Capsim Report


Capsim Report-
Project 3: Simulation as a Tool for Strategic Decision Making—Part 1
Step 7: Evaluate Your Contribution to the Team

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When you have completed all four rounds, write a post of 250 – 300 words in your group discussion area explaining the decisions in which you were involved, the logic behind those choices, and how those decisions contributed to the team’s strategy and results.

Step 8: Analyze Your Team’s Decisions and Results
INBOX: 1 New Message

Subject: Report
From: Jillian Best, CEO, MCS
To: You


I think it’s time to take a step back and assess the direction of our work with this client. I need you to write an analysis that (1) describes the decisions your team made in Rounds 1–4 and the results of those rounds and (2) interprets how your decisions influenced the results.

I’m looking for an eight- to ten-page analysis that answers some key questions about the influence of the decisions you made for MediCorp. Please use the attached template and have the report ready for me by the end of the week. Type your answers directly in the template.

Thanks for your hard work,



Project 3 Analysis Questions

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You have now finished working with your team on implementing a local strategy for MediCorp. At this point you will transition into an individual role of an analyst for MCS. Each person on the team will do his or her own analysis of results without any consultation with other team members or with students on other teams.

Submit an analysis of Rounds 1 through 4 of the simulation by answering the questions provided in the Project 3 Analysis Questions template. Your report should be eight to ten pages (approximately 250 to 300 words per question), double spaced, excluding cover page. Any tables, graphs, and figures should be included in the body of your answers. Your report should have one-inch margins and be double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. In-text citations and references should abide by APA format. Do not delete the questions as you complete the template.

Along with your analysis, submit your Team Decision Record. Thus, you will submit two files to the dropbox located in the final step of this project.

The next step provides recommended delivery dates and file-naming protocols for Project 3 deliverables.