Business Question


First Theme: Financial Market

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Instructions: Responses to classmates’ posts comprising at least 150 words supporting, challenging, clarifying, or adding to the existing information.

First Post:

As a clinical analyst responsible for financial decision-making within my organization, the principles covered in Chapter 2 of Principles of Managerial Finance are relevant to my role. Understanding financial institutions and markets, money and capital markets, and fundamental rules helps me in determining resource allocation, budget planning, and cost-benefit analysis. Differentiating commercial, investment, and shadow banks helps me understand the feasibility of acquiring new equipment, expanding services, or navigating budget constraints. (Jiang, 2023). As stated, the U.S. banking industry’s consolidation shows changing geography and financial relationships.

The healthcare is currently undergoing consolidation making it essential to understand trends in reimbursement models and partnerships (Yeh & Yue, 2021). Hence, this chapter will greatly contribute to my understanding of the healthcare industry just as the banking industry so that I can anticipate such changes. To choose finance, our company must comprehend contract structures, price systems, and investment bank underwriting. IPO legislation and processes must match organizational aims. Finally, Glass-Steagall, Gramm-Leach-Bliley, and Dodd-Frank affect banks (Zutter & Smart, 2022). To avoid conflicts of interest and systemic hazards, Glass-Steagall limited deposit-taking institutions. Gramm-Leach-Bliley allowed commercial banks, investment banks, and insurance business mergers, requiring careful conflict management. Dodd-Frank overhauled regulatory oversight after the 2008 financial crisis. Healthcare workers must comprehend these regulations to comply, manage risk, and navigate the complex legal landscape. This fosters ethical and responsible financial activities that create the system.

In conclusion, Chapter 2’s financial market fundamentals matter to clinical analysis. As a clinical analyst, these theories help me comprehend the complex relationship between financial institutions, markets, and regulations. This data informs decisions, reduces risks, and adapts financial strategies to market changes. My knowledge of money and capital markets, regulations, and securities issuance helps my organization navigate finance. My organization’s resilience, adaptation, and success in the ever-changing financial circumstances depend on this chapter’s ideas.

Second Post:

The financial market environment impacts me personally because I have only recently begun to invest using a robo portfolio, focusing mainly on stocks and bonds in the US. It is daunting at first glance, but with time, it begins to make more sense especially as a young person to begin investing even in some smaller stock as it will benefit me financially in the future. This week’s lesson focused mainly on the different types of financial markets, their purpose and usefulness for corporations, taxation of firms, and the history of the 2008 recession. The history lesson I found most helpful as it helps understand the current state of the financial market. I’m sure with time, this inflation we are experiencing will also be better understood.

In terms of profession, the sad truth is that healthcare has always been a market wherein people invest, divest, pay for, get in debt over, etc. Financial management is especially important in healthcare as managers aim to balance the costs with quality and still keep healthcare relatively accessible for all people regardless of their insurance or lack thereof. With rising costs today, financial management is even more dire in the healthcare industry. Nowadays, most people are dissatisfied with their healthcare, be it the insurance, deductibles, or the actual medical visits. Rising costs make it difficult for people to access their doctors and many doctors in Puerto Rico, and other low-income countries, are also moving to the US and other countries in search of better payment for their services. While some companies and NGOs look for more innovative ways to provide care at lower costs, like telehealth visits, financial management is still difficult. Many places are not well equipped and understaffed. Financial management is definitely a point of interest to me within the healthcare industry. How do we balance costs and give quality, affordable healthcare services?

Third Post:

Economic scenery and many other sectors are influenced by the financial market setting which plays a significant role in defining economic landscape. One important aspect is the effect on investment choices. Market conditions are equally observable by many shareholders, including individuals and corporates or managing directors in terms of whether to buy; sell off an asset under possession. Economic indices, interest rates or geopolitical events also impact investment decisions and portfolio performance.

Being aware of the current market situation is crucial for professionals in financial businesses as it helps them make smart decisions, manage risks better and offer useful advice to customers. Investment analysts, financial advisors and fund managers must be aware of market trends; economic data and regulatory changes in order to guide their clients properly (Madura et al.,2018).

In addition, broader economic forces positively affect the financial market environment affecting businesses in terms of jobs and consumer confidence. In different professions, professionals should consider changes in interest rates, inflation and overall stability of the economy because these factors affect corporate planning decisions as well as financial strategy (Shapiro & Hanouna, 2019). Also, the unstable character of such financial market environment can contribute to changes on global economy dynamics that will alter trade flows and organize international relations (Madura et al.,2018). The professionals who are engaged in international business, trade and policy-makers need to circumvent these complications because the financial markets remain interdependent around the world

Consequently, the financial market environment can be regarded as a dynamic and interdependent system that impacts different individuals professionals in various ways. Being aware of the changes happening around and be adaptable to deal with well is very important for making decisions, risk management as well in a long-term perspective.

