Business Question


Aanalyze a business case, identify the problems, recommend requirements for an improved information system and finally develop an individual written report that documents the system analysis and design activities.The assignmentChoose a business for which an information system is needed and specify what motivates you to select this topic.Chosen Topic is National Bank of Oman All you need to know is attached in the file, so follow the guidelines and the requirements correctly, Because there are more requirements. Minimum 2000 words divided by 3 headlines , at least 2 graphs (as per the required in the attached file), questionnaire for at least 20 people. Also, there is a sample attached, I want it to be the same. Harvard style references Plagiarism free, it will be checked through turn it in.

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Assignment title/Number:
Module Name & Code:
Student/s MUC ID:
Student Name/s:
Academic year:
Word count:
List the generative AI tools
used (if any):
☒ I/We have read the guidelines related to the use of Generative Artificial
Intelligence tools such as ChatGPT/Bard provided in the instruction section of
the assignment brief.
Final Assignment SAD
Ms.Thuraia Al Jabri
Assignment important dates
• Assignment deadline
• Keep a note of the assignment deadline
• Draft submission
• Proposal checking
• Final report checking
Assignment details
• 1. Proposal (20%)
• For this task, you prepare an assignment proposal. This section should
include at least the following details:
• Introduction
• Background information about the organization (you should explain about
your reference system). You have to develop a scenario to describe the existing
• Problem statement
• Stakeholders of the system Proposed system
• Objective of the proposed(new) system
Requirement Analysis (30%)
• A requirement specification document limited to the list of functionalities to be included as well as the nonfunctional requirements in this section as given below:
• Explain the fact-finding techniques with proper justification. You have to provide evidence of contact with people,
organisation or reading documents. (Interviews, questionnaires, sample forms or documents)
• Gather the requirements to prepare a requirement specification document. There should be a minimum of 5
functional and 3 non-functional requirements. Each requirement MUST be explained in a paragraph.
• Explain how the business (in your case) can be benefited from information system.
• NOTE: The evidence of the fact-finding MUST be attached in the appendix (e.g. if you use questionnaire technique,
a sample of questions should be available to proof your work.
• The logical design of the system MUST match the requirements. The elements to be included in this task are:
• Context- level DFD diagram. (Identify all the external entities)
• Draw a DFD Level-0 with all the processes, data flows and data stores or a use case diagram to summarize the
users of your system and their interactions with the system.
• The report must include proper conclusion and references (Harvard Referencing).
How to write an introduction ?
1. Start broadly and then narrow down overview of the topic
2. State the aims and importance of the topic
3. Concluding remarks.
4. Your introduction mainly should be :
• General
• Narrow
• Specific
How to write the problem statement ?
• When should you write a problem statement?
• Step 1: Contextualize the problem
• Step 2: Show why it matters
• Step 3: Set your aims and objectives
Writing the report on Google doc
• Microsoft Visio
Harvard referencing
Library Resources
Report formatting
• Use headings and subheadings.
• Be consistent. Consistent design helps orient people, facilitates
skimming, and enables easy navigation through the report.
• Keep the overall page layout and design features consistent from page to
page. Although each page in your report may have different content, the basic
design should be consistent.
• Keep the formatting of titles, headings, bulleted lists, labels, and other text
the same throughout the report (same font, size, color, and so on).
• page numbers
• Appendix
Interpreting the Similarity Report
• Blue: No matching text
• Green: One word to 24% matching text
• Yellow: 25-49% matching text
• Orange: 50-74% matching text
• Red: 75-100% matching text
Turnitin’s AI detection
• Turnitin’s AI writing detection model is
trained to detect content from the GPT-3
and GPT-3.5 language models, which
includes ChatGPT. Because the writing
characteristics of GPT-4 are consistent
with earlier model versions, our detector
is able to detect content from GPT-4
(ChatGPT Plus) most of the time.
Submission Details
• Review your work before submission
• Ensure it is the last updated file
• Ensure that you receive a turnitun receipt after you submit your file
• File Name should be your student number_SAD
• Submit before the deadline late submission is not accepted.
Word limit
Your report must consist of 2000 Words ± 10%.
10% (+/-)
no penalty
11-20% (+/-)
Reduction of 5
21-30 (+/-) 31-40% (+/-)
Reduction of reduction of 15
10 Marks
41-50% (+/-)
Reduction of 20
+ 50%
Fail the assessment
Submission Deadline
Marks and Feedback
Before 6pm on:
15 working days after deadline (All Levels)
Click or tap to enter a date.
Click or tap to enter a date.
