Business, Society and the Environment A1: Circular Economy Pitch (ME 16/03/2024)


The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will
write an analysis on a business action or strategy related to Food, Fashion, or Plastics that causes negative impacts to the environment or people or both
Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all the info after being hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs -1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)

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Business, Society and the Environment A1: Circular Economy Pitch (ME 16/03/2024)
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For this assessment you will write an analysis on a business action or strategy related
to Food, Fashion, or Plastics that causes negative impacts to the environment or
people or both. This assignment sets you up to do well in assignment 2.
a) Go through the Learning module for either Food, Fashion, or Plastics through
the following link Circular Economy Learning Hub
b) Explain the business action/strategy and its level of impact (including ethical
implications) on multiple stakeholders including people/the planet, using
journal articles, statistics, trade magazines, reports, or/and newspaper articles.
(1,000 words approx)
c) Describe one option that could help remedy the problem, and justify it using
journal articles, trade magazines, books, and/or newspaper articles. (1,000
words approx)
d) Record yourself pitching the solution. Imagine you are pitching the solution to
someone in the supply chain for that product category. Use the information on
Make a circular economy pitch in your organisation
( to guide your pitch. YOU CAN RECORD YOUR
PROVIDE A LINK (3 minutes total)
Wherever possible, use databases for information and reports from How to Build a
Circular Economy | Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Internet sites are acceptable however
these need to be official sites. Use of Wikipedia as a reference is unacceptable. Use
academic references such as journal articles, reports, statistics and trade journals.
APA formatted referencing is expected as well as an annotated reference list.
Students are required to include an annotated bibliography – see How to Write an
Annotated Bibliography. Annotations should be 2-3 sentences long for each reference,
they should explain in your own words 1) what the reference is about; and 2) what
information you got from the source for your write up.
Please cite your sources consistently in all of your written work!
Circular Economy Pitch
18th March, 8pm
Circular Economy Analysis
13th May, 8pm
Online Lessons
Monday 9am the following week
ASSESSMENT 1: Circular Economy Pitch
Due date
18th March, 8:00pm via Learn only
Individual Assignment
No more than 2000 words (+/- 10%) not including your annotated
reference list (no contents page or executive summary needed)
+ 3 minute video-recorded pitch
Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing
2.5cm margins
Via Learn electronic submission only
Before you can submit your first assignment, you need to complete the APA
Referencing Module. The Module comprises 3 sections, with each section ending
with a ‘quiz’ that you need to pass to go on to the next module. This Module will

Help students understand why proper referencing and citing are
Help students learn how to cite and reference properly – there are
interactive exercises, and easy-to-access learning guides.
Serve as an ongoing reference guide for students throughout their degree
programmes. Once passed, students will always have access to the module
for other courses.
You’ll need to enrol the first time, but it should then be readily available to you
anytime. To access the module, go to
The Module should be completed by the 11th of March at 8 pm. It should take you
approximately 20 minutes to complete. This is just a pre-requisite to starting your
first assignment. We have not assigned any marks to it. However, it helps you to
properly cite in your assignment.
For this assessment you will write an analysis on a business action or strategy
related to Food, Fashion, or Plastics that causes negative impacts to the
environment or people or both. This assignment sets you up to do well in
assignment 2.
Go through the Learning module for either Food, Fashion, or Plastics
through the following link Circular Economy Learning Hub
b) Explain the business action/strategy and its level of impact (including
ethical implications) on multiple stakeholders including people/the planet,
using journal articles, statistics, trade magazines, reports, or/and
newspaper articles. (1,000 words approx)
Describe one option that could help remedy the problem, and justify it
using journal articles, trade magazines, books, and/or newspaper articles.
