Business Question


The Leadership Capstone Reflection is designed to be an opportunity to synthesize the ideas discussed and practiced throughout this course. This assignment will require you to reflect on the leadership examples provided by the instructors, authors, and case studies to critically think and write.

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Business Question
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Knowledge: This assignment will help you gain the following knowledge related to ethical leadership and decision-making in the field of business:

Understanding effective communication tactics based on personality types and values.

Knowledge of how to come to a difficult decision with an individual or group of people with different biases and personal agendas.

Understanding professionalism in high-stress, high-stakes environments.

Knowledge of the difficulties of ethical decision making in real-life situations.

Understanding of potential dilemmas faced in industry, and the nuances considered in finding consensus.

Task: To complete this assignment you will:

Compose and submit a well-written reflectionthat is 4 pages discussing leadership and ethical decision-making. In your reflection, you should consider:

Leadership concepts and ideas discussed in class.

Concepts covered in the Certificate of Ethical Leadership.

Experiences within the course

Concepts and theories discussed in The Infinite Game, The Five Levels of Leadership, Personality assessments, Values, Culture, Leader’s Philosophy, Ethics, and Team building.

Experiences outside of class that have affected your perception of leadership.