CAPSTONE Discussion Forum #2


*This assignment builds off of the previous assignment that you helped me with-CAPSTONE Written Assignment #1 (See attachment)* In Discussion Forum 2, post your response to the following discussion question. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses (*I will send the classmate responses in a separate question) Your reading describes various search strategies for obtaining relevant data. First, restate your topic and remind your classmates of your thesis or main question and main points. Then, explain the research strategy you are using to develop your thesis or to resolve the problem statement.Describe some key words and additional questions that have emerged from your search.Finally, discuss the search strategies you have found to elicit the best results and where you are finding the most beneficial material. Be sure to include the strategies that have been least successful and why. [MO 2.1, MO 2.2, MO 2.3]

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CAPSTONE Discussion Forum #2
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Access Disparities to Mental Health Resources in Low-Income Communities
Malcolm Thomas
Thomas Edison State University
Liberal Arts Capstone
Access Disparities to Mental Health Resources in Low-Income Communities
In low-income communities across the United States, access disparities to mental health
resources present significant challenges. These disparities are entrenched in various socioeconomic factors, such as shortages of mental health professionals, financial barriers, limited
infrastructure, and cultural stigmas (Amin & Goswami, 2019). They form a complex web that
impedes the availability and accessibility of essential mental health services. The intersection of
economic hardships and mental health exacerbates the situation, where individuals in these
communities often find themselves navigating a landscape marked by scarcity and inadequacy.
This paper aims to delve into the challenges surrounding access to mental health resources in
these communities.
Background and Rationale
The reported disparity in mental health care accessibility between low-income and
higher-income regions is the backdrop for this study. Although there is a strong correlation
between economically challenged locations and poor mental wellness results, low-income groups
do not have equal access to essential resources (Kariisa et al., 2022). The rationale for choosing
this topic lies in the urgent need to understand why this disparity exists and to identify potential
solutions. As someone committed to a career in Mental/Behavioral Health counselling,
addressing this issue aligns with the professional goals of fostering equitable mental health care.
Personal Interest
My interest in this issue stems from the first-hand knowledge I have obtained working in
the mental/behavioral health field for the past 20 years. Observing the difficulties that people in
low-income neighborhoods encounter inspires me to add to the conversation about how to
improve mental wellness results for these marginalized groups.
Relevance to Professional Life
Exploring the access gaps to mental health resources in low-income communities holds
profound relevance to my professional life. It directly aligns with the pursuit of a career in
Mental/Behavioral Health counseling, providing an opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the
field by addressing a prevalent issue affecting vulnerable populations.
Key Words
Keywords may encompass mental health, low-income communities, access disparities,
mental health resources, socioeconomic factors, and mental health outcomes.
Purpose of the Paper
The paper aims to examine the current issue of low-income populations’ restricted use of
mental wellness resources. The goal is to comprehend the underlying causes, consequences, and
possible remedies for this problem. Policymakers, anybody interested in advancing mental
wellness equity, and professionals in the field may be among the target demographic. My voice
is that of a knowledgeable activist, working to highlight differences and promote constructive
Key Points and Main Questions
1. How did the problem of limited access to mental health resources in low-income
communities come about?
2. What are the effects of inadequate mental health services on individuals in economically
disadvantaged areas?
3. What best should be done to improve access to mental health resources in low-income
Preliminary Problem Statement
A notable discrepancy in getting mental illness care exists between low-income and
higher-income populations. This paper aims to investigate the causes of this issue, how it affects
mental health outcomes, and offer workable ideas for building a fairer mental health support
This paper will examine the difficulties associated with low-income populations’
availability of resources for mental wellness. The main goals are comprehending the issue and its
implications and developing workable remedies. By focusing on these areas, the study hopes to
advance the mental/behavioral health counseling profession and promote a more readily
available system of mental wellness care for everyone.
Amin, R., & Goswami, P. (2019). A Study on the Mental Health of Women in Rural Areas of
Kariisa, M., Davis, N. L., Kumar, S., Seth, P., Mattson, C. L., Chowdhury, F., & Jones, C. M.
(2022). Vital signs: drug overdose deaths, by selected sociodemographic and social
determinants of health characteristics—25 states and the District of Columbia, 2019–
2020. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 71(29), 940.
Access Disparities to Mental Health Resources in Low-Income Communities
Malcolm Thomas
Thomas Edison State University
Liberal Arts Capstone
Access Disparities to Mental Health Resources in Low-Income Communities
In low-income communities across the United States, access disparities to mental health
resources present significant challenges. These disparities are entrenched in various socioeconomic factors, such as shortages of mental health professionals, financial barriers, limited
infrastructure, and cultural stigmas (Amin & Goswami, 2019). They form a complex web that
impedes the availability and accessibility of essential mental health services. The intersection of
economic hardships and mental health exacerbates the situation, where individuals in these
communities often find themselves navigating a landscape marked by scarcity and inadequacy.
This paper aims to delve into the challenges surrounding access to mental health resources in
these communities.
Background and Rationale
The reported disparity in mental health care accessibility between low-income and
higher-income regions is the backdrop for this study. Although there is a strong correlation
between economically challenged locations and poor mental wellness results, low-income groups
do not have equal access to essential resources (Kariisa et al., 2022). The rationale for choosing
this topic lies in the urgent need to understand why this disparity exists and to identify potential
solutions. As someone committed to a career in Mental/Behavioral Health counselling,
addressing this issue aligns with the professional goals of fostering equitable mental health care.
Personal Interest
My interest in this issue stems from the first-hand knowledge I have obtained working in
the mental/behavioral health field for the past 20 years. Observing the difficulties that people in
low-income neighborhoods encounter inspires me to add to the conversation about how to
improve mental wellness results for these marginalized groups.
Relevance to Professional Life
Exploring the access gaps to mental health resources in low-income communities holds
profound relevance to my professional life. It directly aligns with the pursuit of a career in
Mental/Behavioral Health counseling, providing an opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the
field by addressing a prevalent issue affecting vulnerable populations.
Key Words
Keywords may encompass mental health, low-income communities, access disparities,
mental health resources, socioeconomic factors, and mental health outcomes.
Purpose of the Paper
The paper aims to examine the current issue of low-income populations’ restricted use of
mental wellness resources. The goal is to comprehend the underlying causes, consequences, and
possible remedies for this problem. Policymakers, anybody interested in advancing mental
wellness equity, and professionals in the field may be among the target demographic. My voice
is that of a knowledgeable activist, working to highlight differences and promote constructive
Key Points and Main Questions
1. How did the problem of limited access to mental health resources in low-income
communities come about?
2. What are the effects of inadequate mental health services on individuals in economically
disadvantaged areas?
3. What best should be done to improve access to mental health resources in low-income
Preliminary Problem Statement
A notable discrepancy in getting mental illness care exists between low-income and
higher-income populations. This paper aims to investigate the causes of this issue, how it affects
mental health outcomes, and offer workable ideas for building a fairer mental health support
This paper will examine the difficulties associated with low-income populations’
availability of resources for mental wellness. The main goals are comprehending the issue and its
implications and developing workable remedies. By focusing on these areas, the study hopes to
advance the mental/behavioral health counseling profession and promote a more readily
available system of mental wellness care for everyone.
Amin, R., & Goswami, P. (2019). A Study on the Mental Health of Women in Rural Areas of
Kariisa, M., Davis, N. L., Kumar, S., Seth, P., Mattson, C. L., Chowdhury, F., & Jones, C. M.
(2022). Vital signs: drug overdose deaths, by selected sociodemographic and social
determinants of health characteristics—25 states and the District of Columbia, 2019–
2020. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 71(29), 940.

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