideology, language, or culture, we expect all members of this class to contribute to a respectful,
welcoming, and inclusive environment for every other member of our class. If aspects of this
course result in barriers to your inclusion, engagement, accurate assessment, or achievement,
please notify me as soon as possible.
BHIS 593 Health Informatics Capstone
Name and Pronoun Use
If your name does not match the name on my class roster, please let faculty know as soon as
possible. We welcome your pronouns if you would like to share them.
Community Agreement/Classroom Conduct Policy

Use preferred names and gender pronouns.
Assume goodwill in all interactions, even in disagreement.
Facilitate dialogue and value the free and safe exchange of ideas.
Try not to make assumptions, have an open mind, seek to understand, and not judge.
Approach discussion, challenges, and different perspectives as an opportunity to “think out
loud,” learn something new, and understand the concepts or experiences that guide other
people’s thinking.
Debate the concepts, not the person.
Be gracious and open to change when your ideas, arguments, or positions do not work or
are proven wrong.
Be willing to work together and share helpful study strategies.
Be mindful of one another’s privacy, and do not invite outsiders into our classroom.
Content Notices and Trigger Warnings
Our classroom provides an open space for a critical and civil exchange of ideas, inclusive of a
variety of perspectives and positions. Some readings and other content may expose you to
ideas, subjects, or views that may challenge you, cause you discomfort, or recall past negative
experiences or traumas. We intend to discuss all subjects with dignity and humanity, as well as
with rigor and respect for scholarly inquiry.
VII. RESOURCES: Academic Success, Wellness, and Safety
We all need the help and the support of our UIC community. For additional assistance, please
contact your assigned student advisor and visit the support services available to all UIC
Academic Success

UIC Tutoring Resources
UIC Library and UIC Library Research Guides.
Offices supporting the UIC Undergraduate Experience and Academic Programs.
Student Guide for Information Technology
BHIS 593 Health Informatics Capstone

Counseling Services: You may seek free and confidential services from the Counseling
Center at
Access U&I Care Program for assistance with personal hardships.
Campus Advocacy Network: Under Title IX, you have the right to an education that is
free from any form of gender-based violence or discrimination. To make a report, email
[email protected]. For more information or confidential victim services and advocacy, visit
UIC’s Campus Advocacy Network at

UIC Safety Tips and Resources
Night Ride
Emergency Communications: By dialing 5-5555 from a campus phone, you can summon
the Police or Fire for any on-campus emergency. You may also set up the complete
number, (312) 355-5555, on speed dial on your cell phone.
Capstone Options
Students have the following options for completing the capstone/ culminating experience of the MSHI
program. It is recommended that student select a topic on which they want to develop a deeper
understanding and is potentially an area in which they would like to work during their health informatics
careers. The deadline for you to select your capstone assignment and notify your faculty is friday of the
first week.
Individual Written Assignment
1. Write a Literature Review Paper. This paper has the following requirements:
• Topic approved by faculty
• Paper with the following components:
o Introduction – 2-3 paragraphs describing the topic and its importance (no longer than 1
o Description of Methods used to search the literature. – This is one paragraph describing
the databases searches, the key words used and the process followed for conducting
the search of the literature. (see example below)
o Literature Review – 4-5 pages
o Conclusion – 2-3 paragraphs summarizing the main points from the literature review
o 15 references on the topic
Example: Methods
This topic was researched using google scholar and the UIC library to search the following
keywords and terms: electronic alerts and opioid abuse, pharmacist role and opioid
epidemic, PDMP and controlled substance abuse reduction, safety alerts, and opioid
overdose risk, COVID and opioid crisis, and naloxone and opioid overdose. Peer-reviewed
articles from PubMed Central, Science Direct, and Journal of Pain were used. The
information published by organizations such as CDC and PDMP and current COVID opioidrelated articles from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the American
Medical Association (AMA) were also included.
2. Develop a project proposal or presentation. Students might use this to present themselves during a
job interview. Students may choose to further develop an assignment done during the MSHI
program. If required to present a “passion project” or proposal on a job interview, what would you
choose? This scenario is very likely to occur in the job search and is an opportunity to prepare to
show potential employers your best work. This exercise has the following requirements:
• Topic approved by faculty
• Topic is relevant to the health informatics job market, as indicated by a job family or a specific
posting example (to be attached, by the student, to a topic proposal)
• Proposal includes comprehensive applied research component that includes business, clinical,
and technical perspectives – and showcases a broad range of coverage presented in the MSHI
Capstone Options

Students who have pursued specific MSHI concentrations, i.e. Consumer and Mobile Health
Informatics, Leadership in Health Informatics or Healthcare Data Science, are encouraged to
target jobs in their selected track.
Students perform significant background research, in preparation for their presentation, with
the following in mind:
o Target job requirements
o Necessary skills
o Industry and subdomain background
o Deep clinical research into the topic
o Business overview of the opportunities, with specific emphasis on outcomes and
benefits, as well as anticipation of the challenges
o Technical concepts necessary to build a proposed product or service
Deep applied research into the above topics must result in a brief presentation of no longer than
15 minutes, with use of the PPT (or similar computer application) slides, oriented at a target
employer. The presentation WILL NOT go into depth, but will be masterfully crafted to deliver a
concise version in 15 minutes. Students must be ready to take any questions and handle a
discussion where they would use all or part of the research they completed in preparation for
the presentation.
The presentation will be scheduled towards end of the academic term, based on faculty and
student availability.
3. Write a Narrative Statement of Competence. This is a final synthesis of their MSHI learning
experience with the following requirements:
Part I: Students reflect on their experience in the program: what led them to HI; their greatest
challenge and greatest success as an HI student; and the most impactful takeaways from the