Module title & code
CC08-1 System Analysis and Design (SAD)
Assignment number and title
Assignment (2-A) – Individual Report (Business Case Analysis)
Assessment type
Individual Written Report
Weighting of assessment
Module learning outcomes
1. Describe the terminologies, methods, tools and techniques essential for the
development of an information system.
2. Analyze the given data related to an organization to construct a model that shows
how the desired system should function and how it must be developed.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
This assignment is an individual work in which the student will be required to analyze a business case, identify the problems,
recommend requirements for an improved information system and finally develop an individual written report that documents
the system analysis and design activities.
The assignment
Choose a business for which an information system is needed and specify what motivates you to select this topic.
You are strongly recommended to discuss the topic with your Lecturer before commencing the tasks. The report is separated
into three sections. You will be submitting the final report (combining all the 3 sections) through Turnitin as a single submission.
A few suggested topics are listed below:
1. Thawani App is one of the smart, simple, and secure e-payment services that cater for users’ and merchants’ needs
2. TM DONE App is a food ordering system that has many stores and restaurants ordering meals, groceries and
electronics are easier and faster.
3. Tarassud The App provides all nationals and foreign residents of the Sultanate of Oman, with transparent information
on current infectious diseases.
4. Nida App The mobile application, a call to the Civil Defense and Ambulance Authority, enables the citizen and resident
to submit a report about emergency cases that concern.
5. MOH Oman A call centre that provides citizens and residents with information and assistance related to
health care.
6. Khedmah App The easiest and fastest way to manage, view and pay electricity, water and telecom bills of some
electricity and telecom companies.
7. Mobile Banking. This app allows users to access their eligible accounts and check the balances, review the activities and
transfer money between accounts.
8. CAR SERVICE This app provide car service across the country.
9. Masader This app provides access to the information and resources you need from anywhere, anytime.
10. Shura Elections This app provides information about Shura Council elections and candidacy and voting conditions.
11. Be’ah. The app user can reach to the services provided by the Ministry such as laws and regulations, environmental
events, nature reserves, and licenses.
12. Maaak application is an application dedicated to the services of individuals and job seekers they can search for job
13. Bima The first platform that allows users to compare and purchase insurance from 13 different insurance companies.
You can come up with your own topics also, by taking prior approval from your tutor.
You need to follow the assignment guideline as described below. Only the final report will be submitted in MOVE.
1. Proposal (20%) ( 500 words )
For this task, you prepare an assignment proposal. This section should include at least the following details:
a. Introduction
b. Background information about the organization (you should explain about your reference system). You have to
develop a scenario to describe the existing system.
c. Problem statement
d. Stakeholders of the system
e. Proposed system
f. Objective of the proposed(new) system
You need to get the feedback before the end of week 12.
2. Requirement Analysis (30%) (around 800 words)
A requirement specification document limited to the list of functionalities to be included as well as the non-functional
requirements in this section as given below:
2. Explain the fact-finding techniques with proper justification. You have to provide evidence of contact with people,
organisation or reading documents. (Interviews, questionnaires, sample forms or documents)
3. Gather the requirements to prepare a requirement specification document. There should be a minimum of 5 functional
and 3 non-functional requirements. Each requirement MUST be explained in a paragraph.
4. Explain how the business (in your case) can be benefited from information system.
NOTE: The evidence of the fact-finding MUST be attached in the appendix (e.g. if you use questionnaire technique, a sample of
questions should be available to proof your work.
You need to get the feedback before the end of week 13.
3. Limited logical design, conclusion and references (50%) ( around 700 words)
The logical design of the system MUST match the requirements. The elements to be included in this task are:
5. Context- level DFD diagram. (Identify all the external entities)
6. Draw a DFD Level-0 with all the processes, data flows and data stores or a use case diagram to summarize the users of
your system and their interactions with the system.
7. The report must include proper conclusion and references (Harvard Referencing).
NOTE: Each diagram MUST be explained in details. Do not draw the diagram WITHOUT explanation. You are required to use
MS-Visio to design the above diagrams. Screenshots, images and etc. will NOT be accepted.
You need to get the feedback on your diagrams before the end of week 15.
For Operational Guidelines refer to Student Handbook Section IV: ASSESSMENTS.
At the time of submission, you need to make sure that the assignment is your own and all the sources have been acknowledged.
1. Individual Report must be submitted on-line (through MOVE) in week 14/15.
Is there a word limit (Number of Words ± 10%)?
Your report must consist of 2000 Words ± 10%.
