Business Question


Week 1: Managing Change and Images of Change Management:

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Whether they are change agents, leaders, or managers, the best change management professionals reflect on their previous experiences involving a change both in personal or professional environments. For this week’s assignment, think of a change that you have experienced and write a story about it. Here is a definition of a story to help you:

A story expresses how and why life changes. It begins with a situation in which life is relatively in balance: You come to work day after day, week after week, and everything’s fine. You expect it will go on that way. But then there’s an event—in screenwriting, we call it the “inciting incident”—that throws life out of balance. You get a new job, or the boss dies of a heart attack, or a big customer threatens to leave. The story goes on to describe how, in an effort to restore balance, the protagonist’s subjective expectations crash into an uncooperative objective reality. A good storyteller describes what it’s like to deal with these opposing forces, calling on the protagonist to dig deeper, work with scarce resources, make difficult decisions, take action despite risks, and ultimately discover the truth. (McKee, 2003, p. 52)

To get started, write down your experience of change in about one page, and then answer these questions:

What made this experience a “story”?
What lessons for managing change can you take from your story?
Compare these with the lessons from the Starbucks, Sears, and Detroit stories. Which are the same?
From your experience, what new lessons have you added, particularly for future changes in which you might be involved?
What three main conclusions can you take from these stories about managing change?

In your paper, ensure to utilize the textbook and integrate at least three peer-reviewed sources along with their citations and references. Your paper must be APA formatted and include at least 1500 words. Please use the APA 7th Essay Template available in the Supplementary Course Resources>>APA 7th Edition Resources section.

All submitted files should adhere to the following naming convention: LastName_FirstInitial_Course_Assignment_Week. For example, if your name was Gerald Jones, and you were submitting Week 3’s essay assignment for BUS 422, your submission’s filename should be: Jones_G_BUS422_Assignment3_Wk3.docx.

Resource: McKee, R. (2010). Story: style, structure, substance, and the principles of screenwriting. HarperCollins

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Title of the Essay
Your Name
California Intercontinental University
Course Number and Name
Professor’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Title of the Essay
Create an introductory paragraph. The essay should use APA 7th edition formatting and
contain proper in-text and parenthetical cites. You may wish to note that paragraphs use the APA
Body Text (12 point Times New Roman) style found in Word’s Ribbon. Remember, do not
change the formatting of the title page in this template; further, do not include an abstract.
This is a Level 1 Heading
Text appears here.
This is a Level 2 Heading
The Level 2 heading denotes a subsection of the previous Level 1 heading and is an
excellent way to organize a paper. If you use a Level 2 heading, then you need at least two such
headings. If only one appears, then ask yourself whether you need the Level 2 heading.
The Level 3 heading. Level 3 headings indicate subsections of the Level 2 heading. If you use a
Level 3 heading, then you need at least two such headings. If only one appears, then ask
yourself whether you need the Level 3 heading.
The conclusion appears here.
Gim, D. E., & Ju, Y. Y. (2020). Factors that Influence Sleep among Residents in Long-Term
Care Facilities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Health, 17(6), 1889.
Hess, S. (2019). How to Incorrectly Launder Money using Private Equity (2nd ed.). San
Francisco, CA: S&S Press.
Hume-Pratuch, J. (2012, March 23). Mysteries of the Running Head Explained. APA Style Blog.
PIEoneer awards honors IEE PEER bridge scholarship initiative (2020, January 21). Institute of
International Education. Retrieved March 18, 2020, from
Richards, C. (2019, December 9). Best music of 2019: Lana Del Rey sings lullabies about the
end of America. Washington Post.
Rones, J. (2020, May 10). Why flats dominate Spain’s housing market.
Ruiz, J. M. (2008). Acid/base chemistry and related organic chemistry conceptions of undergraduate organic chemistry students. (Publication No. 3348786) [Doctoral dissertation,
University of Northern Colorado]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

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