Think back to when you started the program, what were your expectations? Now that you
are at the end, did you get what you expected? What are some of the biggest things you
will take away (value) you got from the program? How do you view your competence as a
health informatician?
Part II: Students examine professionalism, collaborative practice, and leadership (F8, 9, 10), the
meaning of those competencies to them, their importance to the HI field; and how they see
themselves in HI roles practicing these concepts in their future work.
Part III: Students explore the HI field and generate a set of intentions for the future: their goals for
their first five years post-graduation; their vision of their ultimate role in the field; the challenges
they anticipate; and the tools/skills they will use to meet those challenges.

What are the competencies you have developed throughout the program that you think will
help you build your health informatics career?
Is there any specific knowledge or skill that you developed that you see as being particularly
Capstone Options

Articulate how their MSHI will apply to the work they will do.
At the end of my masters, I want to become Healthcare Clinical
Informatics Analyst
Dedicated Health Informatics Professional with a proven track record in clinical informatics and electronic medical
records (EMR) implementation. Seeking a challenging position to leverage expertise in workflow transformation, enduser training, and application support within a dynamic healthcare environment.
Clinical Informaticist – (EPIC Clinical Transformation Specialist)
(07/2021 – 2023)

Lead physician practice workflow transformation, providing guidance and change management.
Manage classroom activities, proficiency examinations, and attendance reporting.
Collaborate with Epic Wisconsin teams to ensure optimal utilization of clinical applications.
Provided guidance on physician practice workflow transformation.
Conducted end-user training on chart abstraction workflows.
Facilitated training for highly skilled medical professionals in healthcare through various methods, including
classroom sessions, and virtual.
Collaborated with the local leadership and physician clinic practice leadership to enhance the training experience
and identify adoption and optimization strategies.
Participated in Go-live implementations, offering elbow support for providers, nurses, and other clinical staff
Maintained excellent customer service while troubleshooting and providing information to resolve any problems
related to electronic medical records systems.
Supported over 42 ambulatory practices in the Chicago metro area and working closely with clinical managers.
Provided direct support and training to over 100 providers, including clinical staff and office managers.
Provided remote support to end-users using applications such as Bomgar and Five9, Quick Assist and Google
meet. Also, utilized ticketing systems such as ServiceNow and Freshservice.
Worked on an on-call schedule, responding to tickets, creating incidents (INC), and opening requests (REQ).
Followed up with end-users’ tickets to resolve issues promptly and routed tickets to the appropriate resolver
groups if necessary.
Actively participated in different projects for new implementations, ensuring thorough testing and validation
before moving to production.
Healthcare IT Consulting
EPIC EMR Credentialed Trainer / Super User / Floor (Elbow) Support Specialist & (Chart Abstractor)
(02/2018 – June 2021)

Successfully trained diverse end-users in Epic, Cerner, and Allscripts.
Created and implemented departmental workflow and procedures for EMR software.
Conducted troubleshooting for software and hardware issues.
Remotely supported decentralized pharmacists and nurses on EMR-related issues.
Engaged in multiple consulting assignments, including multiple modules.
Provided support and training for healthcare organizations across the United States and Canada.

CSI – University Hospital Clevland, OH (09/2023 – 10/2023)
Epic (OpTime) PACU

Stoltenberg – Duffy Health Center Hyannis, MA (05/2023 – 06/2023)
Epic (ClinDoc) CPOE

CSI -, Advent Health London KY (03/2023 – 04/2023)
Epic (OpTime) PACU

Capital Health Pennington, NJ (11/2023 – 12/2022)
Cerner (Surginet /Scheduling)

Stoltenberg – CTC Remote, (11/2022 – 11/2022)
Epic (ClinDoc) CPOE

CSI – Northwestern Palos Hospital Chicago IL (10/2022 – 10/2022)
Epic (OpTime) PACU

Palos Health Northwestern Medical Center, Chicago IL (09/2022-10/2022)
Epic Inpatient Floats
Atrium Health – Northlake, NC, (08/2022 – 08/2022)
Epic (Cupid) Cath Lab.

Vancouver Coastal Health, Vancouver, CA – (06/2022 – 08/2022)
Cerner (CPOE).

Health Choice Network – Miami, FL (04/2022 – 05/2022)
Epic (Epic (Cupid) Cath Lab.

Orlando Health – Orlando, FL (04/2021 – 05/2021)
Epic (Super User/Floor Support) / Healthcare IT Consultant

Jefferson Health – Voorhees, NJ (02/2021 – 04/2021)
Epic (Cupid) Cardiac Cath.
Orlando Health – Orlando, FL (01/2021 – 02/2021)
Epic (Super User/Floor Support) / Healthca