Business Question


Please strictly follow and comply with all the attached requirements. My selected country is Germany. I have attached a copy of Dr. Slide’s presentation (PowerPoint format) for your reference only. When you select a company in Germany, insert symbols, photos, and charts/graphs in a professional manner, including the references. Plagiarism beyond 25% is considered cheating and will not be accepted. This is the final assignment for postgraduate students. The requested five references shall comply with the Harvard referencing style.

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Slide 9.1
Chapter 9
Customer relationship
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.2
Learning outcomes
• Outline different methods of reaching and
acquiring new customers via digital media
• Evaluate different buyer behaviour amongst
online customers
• Describe techniques for retaining customers
and cross- and up-selling using digital media
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.3
Management issues
• Which digital media should we invest in to reach new
• What are the practical success factors for using digital
media need to make customer acquisition more
• What technologies can be used to build and maintain
the online relationship?
• How do we deliver superior service quality to build
and maintain relationships?
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.4
What is CRM?
• You have a job interview for Centrica
(AA, British Gas, Goldfish) working in the CRM
• How would you explain the terms:
– e-CRM
• Why does Centrica have a CRM function?
– Why is CRM different?
– What are benefits of this approach?
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.5
e-CRM – a definition
e-CRM is:
• Applying…
Internet and other digital technology…
(web, email, wireless, iTV, databases)
• to…
acquire and retain customers
(through a multi-channel buying process
and customer lifecycle)
• by…
improving customer knowledge, targeting,
service delivery and satisfaction.
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.6
Marketing applications of CRM
• A CRM system supports the following marketing

Sales force automation (SFA). Sales representatives are
supported in their account management through tools to
arrange and record customer visits.
Customer service management. Representatives in
contact centres respond to customer requests for
information by using an intranet to access databases
containing information on the customer, products and
previous queries.
Managing the sales process. This can be achieved
through e-commerce sites, or in a B2B context by
supporting sales representatives by recording the sales
process (SFA).
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.7
Marketing applications of CRM
• Campaign management. Managing ad, direct
mail, email and other campaigns.
• Analysis. Through technologies such as data
warehouses and approaches such as data
mining, which are explained further later in the
chapter, customers characteristics, their
purchase behaviour and campaigns can be
analysed in order to optimise the marketing mix.
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.8
Figure 9.1 The four classic marketing activities of customer relationship management
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.9
Figure 9.2 A summary of an effective process of online relationship-building
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.10
Figure 9.3 Reach–Act–Convert–Engage model
Source: Smart Insights (2010) Introducing RACE = A practical framework to improve your digital marketing. Dave Chaffey, 15 July 2010.​marketing​strategy/race-a-practical-​framework-to-improve-​your-​digital-​ marketing.
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.11
A summary of how the Internet can impact on the buying process for a
new purchaser
Figure 9.4
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.12
A model of the relationship between different aspects of trust and
consumer response based on the categories
Figure 9.5
Source: Bart et al. (2005).
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.13
Figure 9.6 Percentage who consider the different information sources as important
when researching/considering a product or service
Source: BrandNewWorld: AOL UK/Anne Molen (Cranfield School of Management)/Henley Centre, 2004.
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.14
Figure 9.7 Measures used for setting campaign objectives or assessing campaign
success increasing in sophistication from bottom to top
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.15
Figure 9.8 An example of effectiveness measures for an online ad campaign
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.16
Which are the ranking factors affecting
position in Google SERPs?
• On-page optimisation
– Document meta data
– Document content
– Creation of new pages
• Off-page optimisation
– Link-building
• External links
• ‘Links in’
• ‘Backlinks’
• ‘Inbound links’
• AND internal links
• Behavioural
– Popularity of sites from toolbar
• Google’s search spam filters
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.17
Which SEO ranking factors
should I focus on?

On page optimisation:

tag = 4.9/5
Keyword frequency and density = 3.7/5
Keyword in headings = = 3.1, = 2.8
Keyword in document name = 2.8
Meta name description = 2/5
Meta name keywords = 1/5
Off-page optimisation:

More backlinks (higher PageRank) = 4/5
Link anchor text contains keyword = 4.4/5
Page assessed as a hub = 3.5/5
Page assessed as an authority = 3.5/5
Link velocity (rate at which changes) = 3.5/5
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.18
Which factors affect returns
from paid search?

Distribution of daily budget

Amount bid (Max CPC)

* Clickthrough rate

* Creative quality including creative testing

* Campaign structure

* Match types especially negative matches

Use of content network

Time-of-day (day parting)

Landing page quality

Click fraud!

* In Google AdWords, Live Search and Yahoo! Quality Score
especially important
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.19
Figure 9.9 Stages in producing natural search engine listings
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.20
Figure 9.10 Search engine results page showing the two main methods for
achieving visibility
Source: Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.21
Figure 9.12 Aspects of social CRM
Source: Altimeter (2010).
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.22
Figure 9.13 Online PR categories and activities
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.23
Figure 9.14 The affiliate marketing model (note that the tracking software and fee
payment may be managed through an independent affiliate network manager)
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.24
Figure 9.17 Activity segmentation of a site requiring registration
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.25
Figure 9.18 Different representations of lifetime-value calculation
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.26
Figure 9.19 An example of an LTV-based segmentation plan
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.27
Figure 9.21 Customer life cycle segmentation
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.28
Figure 9.22 RFM analysis
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Slide 9.29
Figure 9.23 An overview of the components of CRM technologies
Chaffey, Digital Business and E-commerce Management Powerpoints on the Web, 6th edition © Marketing Insights Limited 2015
Final Research Project
The final project must contain a minimum of 1,800 words and a maximum of 2,000 words.
Make sure to use proper referencing for the sources of your literature.
Based on your chosen country of practice, you need to choose one company that is
implementing the on customer relationship management (CRM), and to the tasks specified
Writing Guidelines: Paper size: A4, Line Spacing: 1.5, Margins: 1” (inch) all sides, Font:
Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 for text 14 for heading and 13 for subheading.
The report should follow the structure of the assignment given below.
Structure of the Assignment
Cover Page
The cover page should be well-presented, business-like, neat and
professional. It should have the following information:
• Heading (name of the university and address)
• Course name
• Course code
• Student name and number
• Date of submission (date, month, year)
• The name of your country of practice with their flag
• The name of your instructor (using the same font with
your name)
• The introduction should be concise and interesting
Company profile
background on customer relationship management
• Provide a brief profile of your chosen company
implementing customer relationship management (CRM).
Discussion and It should include the following:
• Description of the customer relationship management
(CRM) of your chosen company.
• Discuss the best practices for the implementation of
customer relationship management (CRM).
• Describe how your chosen company implemented at least
ten (10) different aspects in slide no. 21 of customer
relationship management (CRM), and analyse their
impact on the performance of your chosen company.
• Evaluate how customer relationship management (CRM)
helped your chosen company in realizing its goals and
Conclusion and Students are expected to restate the report and relate to its
recommendations purpose and summarise the key points.
It should include:
• References (minimum 5)

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