Fourth Post:

Financial market environments are spaces and platforms that help lenders and investors exchange money. Financial securities, commodities, and other fungible goods are traded on financial markets by borrowers and investors at a price set by supply and demand. Transparent pricing, fundamental trading laws, charges and fees, and market forces dictating the values of trading securities are characteristics of financial markets. Therefore, an organized institutional framework or system for producing and trading financial assets is usually an essential component of any financial market environment. Financial institutions serving as middlemen are crucial to these financial markets.

Financial markets serve a critical role in ensuring the smooth running of capitalist economies by allocating resources and producing financing for businesses and entrepreneurs. Financial markets produce securities products that give returns to lenders and investors who have extra money, and they also make that money available to borrowers who need more money. As individuals or as managers of companies, we play on the borrower’s side most of the time, and that is why it is essential to understand how the financial market environment functions. The core purpose of all financial markets, despite their wide range of asset classes, structures, and rules, is to connect buyers and sellers of various assets or contracts and enable them to transact with one another. For example, in my professional role as a physician, the right financial market environment will allow me to connect with those stakeholders wanting to invest in the healthcare system and help the hospital or the private practice grow while offering the newest technology as part of patient care thanks to the investment they are doing.

Second Theme: Systems Thinking

Instructions: Respond to a classmate to futher discussion.

First Post:

According to Silva (2018) “Systems thinking has emerged as a means of conceptualizing and addressing complex public health problems, thereby challenging more commonplace understanding of problems and corresponding solutions as straightforward explanations of cause and effect.” Embracing systems thinking allows leaders to consider the interconnectedness and interdependencies within the healthcare ecosystem, goes beyond isolated factors and understanding the larger system.

When faced with new challenges or opportunities, embracing systems thinking enhances the planning and implementation of programs and services in several ways. Firstly, it enables leaders to identify root causes of issues by considering the interactions and relationships between different components of the healthcare system. This holistic understanding facilitates the development of comprehensive and sustainable solutions that address underlying systemic issues rather than solely focusing on symptoms.

Moreover, systems thinking encourages a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, involving various stakeholders and disciplines in decision-making processes (Kim et. al., 2016). By considering the broader impact of changes within the system, leaders can anticipate potential unintended consequences and make informed decisions that prioritize population health improvement. Also, embracing systems thinking promotes a focus on continuous learning and adaptation. Leaders can leverage feedback loops and data-driven insights to monitor the impact of programs and services, allowing for timely adjustments and improvements based on real-time information.

However, there are potential limitations to this approach. Embracing systems thinking may present challenges in terms of complexity, as it requires a deep understanding of intricate system dynamics and relationships. Additionally, the implementation of systemic changes may involve longer timeframes and require strong leadership commitment to navigate potential resistance and inertia within the existing system.

In conclusion, embracing systems thinking in public health and healthcare leadership offers substantial benefits by promoting comprehensive problem-solving, collaboration, and adaptability in addressing new challenges and opportunities. However, leaders must balance this with considerations of the potential complexity and time required for systemic changes, ensuring that the approach remains practical and effective in driving improvements in population health.

Second Post:

Systems thinking is a holistic approach that considers the connection of various components within a system. This discussion explores the role of systems thinking in these fields as well as discussing its potential benefits and limitations through examples and research. Embracing systems thinking in public health is instrumental for cultivating a holistic understanding of the intricate factors influencing population health (Bender, 2022). For example, the management of chronic diseases like diabetes, systems thinking enables leaders to recognize the interconnectedness of genetics and healthcare delivery. Understanding this complex network of relationships enables the creation of interventions with a more comprehensive strategy These approaches go beyond addressing solely medical aspects and extend to encompass social and environmental determinants contributing to the disease.

Moreover, the application of systems thinking extends to the planning and implementation of public health programs. Rather than relying on isolated interventions, a systemic approach considers the ripple effects throughout the entire system. In the context of vaccination programs, understanding the complete immunization ecosystem is crucial. This perspective aids in overcoming barriers such as logistical challenges ensuring a more effective public health initiative. While system thinking offers a comprehensive perspective, its limitation lies in the potential for complexity overload (Voulvouli et al.,2022). One limitation of systems thinking is the potential for complexity overload.

Public health leaders may find it challenging to navigate complex relationships. This complexity might hinder quick decision-making in urgent situations. Additionally, implementing systems thinking approach may demand additional resource, both in terms of time and expertise (Voulvoulis et al.,2022). could pose challenges in resource-constrained environments where public health budgets are limited. For instance, analyzing the entire healthcare system to address a specific issue may require substantial investment. In conclusion, while systems thinking provides a comprehensive perspective, its complexity may hinder quick decision-making.