business processes – Data Analysis


1. Describe company’s industry, main services/products, and target customer. Give a brief description ofhow customers acquire/ use company’s products/services.Research on COMPANY = PEPSIOptimizing which process = Procurement Process

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business processes – Data Analysis
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BUSM54049 Group Project
Use Analytic Techniques on Business Processes
(20% of your final grade)
Purpose of Activity
The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate business process analysis using the concepts
from the course. You should assess how analytic techniques can impact business processes
of a company. You have the choice of discussing either of the following:
A specific process that has been greatly enhanced by the use a specific (set of) analytic techniques;
A specific process that needs study and enhancement, and for which you envision the use of
specific analytic techniques.
It is expected that you will conduct external research while completing this project. All external
ideas/quotes MUST be appropriately cited and referenced in APA format. Interviews as well as written
and video sources may be used and must be referenced.
Due: Project deliverable:
• Final Project (20%): For the final submission, review questions 1 and 2, and develop
questions 3 and 4 (use Q&A format).
Group size:
This project is done in your regular groups.
Questions (minimum 300 words per answer, maximum 2,000 words for the whole report)
Describe company’s industry, main services/products, and target customer. Give a brief description of
how customers acquire/ use company’s products/services.
2. Select, map, and describe one existing or previous company process. You should relate
the process you are assessing to textbook basic processes i.e., procurement, production,
or customer fulfillment. You must use the process terms and concepts of the chapters 3,
4, 5, or 6 in the textbook. The process map should be based on the 3 generic process
3. Based on the process mapped and described in the question 2, document or propose
applicable analytic techniques to be used in the documentation and analysis of the process.
Propose specific changes to be considered to the process (or changes that were considered)
and explain how the technique under study could apply to analyzing the “TO BE” process.
4. Discuss the impact (Positive and Negative) of analytic technique on the process and the ongoing management of the process. Make sure you compare and contrast both versions of the
process. Some things that could be impacted by the new process MAY include:

Reliability of the process (e.g., make it more accurate, fewer errors)
Accessibility of the process (e.g., ATM’s allow you take money out of the bank even when the
branch is closed)
Speed of the process (e.g., the process can be done more quickly)
Cost of the process (e.g., how much it costs to execute)
Risk (what happens when/if the process breaks down)
BUSM54049 Group Project
Use Analytic Techniques on Business Processes
(20% of your final grade)

DO NOT put these instructions in your submission (Turn-It-In won’t like it.), just include the
question number a brief heading and develop your answer under it. Remember, the report
should be submitted in a Questions/Answers format.
Only reports submitted in MS-Word format will be evaluated and eligible for marks.
Based upon the tight word count limits there is very little room for you to quote various authors.
Therefore, you must avoid quotations completely, and instead, paraphrase appropriately. Carefully, and
concisely present and utilize the key concepts that you must use in data gathering mapping and analysis
Do not forget that the expectation is that you will provide and use two (2) academic/peer-reviewed
references per team member. This means that larger teams must use more references. In many cases
this will make it even more of a challenge to use these additional references and still meet the word
count requirements. Remember that you must include proper APA-style citations, and an APA-style
Your process maps are expected to be detailed and if necessary multileveled. Your terminology needs to
use standard terms from operations management, business processes, and process mapping and
modeling. Your maps must be legibly embedded in your document. Regardless of how you generated
your maps they should be presented in PDF format so they can be universally read.
Consider what data you need to gather on your company and/or industry in general and consider any
user subset specifically to determine the likely demand both in volume timing [time of daytime of the
time of month time of year to do with seasonal products or holiday gift giving, etc. etc. etc.]. For
example, hospital demand is likely seasonal based on flu season. Weekly loads likely increase on
weekends when most doctor’s offices are closed, increased impact of this occurs over long weekends
What data do you need to gather from industry, from your client or client location’s data bases etc.?
Some data can be assumed from OM and SAP exercises, and some may be more speculative such as
seasonality by product type/class etc.
How would you measure data BEFORE making process changes? What data would you measure
regarding input rates and types, in-process and output data as you are implementing any changes and
an on-going basis. How, when, and where would you implement changes? A major market or at a surge
season such as back-to-school, or Christmas would likely be a very risky test of any retail changes? How
would you simulate these changes? Refer to some of the data concepts in forecasting chapters in order
to evaluate accuracy of forecasting based on prior years data. i.e., as data came in could/would you
have scheduled enough staff, bought/leased enough equipment, etc. to handle the rush of orders???

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