Business Question


Part 1 Discussion – Virtual Museum Tour

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Visit the Smithsonian Explore Art & Design page and scroll down to the “Collections Sampler” heading to explore some of the work in the Smithsonian collection. Click on various works for more details.

Initial Post

For each piece of artwork, provide the name of the piece and the link to the page.

Describe two works of art viewed in your virtual tour. Identify the subjects, themes, and stylistic characteristics of the pieces of art.
Describe your experience. What did the artwork make you think of? What mood did the artwork create? What emotions did the art make you feel?
Response Post

View the pieces of artwork using the links provided by your classmate.

What observations did you make about the piece of art that are different from those identified by your classmate?
What was your experience viewing the artwork? Was it different or similar from your classmate’s experience?
classmate to reply:
Reina Garcia13 hours ago, at 9:54 PMNEW
Cosmic Beadwork- “Milky Way, Starry Night #2″…The theme of art I chose is about the night sky. You see a lot of different fractals and all these beautiful colors in the night sky. I see a skeleton hand reaching out. It focuses on when you look into the sky at night objects disappears because of light pollution and how it affects every object on Earth. This artwork caught my attention because of part of the title “Starry Night.” It reminds me of my favorite painting by Vincent Van Gogh “The Starry Night.” That made me feel happy. It makes me think of how dark it might be at night time. There is always light and a sense of peace.
Autumn Views-Ribbon…The second theme of art I chose is about leaves. You see a lot of leaves falling on this black satin ribbon. The leaves are just popping with all these beautiful colors. There is orange, green, purple, and some red. Then there is this beautiful design that outlines it all and brings it together. You can see that the talent that the artist and time they put into this piece. I chose this artwork because we are in the season of fall. Fall is the season for change. That change begins with the weather, clothing you wear, time, and the leaves. The leaves change into the last beautiful colors they have to give. You have to go through some pain and beauty to have new things grow.
Part 2 Assignment – Design in Everyday Objects
For your first assignment, you will look at design in everyday objects around you. Review the readings and lesson content in this module about the elements and principles of design and the various functions of art.Pay special attention to the vocabulary used to describe visual elements. Some elements are functional, while some are meant to make the object look appealing.
Choose three (3) objects from your everyday environment. For each object, complete the following:
Photograph or sketch the objects depending on the submission option you select from the list below.
Explain how you use each object.
Describe how each object incorporates elements of design: color, line, shape, form, pattern, and texture.
Describe how each object incorporates principles of design: balance, rhythm, scale, proportions, and harmony.
Submission Options
You have a choice when it comes to submitting your assignment. Choose one of the following formats:
Option #1, Write: Submit one Word document (DOCX) that includes images of your three chosen objects, along with your written responses to the directions.
Option #2, Sketch: Draw simple but clear sketches of your three chosen objects. On the same pages as the sketches, include your handwritten responses to the directions. Submit your sketches as PDF files that are clear and easy to read.
Option #3, Design: Create an infographic for each of your three chosen objects. Each infographic must include an image of your chosen object, along with your written responses to the directions. Submit your infographics as PDF files that are clear and easy to read.
Option #4, Video: Create a video for each of your three chosen objects. Each video must include an image of your chosen object, along with your verbal responses to the directions. Submit links (URLs) to view your finished videos.