Business Management Case Study Analysis


The objective of this coursework is for you to critically engage with the theory and practice of promoting wellbeing or equality, diversity and inclusion (including cultural diversity) for employees within organisations. We want you to think from both an organisational and an individual points of view. As such, we ask that you undertake a case study analysis of an organisation which is promoting one element of EDI in the management of its employees and discuss the implications of your analysis for your own personal and professional development.For this assignment, you need to do the following tasks:Choose an area related to the promotion of either wellbeing or equality, diversity and inclusion [EDI] in the management of employees within organisations i.e. gender equality, race and diversity recruitment, disability adjustments, the promotion of cultural diversity, etc. Critically summarise some of the theories and academic debate associated with the area that you chose using academic references on the topic;Choose a case study of an organization, that has been in the media in the past 12 months, in any type of sectors (i.e. corporations, SMEs, public organisations, social enterprises, NGOs, etc.) to illustrate the promotion of the area that you chose in 1 within that organisation. Critically apply and discuss the academic debate and/or theories that you have summarised in 1 in relation to the practice of this organisation: to what extent does the case study support or illustrate the academic debate?Conclude your work by summarizing the key findings from your analysis and what it means for your own learning and personal and professional development.In doing this assignment, it is recommended that you build on the material from weeks 1 to 9 of the module and activities from seminars 1 to 4 and the Barber Institute workshop. In conducting your case study analysis, you need to bring together academic references (journal articles, academic books…) for the literature that you discuss in 1 and secondary data about your case as evidence to support your analysis of the case. The word count for this assignment is 1,500 words maximum including your reference list.

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Business Management Case Study Analysis
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Assignment Remit
Business Management suite of programmes
Programme Title
Management Education and Learning B
Module Title
07 33984
Module Code
Coursework 1: Case study analysis
Assignment Title
Mona Mustafa and Vic Benuyenah
Week 1
Hand Out Date
Start of Submission Window & Time 07/03/2024
End of Submission Window/Due
Date & Time
16 working days after the end of the submission window
Feedback Post Date
Assignment Format
1,500 words including references
Assignment Length
Submission Format
Coursework 1 – Case study analysis
The objective of this coursework is for you to critically engage with the theory and practice of
promoting wellbeing or equality, diversity and inclusion (including cultural diversity) for employees
within organisations. We want you to think from both an organisational and an individual points of
view. As such, we ask that you undertake a case study analysis of an organisation which is promoting
one element of EDI in the management of its employees and discuss the implications of your
analysis for your own personal and professional development.
For this assignment, you need to do the following tasks:
1. Choose an area related to the promotion of either wellbeing or equality, diversity and
inclusion [EDI] in the management of employees within organisations i.e. gender equality,
race and diversity recruitment, disability adjustments, the promotion of cultural diversity,
etc. Critically summarise some of the theories and academic debate associated with the area
that you chose using academic references on the topic;
2. Choose a case study of an organization, that has been in the media in the past 12 months, in
any type of sectors (i.e. corporations, SMEs, public organisations, social enterprises, NGOs,
etc.) to illustrate the promotion of the area that you chose in 1 within that organisation.
3. Critically apply and discuss the academic debate and/or theories that you have summarised
in 1 in relation to the practice of this organisation: to what extent does the case study
support or illustrate the academic debate?
4. Conclude your work by summarizing the key findings from your analysis and what it means
for your own learning and personal and professional development.
In doing this assignment, it is recommended that you build on the material from weeks 1 to 9 of the
module and activities from seminars 1 to 4 and the Barber Institute workshop. In conducting your
case study analysis, you need to bring together academic references (journal articles, academic
books…) for the literature that you discuss in 1 and secondary data about your case as evidence to
support your analysis of the case.
The word count for this assignment is 1,500 words maximum including your reference list.
Module Learning Outcomes:
In this assessment the following learning outcomes will be covered:

LO 1. Conduct a case study analysis and discuss, identify and assess responsible business
practices (here the promotion of wellbeing or equality, diversity and inclusion in the
management of employees within organisations) and ways to enhance them at an individual
level within organisations.
LO 2. Identify appropriate sources of data, start to practice research and analysis using various
academic and secondary data sources.
Grading Criteria:
See Table 1.
Feedback to Students:
Both Summative and Formative feedback is given to encourage students to reflect on their learning
that feed forward into following assessment tasks. The preparation for all assessment tasks will be
supported by formative feedback within the tutorials/seminars. Written feedback is provided as
appropriate. Please be aware to use the browser and not the Canvas App as you may not be able to
view all comments.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. You are
expected to use appropriate references and keep carefully detailed notes of all your information
sources, including any material downloaded from the Internet. It is your responsibility to ensure that
you are not vulnerable to any alleged breaches of the assessment regulations. More information is
available at https://intranet.birmingh
Marking criteria & referencing
The assessment for this module is based on the School assessment marking criteria available in Table
1 below. Please study the criteria carefully before you write your assignments, and consult them
regularly while you are writing. In particular, writing assignments should concentrate on argument
and analysis rather than description, and build on the material discussed in class. Please proof-read
your work before submitting it and make sure that you reference properly all the material used in
your essay – have a look here on the guidance on how to reference properly any work you use and
cite within your essay.
Table 1: Grading Criteria:
An original argument
that shows
independence and
clarity of thought and is
based on an excellent
grasp of the subject
Develops a consistent,
logical argument based
on good understanding
of the subject
Demonstrates a sound
grasp of the subject.
Arguments are
sustained and
generally convincing
Basic elements of the
subject are
demonstrated but
misses some key
Weak argumentatio
Key ideas are uncle
in places. Some
misunderstanding o
the subject is shown
Fluent and readable
Clear and easy to
follow. Well signposted
throughout. Convincing
links are made
between sections
Clear and easy to
follow. Well signposted
Somewhat formulaic
and repetitive in
places. Links between
sections unclear.
Fragmented in place
and difficult to follow
Excellent synthesis of
relevant theories and
Demonstrates a
knowledge of the
research literature,
including classic as
well as current debates
Based on solid
research evidence,
including journal
articles as well as
textbook sources. Very
good use of examples
Goes beyond textbook
sources to engage with
relevant journal articles
on the topic. Good use
is made of examples
Some attempt at
synthesis and analysis
shown but arguments
are inconsistent and
not fully developed.
Very little research
evidence to support
arguments. Heavy
reliance on lecture
content and basic
textbook sources
The analysis subjects
assumptions about the
subject to critical
scrutiny. Demonstrates
a high level of
reflexivity, including an
ability to analyse
personally-held beliefs
and values
Very good awareness
of different
perspectives in
shaping the subject.
Some awareness of
the author’s values and
experiences in shaping
their views on the
subject is also shown
Some critical analysis
of the subject is shown
and the role of the
author’s values and
experiences is
mentioned but not
Demonstrates some
awareness of different
approaches and a
willingness to go
beyond basic
managerialist and
Very little awarenes
different approaches
Generally well
expressed, but with a
few errors. Very well
referenced using
Harvard method.
Adequately expressed,
but with some
grammatical and
spelling errors.
Referenced using
Harvard method but
with omissions and
Unclear, difficult to
follow in places. Not
adequately referenc
Excellent, technically
free from errors.
Flawlessly referenced
using Harvard method.
Clearly and fluently
written. Very well
referenced using
Harvard method.

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