Business Question



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Blog: Thoughts on Active Listening

In the learning activity titled “Active Listening Techniques,” you read the following text:

Center for Creative Leadership. (2019). Active listening: Improve your ability to listen and lead, Second Edition. Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership.

In the first chapter titled “Listening and Leadership,” there was a scenario between a team manager Maria and her employee Jim who needed to leave work early for personal childcare reasons. If you were Jim’s direct supervisor how would you have addressed this situation through the use of active listening? As a current or future organizational leader, when do you feel it’s important to be flexible versus holding policies in place for all employees? Lastly, explain 3-5 key takeaways from the reading and how you plan to implement these in your interactions with others going forward.

In a blog writing style format, with a minimum of four paragraphs, answer the questions above. You can upload a document or other file type with your responses. It must include 3 outside sources within a five-year time period. You must use APA 7th edition formatting.


Research Paper and Presentation – Communication Across Teams and Organizations

This assessment aligns with the competency for this module: Students will implement coaching-related communication techniques such as delivering constructive and effective messages, providing and receiving feedback, and incorporating active listening techniques in an educational institution. Specifically, this assessment has two core ways in which knowledge mastery will be demonstrated:

Students will analyze the importance of relationships for coaches to evoke excellence in others.
Students will develop various communication techniques coaches can adopt to improve the relationship with their mentees.

You will show your understanding of the literature and effective communication strategies by developing a paper that demonstrates your ability to research relationship-building, motivational strategies to evoke excellence, and communication techniques. These concepts should be evaluated and applied in an educational context. In addition, you will create a presentation that explains your key findings related to relationship building and displays an ability to demonstrate effective oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills.

For the first deliverable, you will take your draft research paper on communication strategies in an educational context and turn that into a research paper to communicate your understanding of the importance of communication in alignment with organizational leadership. Then, for your second deliverable, you will take your presentation on relationship building and incorporate any edits from feedback that you received from your instructor. As you are completing both deliverables, make sure you apply an academic tone and APA 7th edition formatting.

Items for submission:
Research Paper: Communication Strategies 5-7 PAGES
Presentation: Relationship Building (THIS SHOULD BE A POWERPOINT).