(1,000 words approx)
d) Record yourself pitching the solution. Imagine you are pitching the
solution to someone in the supply chain for that product category. Use the
information on Make a circular economy pitch in your organisation
( to guide your pitch. YOU CAN RECORD
YOUTUBE AND PROVIDE A LINK (3 minutes total)
Wherever possible, use databases for information and reports from How to Build a
Circular Economy | Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Internet sites are acceptable
however these need to be official sites. Use of Wikipedia as a reference is
unacceptable. Use academic references such as journal articles, reports, statistics
and trade journals. APA formatted referencing is expected as well as an annotated
reference list.
Students are required to include an annotated bibliography – see How to Write an
Annotated Bibliography. Annotations should be 2-3 sentences long for each
reference, they should explain in your own words 1) what the reference is about;
and 2) what information you got from the source for your write up.
B.Com Learning
Paper learning
Assurance of
1.1) Students will understand, be able to critically evaluate and, where applicable,
apply this knowledge to topics/issues within their majoring subject.
1.2) Students will have a broad understanding of the key domains of commerce.
2) Students will develop key skills and attributes sought by employers which can be
used in a range of applications.
3) Students will be aware of and understand the nature of biculturalism in Aotearoa
New Zealand, and its relevance to their area of study and/or their degree.
4) Students will observe and understand a culture within a community by reflecting
on their own performance and experiences within that community.
5) Students will comprehend the influence of global conditions on their discipline
and will be competent in engaging with global and multi-cultural contexts.
• Identify and discuss external factors and forces, particularly the environment,
consumerism and globalization, that shape business activities and vice-versa.
• Identify and discuss conflicting ideologies of the social and environmental
responsibilities of business, and how these affect business practices.
• Identify useful and effective business practices for responding to the needs of
society and the environment.
• Evaluate such practices in relation to a sample of New Zealand companies.
This assessment will be used to partially assess the following BCom Learning Goal:
“Students will develop key skills and attributes sought by employers which can be
used in a range of applications.”
This is met by assessing the Learning outcome:
“Students can discuss the ethical implications of a situation from the perspective of
relevant stakeholders.”
“Students can write a report/essay on a problem/issue/situation/scenario that:
a. incorporates content at an appropriate level of detail
b. is logically structured
c. is presented professionally using correct English, referencing and appropriate
Assessment 1: Circular Economy Pitch Marking Criteria
Reference List
Included with information
on both 1) what the
reference is about; and 2)
what information you got
Included with information on
both 1) what the reference is
about; and 2) what
Included with information
on either 1) what the
reference is about; or 2)
what information you got
Not included or of such poor
quality it cannot be applied.
from the source for your
write up.
0 Marks
A range
Student demonstrates a
thoughtful synthesis of
research in previous
sections, & uses evidence &
reasoning to justify their
business suggestions to
adopt their solution.
The pitch is extremely
convincing with a clear
business proposition for
remedy adoption, clear
remedy, and clear audience
in mind.
Understanding of
and/or ethical
impact of aspect on
Student can
comprehensively identify
social, environmental
and/or ethical implications
for a given situation and
thoroughly consider their
impact on a range of
relevant stakeholders.
Student demonstrates a
thoughtful synthesis of
research, & uses evidence &
reasoning to justify their
Remedy to the
information you got from the
source for your write up.
Poorly written/hard to
Minus 5 Marks
from the source for your
write up missing.
B range
Student demonstrates a
good attempt at synthesis
with some evidence of
research in previous
sections. Student offers
evidence & reasoning to
justify their business
suggestions to adopt their
solution; may lack clarity at
C range
Student demonstrates
some attempt at synthesis
of previous sections.
Generally little evidence
offered to justify their
business suggestions to
adopt their solution.
The pitch is reasonably
convincing with a somewhat
clear business proposition
for remedy adoption but
audience is relatively clear.
Student can identify social,
environmental and/or ethical
implications for a given
situation and consider their
impact on some relevant
Student demonstrates a
good attempt at synthesis of
research. Student offers
evidence & reasoning to
justify their points; may lack
clarity at times.
Uses statistics and citations
to back up claims of
problem size and impact.
