Business Question


JustificationThe justification should be a persuasive narrative (30-100 words) that contains the following:State Your Claim: Start with a brief statement of your paper title, which will focus on your research paper. It should not contain the specifics of your research.Establish Reasons: Based on the chosen title, begin providing the reasoning. It is essential to frame your reasoning for why such a title is chosen with your objectives.Provide Support: It is best to provide a one-sentence descriptive bibliography (in-text citation) with few references indicating that your title is in line with the recent research. The more recent and up to date your support references you provide, the stronger your title justification is.Have fun with this! Why do you want to write about this ?subject: Navigating the Post-COVID-19 Global Business Landscape: A Comparative Analysis of Strategic Adaptation by Walmart
I have chosen this topic because it explores the critical challenges and strategic decisions made by a global retail giant in response to the pandemic.

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