Can you do this qualitative research task?


1- PDF file – Contains professor notes to write it.2- Word file -The main file you will change and write in it.3- Word file – The file containing the instructions for the assignment.

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Proposal Draft 1
Research Proposal on the Need for Transition Programs for Students with Intellectual
The rationale for this research stems from the urgent need to address the transitional
problems faced by students with intellectual disabilities while transitioning from school to
employment. Extensive research has examined several facets of special education and transition
programs for this population (Riesen & Oertle, 2019; Schwartz et al., 2020; Carter et al., 2021).
Although these studies have explored this gap in special education, there is a glaring literature gap
on the occupational trainers’ perspectives, who play an important role in helping students in this
crucial stage. It is essential to understand the perceptions, attitudes and insights for these students
in order to create programs tailored to their specific needs. Therefore, this study informs the
creation and improvement of transition programs for this special set of students by addressing this
gap and ensuring they get the assistance and resources required for a successful transition from
school to work.
The significance of this study lies in its ability to bridge the gap between theory and practice
in the field of special education. Examining occupational trainers’ viewpoints can help understand
the benefits and drawbacks of current initiatives as well as identify areas for development. This
study directly informs the design and implementation of more successful transition initiatives
which will ultimately result in greater educational and employment opportunities for students with
intellectual disabilities. It also advances the debate on inclusive education to a greater extent and
emphasizes the value of considering important stakeholders’ perspectives when developing and
improving programs.
Personal Importance
As the researcher, I have a personal connection to this topic, having witnessed the
challenges faced by students with intellectual disabilities in their pursuit for employment and
independence and hence, I am a passionate advocate for inclusivity and equal opportunities for
this population and it is my belief that this research can contribute to their betterment.
Goal Statement
The main objective of this study is gaining an in-depth understanding of occupational
trainers’ perspectives on transition programs for students with intellectual disabilities as they move
from high school to employment. The study aims to find potential for program enhancement that
would ultimately result in more inclusive and encouraging transition experiences for these students
by examining their perspectives and attitudes.
Research Questions
1. How do occupational trainers perceive a program that helps students with intellectual
disabilities move from school to the workforce?
2. In what ways do these occupational trainers perceive the transition program might be
3. How do occupational trainers’ experiences and backgrounds influence their perceptions of
transition programs for students with intellectual disabilities and what implications does
this hold for program improvement?
4. What challenges do occupational trainers face while developing transition programs for
students with intellectual disabilities?
Conceptual and Theoretical Framework
The ‘Career Development Theory for People with Disabilities’ will serve as the study’s main
guide in order to comprehend how students with intellectual disabilities manage their career
objectives inside transition programs (Szymanski et al., 2003; Dispenza, 2021). The ‘Work Practice
Theory’ will also be used to examine occupational trainers’ daily practices and decisions. These
frameworks alongside Kohler’s five transition domains (student-focused planning, student
development, program structure, family participation, and interagency cooperation) will offer an
exhaustive strategy to research and improve transition programs for students with intellectual
disabilities (Abu-Alghayth et al., 2023).
Abu-Alghayth, K., Alshahrani, B., & Catania, N. (2023). Teaching Practices to Support the
Transition of Students With Intellectual Disabilities to Adulthood. European Journal of
Educational Research, 12(3).
Carter, E. W., Awsumb, J. M., Schutz, M. A., & McMillan, E. D. (2021). Preparing youth for the
world of work: Educator perspectives on pre-employment transition services. Career
Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 44(3), 161-173.
Dispenza, F. (2021). Empowering the career development of persons with disabilities
(PWD). Journal of Career Development, 48(5), 670-685.
Riesen, T., & Oertle, K. M. (2019). Developing Work-based Learning Experiences for Students
with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Preliminary Study of Employers’
Perspectives. Journal of Rehabilitation, 85(2).
Schwartz, A. E., Young Adult Mental Health/Peer Mentoring Research Team, Kramer, J. M.,
Rogers, E. S., McDonald, K. E., & Cohn, E. S. (2020). Stakeholder‐driven approach to
developing a peer‐mentoring intervention for young adults with intellectual/developmental
disabilities and co‐occurring mental health conditions. Journal of Applied Research in
Intellectual Disabilities, 33(5), 992-1004.
Szymanski, E. M., Enright, M. S., Hershenson, D. B., & Ettinger, J. M. (2003). Career
development theories, constructs, and research: Implications for people with disabilities.
Assignment: research proposal
Please avoid any scientific theft or plagiarism.
Please avoid using artificial intelligence. chatgpt or anyone.
Link all parts of the research to the application of the research so that you do not
write it in a purely theoretical and separate way, for example, methodology. Link it to
the study and write all the parts that fall under it, as in the research.
1- Read all notes in the PDF file and edit them (you can paraphrase – academic
writing – API Style).
2- Add writing of the methodology section and assignment instructions: ( Describe
and explain your plans for the methodology section of your proposal. Include
your research question, all elements of your design, and the methodological
literature you will cite. This can be a draft of your methodology section, an
annotated outline, or something similar that conveys your plans.)
3- I will discuss this research with a group of students, so I would like to add an
introduction paragraph, such as a short interesting story, a short paragraph that
explains the reason for doing this research. I have attached some information
for you that you can add.
Also, I would like you to write questions that I ask in the discussion group to the
students to ensure that I am on the right track in my research.
For example, are the research questions sufficient? (I hope you write in-depth
questions because any feedback will help me complete the research.) If your work
is good, I will complete the rest of the modifications and research with you in next
time after I take it from them.
my personal importance: some information about me if you need it :
I worked with students with intellectual disabilities in a school and participated in the
transition work group from school to after school and work.
We had successful transition experiences and failed transition experiences.
Professor’s notes for modification (important)