Student provides a thorough
and thoughtful explanation
and discussion of one
remedy to the problem.
Uses statistics and citations
to back up claims of problem
size and impact.
Student provides a thorough
discussion and explanation
of one remedy to the
Student clearly &
consistently selects, explains
& applies a range of
relevant theory & concepts
to support suggested
remedy and its ability to
solve the problem.
Student identifies, explains &
applies a range of
appropriate theory & to
support suggested remedy
and its ability to solve the
Remedy is highly practical
and implementable.
May be minor gaps and/or
inappropriate theory &
concepts selected.
Remedy is reasonably
practical and implementable.
Minus 15 Marks
Minus 10 Marks
May defend own point of
view despite evidence to
the contrary.
The pitch is not convincing
and/or does not have a
clear business proposition
for remedy adoption,
audience is relatively clear.
Student can identify social,
environmental and/or
ethical implications for a
given situation, though
these may not always be
relevant. Considers their
impact on some relevant
stakeholders but does not
identify key stakeholders
for the situation.
May not use statistics and
citations to back up claims
of problem size and
Student suggests a remedy
to the problem but
explanation may be
unclear or it is unclear how
the remedy would solve
the problem.
Student identifies &
explains some appropriate
theory & concepts to
support suggested remedy
and its ability to solve the
problem. These are limited
in range. There is a
tendency to include
irrelevant material.
Analysis may be
inconsistent, inaccurate or
Remedy is somewhat
practical and
D range
Student makes little attempt
to synthesize material from
previous sections. There is
no or little attempt to link
theory or concepts from
research offered to justify
their business suggestions to
adopt their solution.
Conclusions are drawn from
own opinions with no or
little reference to evidence.
The pitch is not convincing
and/or does not have a clear
business proposition for
remedy adoption and/or
does not have a clear
audience in mind.
Student displays little ability
in identifying social,
environmental and/or
ethical implications of a
given situation and does not
consider their impact on a
range of relevant
Does not use statistics and
citations to back up claims of
problem size and impact.
Students does not suggest an
appropriate remedy to the
Student fails or makes a
limited attempt to identify &
explain relevant theory &
concepts to support
suggested remedy and its
ability to solve the problem.
There is no attempt to
support the analyses within
the document & the
discussion is mostly confined
to personal opinion.
And/or Remedy is not
practical and implementable.
Writing quality
Source material
Exceptionally professional
presentation which also
follows assignment
guidelines (structure,
format, word count)
Student demonstrates a
strong & convincing writing
style, makes logical links
within the analysis & is
grammatically correct.
Professional presentation
which also follows most of
assignment guidelines
(structure, format, word
Student demonstrates a
clear writing style with good
logical links made within the
analysis. Grammar &
presentation generally of a
high standard.
Assignment guidelines
(structure, format, word
count) followed through
presentation is less than
Student demonstrates
adequate writing style but
expression may lack
clarity. Grammar &
presentation average.
Does not follow assignment
References used are
appropriate, academic and
of a high quality.
References used are
appropriate, academic and
of a high quality.
References used are
appropriate, academic and
of a high quality.
APA referencing.
Correct APA referencing in
most cases.
Some attempt made to
reference in APA style.
References used are either
not appropriate and/or are
not academic or of a high
Poor attempt made to
reference in APA style or
APA style not used.
No significant Turnitin
No significant Turnitin issues.
Some issues identified on
Turnitin due to poor
Student does not develop a
coherent account related to
the subject & does not
demonstrate logical links
from research to
conclusions. Grammar &
presentation are generally
5% (unless
significant issues)
Significant issues identified
on Turnitin.
