Business Question


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Week 1 – Post Your Introduction
This Post Your Introduction discussion is formatted differently than you have seen in
previous courses.

Initial post is due Day 1 (Tuesday)
Video post is due Day 4 (Friday)
Response post to peers is due Day 7 (Monday)
Post Your Introduction [WLO: 2 ] [CLO: 1] [NACE: 2,4,6,7]
This discussion forum aligns with the NACE Competencies identified above. For more
information on NACE Competencies, view the NACE Competencies: Developing Career
ReadinessLinks to an external site. interactive.
NOTE: This discussion forum will be assessed on a 10-point scale and is worth 6% of
your final grade.
The premise of this course follows the scenario of a fictional company, Learn-E-Now,
which is expanding its operation to reach international markets. Learn-E-Now intends to
recruit and engage virtual team members to lead teams that will operate in three
different countries in Africa. You are applying for one of these team lead positions.
Prior to working on this discussion, read Chapter 1 to learn about teams and the purpose
of teams. Additionally, view the Learn-E-Now Introduction interactive below to learn more
about the company and their goals.
For a larger view, open the interactive in a new tab by clicking: Learn-E-Now
IntroductionLinks to an external site.
The Initial Post. Due by Day 1.
Introduce yourself to the class by creating a written bio. Treat this bio as a way to
market your knowledge, skills, and abilities to become a member of a virtual team. This
bio will be used later in the course as selection criteria for a virtual team.
Include the following information in your bio:

Your first and last name.
Current and two previous types of employment (Employer names not needed)
Skills acquired in those positions
Identify your top four skills and strengths
A performance area that needs more development not listed as a strength
Leadership statement: If an opportunity for selection as a team leader arises,
please state why you would be a good international team leader for Learn-ENow.
The Video Post. Due by Day 4.
Record a video of yourself presenting your bio. Include each of the bulleted items that
are required. Your video bio should be 2-3 minutes long. For tips on making a
professional video, review the Filming a Video that Demonstrates ProfessionalismLinks to an
external site. resource.
Click ‘Reply’ on your initial post and upload your video file or share your video link as a
response to your initial post to the discussion forum.
Use one of the following video recording options:

Canvas Video Submission
o See the Canvas Video Submission InstructionsLinks to an external site.
Screencast-O-MaticLinks to an external site.
o See the Screencast-O-Matic Quickstart GuideLinks to an external site.
ZoomLinks to an external site.
o See the Zoom Quick-Start GuideLinks to an external site.
You are not required to have your web camera on, however, if you elect to have the
camera off, you must show some type of visual aid on-screen that introduces you to the
class. The use of a webcam is not required to use a screencast program; however,
screencasts do require the use of a computer microphone. Refer to the course listing
within the UAGC bookstore to purchase a single webcam/microphone device, if your
computer does not already have one.
Accessibility Statement: If you have a disability that impacts your ability to successfully
participate in this or any other course activity, please provide your instructor with your
authorized Accommodation Request form from the Office of Student Access and
Wellness so that he/she can discuss and arrange an alternative plan with you.
Guided Response: Due by Day 7, but do not respond before Day 5.
If you were to be selected for a team leadership position within the company
Learn-E-Now, what classmates would you select to construct a team of your
own, based on their bios? Respond to the video bios of the top three classmates
that you would select. As a class, consider a person with three responses as
already hired. In other words, you will need to select other candidates that have
less than three responses. Additionally, you cannot hire yourself. In your response
post, identify why the three candidates would be selected based on their
experience, skills, and strengths.
Week 1 – Discussion Forum 1
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 3 of the course textbook.
Zenobia Xanthopoulos feels that there is a market for her company, Learn-E-Now, in the
continent of Africa, and she specifically wants to expand her company into three
countries in Africa. As she is planning to assemble a team to complete this overall goal,
she is deciding on what team norms are important to promote and reinforce.
In your discussion post, address the following:

State three team norms that Ms. Xanthopoulos should develop and emphasize
within this team.
Explain why each norm selected can be effective toward her overall goal.
Identify the strategies or practices Ms. Xanthopoulos should use to create and
establish each of these norms.
Week 1 – Discussion Forum 2
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read or view the following resources:

Chapter 2 of the course textbook
New Research Shows Why Teams, Not Just Leaders, Is Key to Business
PerformanceLinks to an external site.
Helping Your Team Feel the Purpose in Their WorkLinks to an external site.
Have You Articulated Your Team’s Purpose?Links to an external site.
Tuckman’s Stages of Team DevelopmentLinks to an external site.
How to Create a Connected Virtual TeamLinks to an external site.
Additionally, research one article concerning high performance teams from the website. Use this information to support your discussion post and replies to
The performance of any company or organization can hinge upon the performance of its
various teams. Some teams within an organization exist only within a department, while
other teams contain members from multiple departments. A basic goal of any
organization and any team is to develop high performance. Not every team is always a
high performance team. Some teams are unsuccessful. In order for a team to become a
high performance team, a focus must be placed on the qualities that are associated
with successful high performance teams.
In an initial post of 250 to 300 words,

Discuss at least five qualities associated with high performance teams. Be sure
to number each quality.
Explain why those qualities are important to the success of the team.

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