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Competency 3 – Summative
Research Paper and Presentation – Communication Across Teams and Organizations
This assessment aligns with the competency for this module: Students will implement coaching-related communication techniques
such as delivering constructive and effective messages, providing and receiving feedback, and incorporating active listening
techniques in an educational institution. Specifically, this assessment has two core ways in which knowledge mastery will be
1. Students will analyze the importance of relationships for coaches to evoke excellence in others.
2. Students will develop various communication techniques coaches can adopt to improve the relationship with their mentees.
You will show your understanding of the literature and effective communication strategies by developing a paper that demonstrates
your ability to research relationship-building, motivational strategies to evoke excellence, and communication techniques. These
concepts should be evaluated and applied in an educational context. In addition, you will create a presentation that explains your
key findings related to relationship building and displays an ability to demonstrate effective oral, written, and interpersonal
communication skills.
For the first deliverable, you will take your draft research paper on communication strategies in an educational context and turn that
into a research paper to communicate your understanding of the importance of communication in alignment with organizational
leadership. Then, for your second deliverable, you will take your presentation on relationship building and incorporate any edits
from feedback that you received from your instructor. As you are completing both deliverables, make sure you apply an academic
tone and APA.
Items for submission:
1. Research Paper: Communication Strategies
2. Presentation: Relationship Building with an added Voice-Over Component or Screencast
Additional Details
Deliverable 1: Research Paper
You will write a 5–7-page Research Paper (not including the Title and References page) in APA 7 th edition format that builds off the
draft research paper that you developed in the formative assessment leading to this Summative. Use these formative assessment
sources and insights as a foundation for this research paper regarding relationship building, motivational strategies to evoke
excellence, and communication techniques in an education context.
Your Research Paper will include:
1. Introduction of your thesis statement
a. (include comments about communication strategies and relationship building)
2. Provide a review of coaching related communication techniques using researched sources to support your thoughts
a. (delivering constructive and effective messages)
b. (providing and receiving feedback)
c. (incorporating active listening techniques)
3. Explain how these coaching communication strategies can evoke excellence in others
4. Summarize thoughts in a Conclusion
5. References
a. Include at least 3 outside resources within a five-year time period.
b. Use APA 7th edition formatting
Deliverable 2: Presentation
You will develop a presentation in any format (Google Slides, PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) with an added Voice-Over Component or
Screencast that walks through your presentation as you narrate with audio. This presentation can be developed using any tool that
you feel most comfortable with that allows the functionality of a shared screen with an audio component, such as a Zoom recording,
MS PowerPoint with Voice-Over, or a Google Slides/PPT that you walk through using a tool like Screencast-O-Matic. The purpose of
this activity is to display your ability to communicate effectively in written and oral formats while explaining your understanding of
the value of relationship-building.
Your Presentation should include:
1. Introduction to Relationship Building in a Coaching/Leadership context
2. Explain how effective Relationship Building and Communication Techniques are key components of organizational leadership
3. Align these relationship building best practices to an educational context
Research Paper:
The thesis is well defined
Introduction of Thesis with detailed research
with Research
and information.
Research Paper:
The research paper
Critical Analysis
effectively highlights
techniques including
delivering constructive
and effective messages,
providing and receiving
feedback, and
incorporating active
listening techniques.
Research Paper:
A summary is written
Summarize Paper
and well organized with
details to support the
Research Paper:
Strong connections are
Explanation of
made between
Evoking Excellence
strategies and evoking
excellence in an
educational context.
The presentation very
Overview and
effectively addressed
the value of relationship
building. The
presentation audio was
very effective and clear.
The presentation
Critical Analysis
effectively displays the
application of
relationship building
best practices to an
educational setting. All
assignment details were
The thesis is present with The thesis is present with The thesis is present but
research and thorough
a little research and some not supported with
The research paper
The research paper
The research paper
highlights communication somewhat highlights
vaguely highlights
techniques including
delivering constructive
techniques including
techniques including
and effective messages, delivering constructive
delivering constructive
providing and receiving
and effective messages, and effective messages,
feedback, and
providing and receiving
providing and receiving
incorporating active
feedback, and
feedback, and
listening techniques.
incorporating active
incorporating active
listening techniques.
listening techniques.
A summary is written
A summary is written
A summary is written,
with good, organized
with good information,
but is hard to
information, but could
but has little detail
understand and/or
use more detail.
and/or is vague.
Connections are made
Some connections are
Minimal connections are
made between
made between
strategies and evoking
strategies and evoking
strategies and evoking
excellence in an
excellence in an
excellence in an
educational context.
educational context.
educational context.
The presentation
The presentation
The presentation
effectively addressed
addressed the value of
vaguely addressed the
the value of relationship relationship building.
value of relationship
building. The
The presentation audio
building. The
presentation audio was was somewhat effective. presentation audio was
effective and clear.
The presentation
The presentation
The presentation
displays the application somewhat displays the
vaguely displays the
of relationship building
application of
application of
best practices to an
relationship building
relationship building
educational setting. All
best practices to an
best practices to an
assignment details were educational setting.
educational setting.
thoroughly addressed.
Assignment details were Assignment details were
somewhat addressed.
minimally addressed.
The thesis is not well
developed or missing.
The research paper does
not highlight any
techniques including
delivering constructive
and effective messages,
providing and receiving
feedback, and
incorporating active
listening techniques.
No summary to the
research paper.
No connections are
made between
strategies and evoking
excellence in an
educational context.
The presentation did not
address the value of
relationship building.
The presentation audio
was not included.
The presentation lacks
the display of an
application of
relationship building
best practices to an
educational setting. Not
all assignment details
were addressed.
very thoroughly
Writing Mechanics
Only minimal spelling,
grammar, and/or
punctuation errors
present (1-2 errors).
The overall sentence
structure is well
developed throughout,
and paragraphs are fully
developed with
consistent style and
clear communication.
Minor spelling,
grammar, and/or
punctuation errors
present, and/or
sentence structure lacks
minor elements of
professional writing,
and/or paragraphs are
consistently developed.
(3-4 errors)
Minimal spelling,
grammar, and/or
punctuation errors
present, and/or
sentence structure lacks
elements of professional
writing, and/or
paragraphs are not
consistently developed.
(5-7 errors)
Multiple spelling
grammar and/or
punctuation errors
present and/or sentence
structure does not meet
professional writing
standards, and/or
paragraphs are
minimally developed.
(More than 7-9 errors)
Significant spelling,
grammar, and/or
punctuation errors
present, and/or
sentence structure does
not meet professional
writing standards,
and/or paragraphs are
poorly developed. (10 or
more errors)
The use of sources was
consistent throughout
the document in all
areas to support claims
and/or statements in
the artifact(s).
In most areas, sources
were consistently used
throughout the
submission to support
claims and/or
statements in the
Sources were
occasionally used to
support some claims
and/or statements in
the artifact(s), but
statements were not
consistently supported
with sources
Minimal usage of
sources presents in the
artifact(s), and/or the
overall communication
lacked appropriate
research support.
Sources were not used
to support major
statements and/or
claims, where needed in
the artifact(s).
APA Formatting
Citations, references,
and formatting follow
APA style guide, with
only one or two minor
Citations, references,
and formatting follow
APA style guide, with
more than 2 errors, but
they are minor.
APA style is
demonstrated with
some consistency, but
the majority of the
citation, references,
and/or formatting is not
Formatting, citations,
and/or references, are
attempted, but do not
follow APA style
guidelines consistently.
Formatting, citations,
and references are not
included, or do not
follow appropriate APA
style guide.

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