ASSESSMENT 2: In-depth Circular Economy Analysis
Due date
13th May at 8:00pm via Learn
Group Assignment
3000 words (+/- 10%) not including your annotated reference list (no contents page
Via Learn electronic submission only
In groups of 5, you will analyse the life cycle of a product that is made in New
Zealand, and the environmental impact at each stage of its lifecycle (Raw Materials,
Manufacturing, Use, Disposal). You will then provide recommendations for
suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and consumers to follow to reduce
those negative effects on the environment. The use of diagrams and flow charts is
encouraged in this assignment. You must join a group before March 29th. This
assignment builds on assignment 1.
Select a consumer product category (rather than brand e.g. Gumboots not
Redbands) that is made in New Zealand.
b) At each stage of the product’s life cycle (Raw materials acquisition,
Manufacturing, Use, Disposal/Waste management), identify the inputs
(raw materials and energy), and outputs (Atmospheric emissions, Water
waste, Solid waste) – see REM 100: Product Life-cycle Analysis Assignment
| SFU Library for further detailed guidance.
Also create a flow diagram of the lifecycle for the product, this will help
you to make sure you have looked at all aspects in the product’s lifecycle
and should be included in the final submitted report. An example is:
Write a report:
Executive summary (not counted in word count)
Introduction which is an overview of product lifecycle including
flow diagram (500 words)
Cited information regarding the inputs and outputs for each stage
of the product’s life cycle (Raw materials acquisition,
Manufacturing, Use, Disposal/Waste management. Conclusion on
the areas with most negative impact on the environment. (1500
Conclusion of cited recommendations for suppliers,
manufacturers, distributors, retailers and consumers (whichever
are applicable) to follow to reduce identified negative impacts on
the environment. (500 words)
Reference list (not counted in word count)
Remember to relate your experience to the literature/course material and
resources provided to you on Learn. This means you might have to search for
relevant literature using the library databases.
APA formatted referencing is expected as well as a reference list.
Databases that should be used are Business Source Complete [EBSCO] or Google
Scholar. Both of these can be accessed via the library website.
Students are required to include an annotated reference list – see How to Write
an Annotated Bibliography. Annotations should be 2-3 sentences long for each
reference, they should explain in your own words 1) what the reference is about;
and 2) what information you got from the source for your write up.
B.Com Learning
1.1) Students will understand, be able to critically evaluate and, where applicable,
apply this knowledge to topics/issues within their majoring subject.
1.2) Students will have a broad understanding of the key domains of commerce.
2) Students will develop key skills and attributes sought by employers which can be
used in a range of applications.
3) Students will be aware of and understand the nature of biculturalism in Aotearoa
New Zealand, and its relevance to their area of study and/or their degree.
4) Students will observe and understand a culture within a community by reflecting
on their own performance and experiences within that community.
5) Students will comprehend the influence of global conditions on their discipline
and will be competent in engaging with global and multi-cultural contexts.
• Identify and discuss external factors and forces, particularly the environment,
consumerism and globalization, that shape business activities and vice-versa.
• Identify and discuss conflicting ideologies of the social and environmental
responsibilities of business and how these affect business practices.
• Identify useful and effective business practices for responding to the needs of
society and the environment.
• Evaluate such practices in relation to a sample of New Zealand companies.
This assessment will be used to partially assess the following BCom Learning Goal:
Paper learning
Assurance of
“Students will comprehend the influence of global conditions on their discipline and
will be competent in engaging with global and multi-cultural contexts.”
This is met by assessing the Learning outcome
“Students can identify, consider and debate perspectives, processes and impacts
relating to the culture and identity of multiple stakeholders, drawing on theory and
practice when considering issues in their discipline or field of study.”
Assessment 2: In-depth Circular Economy Analysis Marking Criteria
Reference List
Included with information
on both 1) what the
reference is about; and 2)
what information you got
from the source for your
write up.
0 Marks
Product Lifecycle
A range
Student provides an
insightful overview and
recommendations that
are thought- provoking,
clear and concise.
Student can
comprehensively identify
PLC for a given product.
Student clearly &
consistently selected,
Included with information on
both 1) what the reference is
about; and 2) what
information you got from the
source for your write up.
