Business Question


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Assignment Title: Determine Methods to Measure and Improve Capacity
Books and Resources

Romanowski, R. (2021). Sustainable development: Innovation in Business. Poznań University of
Economics and Business. CC-BY-NC-ND.
Read “9. Storytelling In Business – How To Increase Customer Engagement?.”

Lehmann, H., Hinske, C., de Margerie, V., & Nikolova, A.S. (2023). The impossibilities of the
circular economy: Separating aspirations from reality. Routledge.
Read “Part II: What Are Our Bline Spots?”

Forsgren, L., Tediosi, F., Blanchet, K., & Saulnier, D. D. (2022). Health systems resilience in
practice: a scoping review to identify strategies for building resilience. BMC Health Services
Research, 22(1), 1–9.
Budge, K. M., & Parrett, W. H. (2022). Learning from Schools on the Path to HighPerforming. Educational Leadership, 80(4), 30–37.
Adna, B.E., & Sukoco, B.M. (2020). Managerial cognitive capabilities, organizational capacity for
change, and performance: The moderating effect of social capital. Cogent Business &
Managment, 7(1).
For this assignment, you are a consultant for an organization of your choice, and you want to know how
the organization’s capacity is prepared for a likely change in marketing conditions. You plan to research
the means to measure the organization’s capacity to provide goods and services. If you notice that
capacity appears low in the advent of rising orders, what will you do? Will you attempt to raise the
quality and time performance of individuals in the department, increase the supply of materials, or
introduce other measures to improve capacity?
For this assignment, write a paper that addresses the following:

Indicate the measurements organizations use to measure capacity.

Discuss what you could do as a consultant to help leaders improve the level of quality and timely
service to improve capacity.

Determine how these improvements contribute to improvements in the quality of goods and
services provided to customers.

Determine how data-driven capacity planning could determine the optimal resources to
improve the quality of goods/services.

Consider increasing customer follow-ups after purchases regarding satisfaction of goods and
service, as an indicator of the quality of capacity.

Develop a brief survey two weeks after purchase to inquire about suggested improvements that
could be made in products and services.

In your paper, utilize the theory of constraints, the theory of capacity utilization, or another
theory directly pertinent to the development or use of capacity.
Length: This assignment must be 5-7 pages (excluding the title and reference page).
References: Include five scholarly resources.
Paper must be in academic format.
Assignment will be submitted via Turnitin.

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