Business Question


Tips for AnalysisYou are analyzing and deciding, not summarizing. Do a full assessment and attach anyappendices to support your argument.1. Data Analysis- Assess major, relevant, consolidated factors about the situation to be resolved.- Include analysis, assessment of implications, your thoughts, etc.2. Problem Definition- Define the problem or situation which needs to be resolved- Do not list symptoms3. Alternative Solutions Analysis- Do this ………. And then list pros and cons and assessment4. Recommended Solution- Do that (don’t repeat analysis or rationale here, just state recommended action fromyour alternatives analysis)- Use prescriptive format5. Implementation- List actions needed to be taken to make the plan work. In response, include timingand responsibilities

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Case Study: Forecasting for Home Support Workers
This case outlines the efforts of one Canadian planning agency to predict the demand for and supply
of home care workers. Home support workers (HSWs) are those caregivers who provide personal
care, and do light housekeeping and meal preparation for people in their home who are no longer
able to do so themselves. Approximately 1.2 million people in Canada employ home care workers,
and the demand for these workers will grow. Let us look at the factors that influence the demand
for this occupational group.
The most important factor is that the majority of those needing HSWs are over 65 years of age, and
this group is one of the fastest growing demographics in Canada. Another factor is cultural: more
and more elderly people wish to remain in their own homes. Health care policy agrees with this
“aging in place” philosophy, mainly because it is cheaper to keep people in their residence than to
place them in an institution. Demand for HSWs is also increasing because of changes in family
structures. Children (mainly daughters) used to provide the services needed for an aging parent.
However, most women now work outside the home. People are also having fewer children and
these children are likely to have jobs in different cities than the one in which they were raised.
Because of these factors, demand for HSWs is expected to double over the next 30 years.
What about the supply of HSWs? There are many factors that influence people to choose to become
a HSW. One motivation is the opportunity to serve in a meaningful way, to make a difference in a
person’s life. However, there are many reasons that people choose not to become HSWs or choose
to leave the profession. The compensation is low and not at parity with the same type of worker
employed in a hospital, for example. Benefits also tend not to be equal. Working conditions are
often difficult, with workers being subjected to aggressive clients (with mental deterioration),
occupational injuries related to heavy lifting, and unsafe conditions in the home (pets, smoking, and
lack of cleanliness). Also many of the caregivers are of a different race than their clients, and they
report experiencing harassment, racism, and discrimination. These factors influence the attraction
and retention of HSWs.
Your analysis should be critical ( i.e., provide your logic, evidence from the book or
theory, and recommendation). Please do not summarize the case. To answer the case
questions, you can either follow the format mentioned in the syllabus or directly
provide your critical response.
1. List all the reasons that demand for healthcare workers will increase, and the reasons
that supply will decrease. (25 points)
2. What can governments do to increase the supply? What can employers do? ( 25 Points)

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