Poorly written/hard to
Minus 5 Marks
B range
Student provides an
insightful overview and
recommendations that
are thought- provoking,
and reasonably clear
though not always
Student can identify PLC
for a given product.
Student identified,
explained & applied a
range of appropriate
Included with information
on either 1) what the
reference is about; or 2)
what information you got
from the source for your
write up missing.
Not included or of such poor
quality it cannot be applied.
Minus 15 Marks
Minus 10 Marks
C range
Student provides an
overview and
recommendations that
are not very clear and/or
not always concise.
D range
Student does not
provide and
Student can identify PLC
for a given product
though these may not
always be relevant.
Student displays
little ability in
identifying PLC for
a given product.
Product Lifecycle
inputs, outputs
and impacts
explained & applied a
range of relevant theory
& concepts to support
analyses of evidence.
theory & concepts to
support analyses of
evidence. May have been
minor gaps and/or
inappropriate theory &
concepts selected.
Student identified &
explained some
appropriate theory &
concepts to support
analysis of evidence.
These were limited in
range. There was a
tendency to include
irrelevant material.
Analysis may have been
inconsistent, inaccurate or
Student can
comprehensively identify
sustainability concepts for
a given situation and
thoroughly consider their
impact on a range of
relevant stakeholders.
Student can identify
sustainability concepts for
a given situation and
consider their impact on
some relevant
Student can identify
sustainability concepts for
a given situation though
these may not always be
relevant. Considers their
impact on some relevant
stakeholders but does not
identify key stakeholders
for the situation.
Student clearly &
consistently selected,
explained & applied a
range of relevant theory
& concepts to support
analyses of evidence.
Provided an in-depth &
thoughtful discussion of
the topic.
Student demonstrated a
thoughtful synthesis of
relevant research,
presented alternative
points of view & used
evidence & reasoning to
justify their own
Student clearly &
consistently selected,
explained & applied a
range of relevant theory
& concepts to support
analyses of evidence.
Provided an in-depth &
thoughtful discussion of
the topic.
Recommendations are
highly practical and
Student identified,
explained & applied a
range of appropriate
theory & concepts to
support analyses of
evidence. May have been
minor gaps and/or
inappropriate theory &
concepts selected. There
was evidence of an indepth discussion related
to the subject.
Student demonstrated a
good attempt at synthesis
with some evidence of
consideration of
alternative points of view.
Student offered evidence
& reasoning to justify
conclusions; may have
lacked clarity at times.
Student identified,
explained & applied a
range of appropriate
theory & concepts to
support analyses of
evidence. May have been
minor gaps and/or
inappropriate theory &
concepts selected. There
was evidence of an indepth discussion related
to the subject.
Recommendations are
reasonably practical and
Student identified &
explained some
appropriate theory &
concepts to support
analysis of evidence.
These were limited in
range. There was a
tendency to include
irrelevant material.
Analysis may have been
inconsistent, inaccurate or
Student demonstrated
some attempt at
synthesis. Other
viewpoints were generally
ignored with little
evidence offered to justify
own conclusions. May
have defended own point
of view despite evidence
to the contrary.
Student identified &
explained some
appropriate theory &
concepts to support
analysis of evidence.
These were limited in
range. There was a
tendency to include
irrelevant material.
Analysis may have been
inconsistent, inaccurate or
Recommendations are
somewhat practical and
Student failed or
made a limited
attempt to
identify & explain
relevant theory &
concepts to
support analysis
of evidence. There
was no attempt to
support the
analyses within
the document &
the discussion was
mostly confined to
personal opinion.
Student displays
little ability in
concepts for a
given situation
and does not
consider their
impact on a range
of relevant
Student failed or
made a limited
attempt to
identify & explain
relevant theory &
concepts to
support analysis
of evidence. There
was no attempt to
support the
analyses within
the document &
the discussion was
mostly confined to
personal opinion.
Student made
little attempt to
material from
other viewpoints.
