Business Question


Home Depot
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Evaluate the extent to which the company you selected epitomizes each of the six elements of a learning organization. Write a memo to the CEO of the company you’ve been assessing throughout the course (Home Depot), outlining your plan to create economic, social, and environmental value.

Assessment Directions

Pt 1: Learning Organizations & Value Creation

Review the 6 key elements of a learning organization (Ch. 11 of Strategic Management by Dess).

Evaluate the extent to which—high, medium, or low—the company you selected epitomizes each of the 6 elements.

In 1-3 sentences, justify the rating you assigned to each key element with examples.

Recommend at least 1 step the organization’s leaders could take to enhance 1 of the elements and explain how that could help the organization create more value.

Cite references to support your assignment.

Continue to the Pt 2: Strategic Recommendations Memo tab.

Pt 2: Strategic Recommendations Memo

Write a 4- to 6-page memo to the CEO of the company you’ve been assessing throughout the course, outlining your plan to create economic, social, and environmental value. In your memo, include the following items:

An executive summary of the memo
A summary of the organization’s strengths and weaknesses from Competency 1 Assessment, Part 1, and recommendations for converting weaknesses into strengths
A summary of your findings on Porter’s five forces from Competency 2 Assessment, Part 1
A summary of your findings on the diamond of national advantage from Competency 2 Assessment, Part 2
A summary of your analysis of the firm as a learning organization from Part 1 of this assessment
Strategic recommendations based on your previous work in this course. Include the opportunity identified in Competency 1 Assessment, Part 2, the move into the country identified in Competency 2 Assessment, Part 2, and any recommended moves toward being a learning organization. Provide a rationale for each recommendation.

Cite references to support your assignment.

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MGTCB/576 Competency 3 Assessment and Rubric
Course Title: Opportunity Evaluation and Value Creation
Competency Assessment Title: Competency 3 Assessment
Total Number of Points: 100
Assignment Directions
Part 1: Learning Organizations and Value Creation
Review the 6 key elements of a learning organization (Ch. 11 of Strategic Management by Dess).
Evaluate the extent to which—high, medium, or low—the company you selected epitomizes each of the 6 elements.
In 1-3 sentences, justify the rating you assigned to each key element with examples.
Recommend at least 1 step the organization’s leaders could take to enhance 1 of the elements and explain how that could help the organization create more value.
Cite references to support your assignment.
Part 2: Strategic Recommendations Memo
Write a 4- to 6-page memo to the CEO of the company you’ve been assessing throughout the course, outlining your plan to create economic, social, and
environmental value. In your memo, include the following items:
• An executive summary of the memo
• A summary of the organization’s strengths and weaknesses from Competency 1 Assessment, Part 1, and recommendations for converting weaknesses into
• A summary of your findings on Porter’s five forces from Competency 2 Assessment, Part 1
• A summary of your findings on the diamond of national advantage from Competency 2 Assessment, Part 2
• A summary of your analysis of the firm as a learning organization from Part 1 of this assessment
• Strategic recommendations based on your previous work in this course. Include the opportunity identified in Competency 1 Assessment, Part 2, the move into
the country identified in Competency 2 Assessment, Part 2, and any recommended moves toward being a learning organization. Provide a rationale for each
Cite references to support your assignment.
Copyright 2021 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
MGTCB/576 Competency 2 Rubric
Page 2 of 2
Competency Assessment Rubric
1. Executive summary
(weight 10%)
2. Organization’s strengths and
(weight 20%)
3. Porter’s five forces
(weight 15%)
4. Diamond of national advantage
(weight 15%)
5. Learning organization
(weight 20%)
6. Strategic recommendations
(weight 20%)
Meets Expectations
Not Met
Provided a thorough executive
summary of the memo
Provided a partial executive
summary of the memo
Provided a narrow executive summary of
the memo or did not provide an executive
summary of the memo
Provided a thorough summary of
chosen organization’s strengths
and weaknesses
Provided a partial summary of
chosen organization’s strengths
and weaknesses
Provided a narrow summary of chosen
organization’s strengths and weaknesses or
did not include a summary of chosen
organization’s strengths and weaknesses
Memo contained a detailed
summary of Competency 2
Assessment findings on Porter’s
five forces
Memo contained a partial
summary of Competency 2
Assessment findings on Porter’s
five forces
Memo contained a narrow summary of
Competency 2 Assessment findings on
Porter’s five forces or did not contain
summary of Competency 2 Assessment
findings on Porter’s five forces
Provided a thorough summary of
Competency 2 Assessment
findings on the diamond of
national advantage
Provided a partial summary of
Competency 2 Assessment
findings on the diamond of
national advantage
Provided a narrow summary of Competency
2 Assessment findings on the diamond of
national advantage or did not include a
summary of Competency 2 findings on the
diamond of national advantage
Provided a thorough summary of
Competency 3, Part 1 analysis of
the firm as a learning organization
Provided a thorough summary of
Competency 3, Part 1 analysis of
the firm as a learning organization
Provided a narrow summary of Competency
3, Part 1 analysis of the firm as a learning
organization or did not include a summary
of Competency 3, Part 1 analysis of the firm
as a learning organization
Provided thorough strategic
recommendations: opportunity
identified, the move into the
country, and any recommended
moves toward being a learning
organization and in-depth rationale
for each recommendation
Provided partial strategic
recommendations: opportunity
identified, the move into the
country, and any recommended
moves toward being a learning
organization and detailed rationale
for some of the recommendation
Provided brief strategic recommendations:
opportunity identified, the move into the
country, and any recommended moves
toward being a learning organization and
brief rationale for at least one
recommendation or did not include any
recommendations or rationales
Copyright 2021 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Competency Three Guidance (and Bonus
Competency three is a chance to “put it all together.” It is the culmination of our semester’s
study of value creation. Similar to the other competencies, there are two parts. Part One is a
short paper to address learning organization factors. Chapter 11 discusses 5 elements. There
are actually six- Learning organizations = organizations that create a proactive, creative
approach to the unknown; characterized by (1) inspiring and motivating people with a
mission and purpose, (2) developing leaders, (3) empowering employees at all levels,
(4) accumulating and sharing internal knowledge, (5) gathering and integrating
external information, and (6) challenging the status quo and enabling creativity. You will
write a few sentences on each factor, remember to include citations to give credit to your
sources as well as references.
Part Two is a memorandum to senior leadership where you share your ideas, research, and
recommendations. As you know, senior leaders are very busy. So, memorandums will often
begin with an Executive Summary. This is typically about a page in length and should contain a
synopsis of your memorandum and recommendations with enough information so the senior
leader can judge the merit of your ideas. Here is an article that discusses writing an executive
summary Article on Executive Summaries. Following the executive summary, you will write in
detail about what you have discovered in your SWOT, your Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis (do not
forget the so-called sixth force- complementors), the Diamond of National Advantages,
Learning Organization exploration, and of course your actionable Recommendations for
Again, remember the APA format with headings to separate portions of your essay, citations,
and references for both Part One and Part Two. I look forward to reading your assignment.
Let’s finish strong!

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