10% (+/-)
no penalty
11-20% (+/-)
Reduction of 5
21-30 (+/-)
Reduction of
10 Marks
31-40% (+/-)
reduction of 15
41-50% (+/-)
Reduction of 20
+ 50%
Fail the assessment
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations)
Report should include (at least) each of the following:
• An introduction with some background; problem should be stated even without further explanation and description of
existing system
• Few (2 to 3) general functionalities with no explanation, and 2 to 3 features with general description. In addition to few
identified benefits
• A context diagram should be drawn with few entities and with improper data flows;

DFD should be partially correct. Event table should also be acceptable.
Some organization and flow to be included; some references to be included.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a higher grade?
Report should include all the following:
• A well stated motivation with an excellent background of the business.
• Problem statement and detailed and good description of the topic.
• More than 5 functionalities are explained; nonfunctional requirements relevant to the application should be also
provided as well as a complete benefits list.
• Correct, relevant and proper Context diagram; or correct DFD with excellent explanation
• Event table for the scenario with very good identification of the source, destination and trigger, use case and response
• Excellent organized sections, good use of the language; logical flow is obvious; appropriate and relevant references are
How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

In this module students will learn and understand the analysis and design phases of the software life cycle, in
particular, of the object-oriented approaches to software development.
Students will have the skills to identify the business problems, determine the requirements for developing a new
At the end, students will be equipped with a strong foundation in system analysis and design concepts, methodologies,
techniques and tools.
Report Marking Rubric
How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.
You can use them to evaluate your own work and estimate your grade before you submit.
List of
(minimum 5)
Benefits of the
new system.
Sub Standard /
No Attempt
(0 Marks)
(20 Marks)
(40 Marks)
(50 Marks)
Very Good
(60 Marks)
(70 Marks)
(100 Marks)
No introduction,
about the
Description of
the problem and
Existing system
not given.
No problem
stated, and no
description of
existing system
An introduction
provided. Very
problem stated
but not
explained. and
no description of
existing system
Introduction is
background is
Very good
introduction and
study included;
some problems
are identified
and very good
Motivation is
very well stated
with an excellent
background of
the business.
statement is
included and
detailed and
good description
motivation with
supporting fact;
All possible
problems are
stated and an
description of
the actual system
is provided.
No Proper
function is
identified; no
feature is
provided and
included are the
most common
with no proper
Listed features
with no
Benefits not
relevant or
2-3 general
are included with
no explanation.
2-3 features are
with general
description. Few
benefits are
3-4 general
are provided;
some of the
requirements are
included. Some
benefits are
5 main
are provided and
requirements are
benefits are
More than 5
are explained;
relevant to the
application are
also provided as
well as a
benefits list.
More than 5
are exceptionally
description of
requirement. A
complete benefit
list thoroughly
A few problems
are identified
and good
description of
existing system
is given
diagram with
of external
Event table
No context
Event table not
Context diagram
included but not
proper and no
proper process;
Wrong DFD and
event table.
Structure of
the reports
No references.
deficiencies in
the organization
of the report.
A context
diagram is drawn
with few entities
and with
improper data
Correct and
proper Context
diagram; DFD
included correct
and good
Correct and
proper Context
diagram. DFD
included correct
and very good
DFD partially
correct. Event
table also
Event table for
the scenario with
identification of
the source,
destination and
Event table for
the scenario with
very good
identification of
the source,
destination and
trigger, use case
and response.
organization and
flow are
References are
included are not
proper or not
directly relevant.
Partially wellorganized report
with some
deficiency in
flow; few
references are
Well organized
report with some
logical flow.
Some references
included are
Correct, relevant
and proper
diagram; or
correct DFD
with excellent
Correct, relevant
and proper
DFD with
Event table for
the scenario with
very good
identification of
the source,
destination and
trigger, use case
and response
Event table with
description of
the scenario and
identification of
the source,
destination and
trigger, use case
and response.
organized report;
logical flow is
appropriate and
references are
organized report;
logical flow is
appropriate and
references are
Project Title:
Developing an online video rental system for Vidicted Company
Module Code: XXXXXXXX
Module Name: XXXXXXXX
Module Tutor: XXXXXXXX
Student Name: XXXXXXXX
Student Number: XXXXXXXX
Submission Date: June – 2020
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… #
CHAPTER 1…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. #
SECTION 1.1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. #
Subsection 1.1.a …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. #
Subsection 1.1.b …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. #
Subsection 1.1.c……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… #
SECTION 1.2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… #
SECTION 1.3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… #
CHAPTER 2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. #
SECTION 2.1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… #
SECTION 2.2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… #
Subsection 2.2.a …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. #
Subsection 2.2.b …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. #
Subsection 2.2.c……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… #
SECTION 2.3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… #
CHAPTER 3 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. #
SECTION 3.1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… #
SECTION 3.2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… #
SECTION 3.3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… #
Subsection 3.3.a …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. #
Subsection 3.3.b …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. #
Subsection 3.3.c……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… #
CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… #
REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. #
Chapter One
1.1 Background
In reality, the video rental industry is a growing business that shifts with the economy,
enhancements of technology, society and remains relevant in the industry. The main objective
behind this report is to examine the current issues within the information system and to
provide solutions and efficient system through collecting necessary information.