There was no or
little attempt to
link theory or
concepts from
Conclusions were
drawn from own
opinions with no
or little reference
to evidence.
Student failed or
made a limited
attempt to
identify & explain
relevant theory &
concepts to
support analysis
of evidence. There
was no attempt to
support the
analyses within
the document &
the discussion was
mostly confined to
personal opinion.
Writing quality
Source material
quality eg
Reference quality
Exceptionally professional
presentation which also
follows assignment
guidelines (structure,
format, word count)
Student demonstrates a
strong & convincing
writing style, makes
logical links within the
analysis & is
grammatically correct.
Professional presentation
which also follows most of
assignment guidelines
(structure, format, word
Student demonstrates a
clear writing style with
good logical links made
within the analysis.
Grammar & presentation
generally of a high
Assignment guidelines
(structure, format, word
count) followed through
presentation is less than
Student demonstrates
adequate writing style but
expression may lack
clarity. Grammar &
presentation average.
References used are
appropriate, academic
and of a high quality.
References used are
appropriate, academic
and of a high quality.
References used are
appropriate, academic
and of a high quality.
APA referencing.
Correct APA referencing
in most cases.
Some attempt made to
reference in APA style.
No significant Turnitin
No significant Turnitin
Some issues identified on
Turnitin due to poor
Referencing and
5% (unless
significant issues)
are not practical
Does not follow
Student does not
develop a
coherent account
related to the
subject & does
not demonstrate
logical links from
research to
Grammar &
presentation are
generally poor.
References used
are either not
and/or are not
academic or of a
high quality.
Poor attempt
made to reference
in APA style or
APA style not
Significant issues
identified on
Due date
As per weekly outline Monday 9am the week following the online class
10% (@ 2% per online class)
Online class participation
5 online classes
Via participation in the online class
As this is a blended learning class, some of your classes take place online instead of
face-to-face. This gives you more flexibility with when you would like to undertake
the classes.
Online classes are scheduled as per the lecture outline.
You will need to undertake these interactive lessons on Learn by the due date (as
shown in your weekly lecture outline). However, all of these classes will be
available from week 1. I encourage you to look forward in your schedule and
undertake some before the due date to lighten your stress levels.
Each of the five online classes is worth 2% of your final grade each and should take
you no more than 2 hours to complete. No late submissions will be accepted
under any circumstances.
B.Com Learning
Paper learning
Assurance of
1.1) Students will understand, be able to critically evaluate and, where applicable,
apply this knowledge to topics/issues within their majoring subject.
1.2) Students will have a broad understanding of the key domains of commerce.
2) Students will develop key skills and attributes sought by employers which can be
used in a range of applications.
3) Students will be aware of and understand the nature of biculturalism in Aotearoa
New Zealand, and its relevance to their area of study and/or their degree.
4) Students will have observed and understood a culture within a community by
reflecting on their own performance and experiences within that community.
5) Students will comprehend the influence of global conditions on their discipline
and will be competent in engaging with global and multi-cultural contexts.
• Identify and discuss external factors and forces, particularly the environment,
consumerism and globalization, that shape business activities and vice-versa.
• Identify and discuss conflicting ideologies of the social and environmental
responsibilities of business and how these affect business practices.
• Identify useful and effective business practices for responding to the needs of
society and the environment.
• Evaluate such practices in relation to a sample of New Zealand companies.
This assessment will be used to partially assess the following BCom Learning Goal:
“Students will comprehend the influence of global conditions on their discipline and
will be competent in engaging with global and multi-cultural contexts.”
This is met by assessing the Learning outcome:
“Students can identify, consider and debate perspectives, processes and impacts
relating to globalisation and localisation in different contexts, drawing on theory
and practice when considering issues in their discipline or field of study.”
“Students can identify, consider and debate perspectives, processes and impacts
relating to the culture and identity of multiple stakeholders, drawing on theory and
practice when considering issues in their discipline or field of study.”

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