

Module 1: Readings & Media

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Module 1: Business Challenges

For your capstone project, you will be working on researching one of the following business challenge. Please read through all of them and begin to consider which one you would like to select in Week Two.

Things to consider to help you decide:

Interest Level – how interested are you in the topic and business challenges raised?
Ideation – can you begin to think about potential challenges in the space?
Fun Level – at the end of our capstone course, which one will be a fun project to have worked on?

Business Challenges I

Working for a top-tier university is now undergoing digital transformation with the added pressures from COVID-19. The university is working specifically to design an interactive, dynamic, and real-time educational setting that is modern, functional, and futuristic. As both a technical and business expert, they are coming to you to help them think about how they can setup classes for success?

Business Challenge II

Working for a major pharmaceutical company, you’ve been praised as the technical and business expert to help design a new patient portal experience for their clinical trials. Clinical trials always recruit patients that meet their criteria with some patients desperate for approvals. However, the pharmaceutical company knows that a significant barrier is reaching patients in need. They are looking to develop a seamless experience through a mobile and web application for patients to register, how can you think about the experience to set them up for success?

Business Challenge III

You’ve been brought into a new business startup which deals with space tourism and there is currently no infrastructure for their company technically. From sending work emails to setting up new client bookings to travel to space, they are in desperate need for a technical and business expert to help them roadmap the best solutions! How can you begin to set them up for success?

Welcome to Module 2 (Start Here)

To-Do Date: Jan 15 at 11:59pm


Select one business challenge for your coursework from the three business challenges presented last week
Remember all FUTURE assignments will be under this one business challenge i.e. secondary research, problem statement, SWOT analysis, Crazy 8’s etc.
Begin secondary research into potential problems within your challenge area

Discover Phase
The discover phase is ambiguous but vital to solving the right problem within your business challenge. Be curious and explore different aspects of the business challenge (industry trends, similar business cases, etc.).

Last week, you read all three business cases for this capstone course.
Now, you must select one and dive deeper into exploring which issue you want to solve.

Try to avoid starting with the solution. Think about the broader challenge instead of thinking immediately about what could fix a technical or functional aspect. Read through the below example challenge, problems to solve, and research plan to help guide your own!


Example: Challenge
i.e., I’m an owner of a pizza restaurant, the business could be faster, and I’ve been having trouble with online orders coming through. They are mostly customized orders which have been incredibly hard to fulfill on time for quick delivery. We want to do a great job of increasing sales but need support.

Example :Problems to explore:
– How are customers inputting orders? What is their experience like? Is there an opportunity to make this easier?
– How could the restaurant find a way to make deliveries efficient?
– How does the staff feel about the current process, and where could it be improved?
– In what ways does the restaurant offer more than a pizza? Could they create a positive experience that competitors are not doing?

Example: Research Plan:
– Successful pizza delivery business models

– Business partnerships – Uber Eats, Grub Hub, etc
– Unique experiences within food / beverage industry

Submit Business Challenge Selection + Research Summary

Please answer the questions below and share your summary of research for your selected business challenge (5 minimum research links):

Describe which aspects of the business case you selected were exciting and why?
Share your thinking and how you have begun understanding the problems within your business case.
Which issues were you curious about and why?
How has this problem impacted the people and environment?
How has your secondary research helped deepen your ability to define the problem areas?

Submit online or as a .pdf (500 words max)

Double Diamond Quiz

Please answer these following four questions:

(1) What are the 4 phases in the Double Diamond?

(2) Which council created the methodology?

(3) What happens in Phase One?

(4) Which phases leverage “divergent” thinking?

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Module 1: Readings & Media
Link #1:
m%20is.Links to an external site.
Link #2: to
an external site.Links to an external site.
Link #3: to an external site.
Module 1: Business Challenges
For your capstone project, you will be working on researching one of the following
business challenge. Please read through all of them and begin to consider which one you
would like to select in Week Two.
Things to consider to help you decide:

Interest Level – how interested are you in the topic and business challenges raised?
Ideation – can you begin to think about potential challenges in the space?
Fun Level – at the end of our capstone course, which one will be a fun project to have
worked on?
Business Challenges I
Working for a top-tier university is now undergoing digital transformation with the added
pressures from COVID-19. The university is working specifically to design an interactive,
dynamic, and real-time educational setting that is modern, functional, and futuristic. As
both a technical and business expert, they are coming to you to help them think about how
they can setup classes for success?
Business Challenge II
Working for a major pharmaceutical company, you’ve been praised as the technical and
business expert to help design a new patient portal experience for their clinical trials.
Clinical trials always recruit patients that meet their criteria with some patients desperate
for approvals. However, the pharmaceutical company knows that a significant barrier is
reaching patients in need. They are looking to develop a seamless experience through a
mobile and web application for patients to register, how can you think about the
experience to set them up for success?
Business Challenge III
You’ve been brought into a new business startup which deals with space tourism and
there is currently no infrastructure for their company technically. From sending work
emails to setting up new client bookings to travel to space, they are in desperate need for
a technical and business expert to help them roadmap the best solutions! How can you
begin to set them up for success?
Welcome to Module 2 (Start Here)
To-Do Date: Jan 15 at 11:59pm

Select one business challenge for your coursework from the three business
challenges presented last week
o Remember all FUTURE assignments will be under this one business
challenge i.e. secondary research, problem statement, SWOT analysis,
Crazy 8’s etc.
Begin secondary research into potential problems within your challenge area
Discover Phase
The discover phase is ambiguous but vital to solving the right problem within your
business challenge. Be curious and explore different aspects of the business challenge
(industry trends, similar business cases, etc.).
Last week, you read all three business cases for this capstone course.
Now, you must select one and dive deeper into exploring which issue you want to solve.
Try to avoid starting with the solution. Think about the broader challenge instead of
thinking immediately about what could fix a technical or functional aspect. Read through
the below example challenge, problems to solve, and research plan to help guide your
——————-Example: Challenge
i.e., I’m an owner of a pizza restaurant, the business could be faster, and I’ve been having
trouble with online orders coming through. They are mostly customized orders which
have been incredibly hard to fulfill on time for quick delivery. We want to do a great job of
increasing sales but need support.
Example :Problems to explore:
– How are customers inputting orders? What is their experience like? Is there an
opportunity to make this easier?
– How could the restaurant find a way to make deliveries efficient?
– How does the staff feel about the current process, and where could it be improved?
– In what ways does the restaurant offer more than a pizza? Could they create a positive
experience that competitors are not doing?
Example: Research Plan:
– Successful pizza delivery business models
– Business partnerships – Uber Eats, Grub Hub, etc
– Unique experiences within food / beverage industry

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