1.2 Problem Statement
Vidicted is the most well-known video rental company in Oman since its establishment in
recent years. Vidicted is a leading organization with a significant presence in major industries
including video games and movies. The company is looking forward to enhance its current
system as it did not anticipate such massive growth in the industry when the business was
launched. Consequently, the existing system is very limited and it will not fulfil the
expectations of its business requirements. The company needs an online system to handle all
sales, rental, users and storage aspects. The system should allow this data to be stored in a
shared database and maintained and easily available from any of its stores. Using the system,
a new customer should be able to watch trailers, ratings, reviews, lookup for films/games, and
search through certain categories and genres. A delivery service is also available for the
customer who would like to request the rented items immediately. The payment can be done
using the financial system supported by the new system. Nevertheless, they must subscribe to
a membership to rent movies/video games. The user will be enabled to view their rental
history and from the system an email newsletter containing updates and new releases of the
latest movies/video games should be sent to subscribed users.
The problem statement of the current system can be defined as follows:
A. It’s difficult to keep track of rented items and distributed items to the company’s
various stores.
B. Not being able to get rapid and easy access to information from the central database.
C. Manually updating the central database is slowing down the work pace.
D. The current system is very slow to respond. Customers are often left at the counter
waiting for the system to show their information to staff.
Hence, the existing system’s enhancement is very much necessary.
1.3 Stakeholders of the system
The following are stakeholders of the system:
● Customers: The users who may use the system and who may subscribes for
● Employees: The people who work at Vidicted, and are responsible to offer rental
● Post-office: Delivery services for rented items.
● Financial institutions: Financial service providers for the users.
● Suppliers: A wholesaler that offers movies/video games to the company.
1.4 The Proposed System
The company is going to have a market advantage above all other video rental firms
by introducing our program and a higher overall revenue performance, we strive to
achieve the following targets:
➢ Development of a new system step ahead than the current one.
➢ Create a user-friendly environment for the users.
➢ To develop a system to monitor the distributions of rented items and to
maintain the inventory.
➢ To print and send receipts to the users of each transaction or operation they
have done.
➢ To create a system that will be divided into the movies and video games.
➢ To create a system that collects, tracks and classifies the rented items into
categories based on the Name of the rented item, Date of rent, Type, whether
or not an active customer, subscribed to membership and number of
movies/video games already watched/played…etc. For instance:
The name Of
Date Of Rent
No. of movies/video
games watched/played
Infinity War.
➢ To generate reports on other aspects of the company such as the store
Revenue/sales, Direct cost, Gross profit, Net profit, current assets, current
liabilities, total assets, total liabilities and net worth, etc… For example:
Chapter Two
System Requirements and Analysis
2.1 Functional Requirements
The system shall allow User/Admin to:
❏ Search and select for a variety of movies/Video games. Users can select and search for
various categories and genres of movies/video games they like.
❏ Enter their details, for instance: Name, Phone number, email address, etc… If they are
willing to subscribe to the membership.
❏ To modify membership information. If the members got a new email address, a new
phone number, a new home address, etc… They can update their details easily.
❏ (Admin) Update inventory information and add new movies/video games. The Admin
can add any updates regarding the inventory information as well as new movies/video
games to meet their customers’ requirements.
❏ Place an order to rent a movie/video game (or add to cart). Users can order for the
rented item or they can add them to cart for the future.
❏ Make a Purchase. If the users would like to purchase the item, there should be an
availability to do so.
❏ Return the rented item. The users can also return the rented item by using the system.
2.2 Non-Functional Requirements
❏ The system shall be available 24/7 for user access.
❏ The system shall be user friendly. The environment and design should be convenient
for everyone to use.
❏ The system shall have an additional backup for stored data to prevent losing data.
❏ The system shall be a safe place for financial transactions and confidential information
about the members.
2.3 Fact-Finding Techniques
The fact-finding techniques that have been used to collect requirements for the new system
are listed below.
2.3.1 Interviews
Interviews are one of the most used techniques to collect requirements. The real time face to
face contact with users will make us comprehend the requirements and issues better.
Interview with company staff
➢ Study about their work.
➢ Identify the people involved in the process.
➢ Knowing their aspirations for the new system.
