Business statistics


Find an article in either a newspaper (online or print), magazine (online or print), or journal (online or print) that reports at least one statistical inference result. This result could be either (i) a confidence interval or hypothesis test for a population mean or (ii) a confidence interval or hypothesis test for a population proportion. 2. Please include a pdf version of the article that you found. 3. Explain why you are interested in this article/study. 4. Focus on one particular statistical inference in the article. Explain what is being studied. Describe the hypothesis test or confidence interval that is being performed. 5. Using what we learned in class, explain the results of the statistical inference. Make sure to explain why statistical inference was performed as opposed to just reporting the sample statistics. 6. Your submission should be two or three files. a. File 1 is the pdf of the article. b. File 2 is your essay/report answering questions 3-5 above. c. File 3 is optional and is supplementary. If you find it difficult to write the technical aspects of the confidence interval or hypothesis test in word or another word processing program, you can do this by hand CLEARLY and take a picture of your work. This file can be a pdf or jpeg. Your grade will be based upon the following rubric: A. Article includes statistical inference of a population mean or population proportion. (0 to 10 points) B. Essay/Report is written in a clear manner such that a person mildly familiar with inferential statistics would understand the basics of the study conducted and the results. It is especially important that you explain why statistical inference was necessarily performed. (You will be awarded between 0 and 70 points for part B.) C. Accuracy of your description of the statistical inference performed. (You will be awarded between 0 and 20 points for part C.)

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