In addition to the notes attached in the PDF file.

Multiple case studies typically involve more than one data collection approach.
What data will you collect other than interviews? Also, what constitutes a case
in your study?
Initial proposal
Here is the old initial version in my research if you need to refer to any information, but
the modification will be in the attached Word file (Draft 1) because I have made many
modifications previously.
T: Occupational Trainers’ Perceptions about Transitional Program from High School to
Employment for Student with Disabilities
1) purpose of your Purpose:
My study aims to gain insights into how occupational trainers perceive the
transition programs for students with Intellectual disabilities as they move from
high school to employment. By understanding their viewpoints, I aim to identify
areas for potential improvement in these programs.
I aim to delve deeply into occupational trainers’ perceptions and attitudes
regarding the effectiveness of transitional programs that guide students with
Intellectual disabilities from high school to employment. By embarking on this
research journey, I endeavor to gain a profound understanding of how these key
stakeholders perceive the intricate web of transitional programs and, more
crucially, how their attitudes shape the success and improvement of these
Furthermore, my research purpose extends beyond mere exploration; it seeks to
unearth nuanced insights that can pave the way for enhancements in these
programs. By spotlighting occupational trainers’ thoughts and beliefs, I aspire to
identify potential areas of growth and refinement in the high school-toemployment transition process for students with Intellectual disabilities.
In doing so, I aim to improve educational and vocational opportunities for this
exceptional group of students, thereby making strides toward a more inclusive and
supportive society. Through qualitative inquiry and a comprehensive examination
of perceptions and attitudes, my research offers a valuable perspective that can
inform policymakers, educators, and advocates to create a more equitable and
enriching transition experience for these students.
2) draft of your
1. What are the perceptions of occupational trainers about a transition program
from high school to employment for students with Intellectual disabilities?
2. In what ways do these occupational trainers perceive the transition program
might be improved?

3) explanation of
the research
paradigm your
study will be
conducted under,
In my research, I have opted for the Constructivist Paradigm within the realm of
Qualitative Research. This choice harmonizes perfectly with my research
questions, which center on understanding how occupational trainers perceive and
construct meaning around transition programs for students with Intellectual
disabilities. My goal is to delve into their subjective interpretations and explore the
distinctions between attitudes and perceptions. The Constructivist Paradigm’s
flexibility suits my need for diverse data collection methods, encompassing not
only interviews but also observations, document analysis, and focus group
discussions. Additionally, it emphasizes interpretive analysis, allowing me to
scrutinize how trainers construct and communicate their perceptions and attitudes.
Moreover, this paradigm promotes self-reflection on my part, acknowledging the
influence of both researcher and participants’ subjectivity, which enhances the
overall research quality. In summary, the Constructivist Paradigm aligns
seamlessly with my study’s focus on conceptual understanding and provides a
robust framework for investigating occupational trainers’ perspectives on
transitional programs for students with Intellectual disabilities and their ideas for
4) ideas about the
theories, concepts
you plan to use.
I have chosen to integrate two theoretical frameworks into my research. First, the
‘Career Development Theory for People with Disabilities’ provides insights into
how students with Intellectual disabilities navigate their career aspirations within
transition programs. Second, ‘Work Practice Theory’ allows me to analyze the
daily practices and decision-making of occupational trainers. These theories
complement the conceptual framework of Kohler’s five transition domains,
offering a comprehensive approach to understanding how trainers perceive and
support students in transitioning from high school to employment.
“intrinsic case study.”: An intrinsic case study aims to deeply understand the
specific case itself and explore its unique qualities and complexities
For my research, I have chosen a qualitative case study methodology. I will collect
data by conducting semi-structured interviews with occupational trainers who are
actively involved in high school-to-employment transition programs for students
with Intellectual disabilities. The study will be conducted within a high school
setting that offers a special education program in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia. My
approach involves using open-ended questions to encourage participants to share
their candid insights and opinions regarding transitional programs.
I will focus my analysis on data related to the five transition domains outlined by
Kohler (2016): student-focused planning, student development, program structure,
family participation, and interagency cooperation. This framework will guide my
examination of the collected data.

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