➢ Examine the current system’s issues.
➢ Can you elaborate about your job and position please?
➢ What are your issues with the current system?
➢ What features would you like the proposed system to have?
➢ How would you like the proposed system to be?
➢ How far do you think the new system would help the company?
Summary of the conducted interviews
interviewee: Company owner
Subject: Study of the company
Duration: 30 minutes
Mr. Tom is the owner of the company. He likes to build the manual system to the
computerize system, because the company staff have to work quickly and accurately. For that,
he is satisfied to have a centralized database. He is not satisfied to have an online computerize
system. In addition, he likes to have good quality software for the company sales, inventory&
rental activities.
Thanking interview.
interviewee: Company Manager
Subject: Study of the complete system
Duration: 30 minutes
Mr. David is company manager. He likes to work with computerize system, because the
company staff have to work quickly and accurately. In addition, he is unable to get the
information from the sub divisions. He is not satisfied to have an online computerize system.
Moreover, he likes to have good quality software for the company sales, inventory & rental
Thanking interview
interviewee: Payment division Manager
Subject: Main Features of the payment system
Duration: 1 hour
Mr. Suresh is the manager of the payment division. He likes to work with computerize
system, and centralized database system, because he feels very difficult to work with the
manual system. In addition, he has to generate the report quickly and accurately.
Thanking interview
interviewee: Stock Division manager
Subject: Details study of the stock activities
Duration: Two hours
Mr. Rohan is the manager of the stock division. He likes to work with computerize system,
and centralized database system. Moreover, he likes to increase the stock division employees.
In addition, he likes to have more shelves to keep the stock. Because he has difficult to keep
the items without damages and the staff have to spend more time to find out the place of the
Thanking interview
interviewee: Purchase division Manager.
Subject: Details of the purchase activities
Duration: Two hours
Mr. Saeed is the manager of the purchase division. He likes to work with computerize system,
and centralized database system, because he has to work quickly and accurately. And he likes
to purchase the cds from good quality Product Company. For that, he likes to contract some
good quality companies.
Thanking interview.
interviewee: Sales division Manager
Subject: Details analysis of the sales activities
Duration: Two hours
Mr.Roys is the manager of the sales division. He likes to work with computerize system, and
centralized database syst
2.3.2 Questionnaires
Questionnaires includes a set of questions in a coherent manner and are used to extract
information from a group of people. The questions are clear and straightforward. This method
is suitable for users who lacks experience in usage of the system or who live in other
countries. One of its advantages is that most people are familiar with the technique and the
fact it can be analysed effortlessly. Following are examples of both open and close (-ended)
❖ The sample of questionnaires that has been given to the users:
★ Open-ended questions:
1. What is your role/job?
2. Are you a regular system user?
3. What do you think about the current system?
4. What are the features you most/least like about the existing system?
5. What are issues being you dealing with the old system?
6. Would you like to describe the old system?
7. In what way is the current system affecting the company and the work efficiency?
8. What are the most repeated tasks you do using the existing system?
9. What features would you like the new system to have that will benefit the company
and staff?
10. What is the most important feature to be added to the system in your perspective?
★ Close-ended questions:
1. What is your view on the current system?
❏ Excellent
❏ Very good
❏ Good
❏ Poor
2. What is your view on “Vidicted” comparing other video rental companies?
❏ Excellent
❏ Very Good
❏ Good
❏ Poor
3. What would you rate the current system’s functionalities?
Very good
4. What would you rate the system’s speed?
Very good
5. How would you rate the payment system?
Very good
6. Do you find the system convenient for all age groups?
❏ Yes
❏ No
7. Are you satisfied with the appearance of the system?
❏ Yes
❏ No
8. Is the system’s rental process clear to you?
❏ Yes
❏ No
9. Is the membership subscription process clear to you?
❏ Yes
❏ No
10. Would you recommend the current system to others?
❏ Yes
❏ No
2.3.3 Observation
Unlike the previous techniques, here the analyst themselves goes to visit the company and
observes and comprehends the issues, the functioning of the current system, system users,
etc… An analyst can perform this job for this technique to be implemented as they know what
issues must be fixed and emphasised.
How to implement this technique? By empathizing myself in the workplace, observing the
employees as well as acknowledging their everyday tasks.
Chapter Three
System Design
3.1 System Logical Design
In the logical design we are showing two main diagrams which are the context diagram (level
0) and the higher level 1 of Data Flow Diagram (DFD).
3.1.1 Context Diagram
Context Diagram Explanation:
In the above figure shows the process of establishing the analysis framework by drawing and
reviewing the context diagram inevitably involves some initial