Business and Sport Presentation


You are the leader of the foundation board of a professional sports team. Your foundation will give three grants for distribution in the amounts of $300,000; $100,000; $50,000 to be given to various organizations around your area. There is a healthy debate on which charities should receive the money, how much they should receive, and which charities should not be included. As the leader of the board, you have the responsibility to determine which nonprofits ultimately will receive the funds. You have to decide the criteria and build consensus with your board members.

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Business and Sport Presentation
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For this assignment, you have been given 5 minutes in front of the board to submit your pitch in a presentation. Your presentation should include 10 slides with 100 speaker notes per slide.

Choose three nonprofits that will be awarded each one of the designated funds. Of these three, list who will be given the priority and why. Areas to be covered in your presentation include:

· Provide the mission of the foundation.

· Provide the mission of the nonprofits requesting the money.

· Describe how the team receives a positive brand reputation and the overall benefit.

· Describe how a potential sponsor could be partnered with a team to assist its foundation.

· Include any principles of conscious capitalism.

Provide at least three references to support your claims. I will add another 12h once the order is picked up.

Attached a previous assignment on the project. The chosen team will need to be Dallas Cowboys.

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Building Community Impact: The Dallas Cowboys Foundation
Building Community Impact: The Dallas Cowboys Foundation
Team playing includes the soccer teams’ influence that the playing field cannot bind but
extends far beyond. It sweeps beyond exciting crowds and the crowd’s roar, penetrating human
communities with inner-most change. Led by these community heroes, the Dallas Cowboys are
most prominent in being a model of top performance, not only on the field but also in charity.
The Cowboys’ foundation, their non-profit arm, is a conduit that takes the passion for the game
and funnels it into initiatives that bolster and uplift their community. While this essay reviews a
strategic venture designed by the Dallas Cowboys Foundation on the Boys and Girls Clubs of
America (BGCA), the following paragraphs summarize and evaluate PWK’s approach to
fundraising. The fundraising effort comes with painstaking planning and an invincible
commitment to collect funds, promulgate awareness and leave behind lasting benefits in young
people’s lives.
Part 1: Team and Charitable Organization Pairing
Dallas Cowboys is one of the most memorable establishments in NFL history, and it has
a legendary involvement in the community known as Corporate Social Responsibility (Guridy,
2021). Hence, the foundation of the Dallas Cowboys Community has been constituted in a
manner that closely resonates with the local community, defending the exact causes. At this
event, we decided to showcase the foundation’s activities, which were done jointly with the Boys
& Girls Clubs of America (BGCA).
It should be noted that the partnership between the Dallas Cowboys Foundation and
BGCA is a harmonious meshing of two great organizations. Both these groups have the same
purpose – to empower young people and give them a chance to develop and become educated
and well-informed persons with the help of adult mentors. Providing for a sustainable future is a
crucial responsibility for all of humanity. We must tackle these issues as a unified global
community to ensure the golden days are not for naught (Fuller, 2024).
Part 2: Fundraising Goal
Our set fundraising goal for the occasion is at least $100,000 for the Boys & Girls Clubs
of America. The cash that will be contributed will help in supporting all the initiatives and the
activities which are of impact to youth in Dallas-Fort Worth area, by ensuring that they access to
educational resources, character building and recreational activities (Nows, 2021).
Pregame Benefit Event
To kick off the fundraising efforts, we will organize a pregame benefit event titled
“Cowboys Cares: Community service event “Game Day, Let’s Build the Future.” Before a home
game at AT&T Stadium, a VIP reception will be held exclusively for donors and supporters of
the Dallas Cowboys Foundation and BGCA.
As a part of the pregame party before the event, we have scheduled a special guest
appearance by a renowned Dallas Cowboys team star who is interested in youth development
and community service and cares a lot about it. The player will be linked to the problem and can
converse with the visitors, thus further amplifying our funding campaign’s effectiveness.
Furthermore, there will be an opportunity for the showcasing to get hands-on experience
and awareness of the work of the BGCA and the Dallas Cowboys Foundation. The attendees will
understand and appreciate the two organizations’ investments in the community.
Part 4: Effective Data-Capturing and Inviting Only Major Donors
For an annual pregame benefit event, we aim to bring together future contributors from
various sectors, such as business, philanthropy, season ticket holders, corporate sponsors, and
community leaders. The people who have proven their readiness and willingness to strengthen
the youth programs and foster development have been selected as the most appropriate
candidates for our mission.
The particular groups of donors that we would like to involve are those capable of
making significant donations and those who would not stint on offering their services to support
youth development. The criteria for individuals to be invited should ensure they follow the
values of the Dallas Cowboys Foundation and BGCA. Therefore, to cultivate appropriate
relationships and the sense of a joint mission among our supporters, we invite people of this
Part 5: Soliciting Donations
The pregame charity benefit event will grow the base of our potential donations with
strategies that will include attitude towards others’ donations. This implies emailing personalized
fundraising appeals, demonstrating the contribution of the donations to the lives of clients of
BGCA, and offering a chance to act, whether online contribution or donation, at our site.
Furthermore, the player presentation will be used as a vibrant element of the event,
showcasing to the audience the uniqueness of each person and the significance of making a
change. We hope to bring to life the club partnership between the Dallas Cowboys Foundation
and BGCA, stress the role of youth development funding by this, and give rise to the support and
surpassing of the event fundraising goal.
It may be concluded that the Dallas Cowboys Foundation’s tight collaboration with the
Boys & Girls Clubs of America is illustrative of the team’s dedication to and desire to improve
the quality of life in the community. We are able to bring the subject of youth empowerment to
the forefront via targeted resource mobilization and marketing, as well as through contact, and
with that, we can create favorable circumstances for them to thrive in life in accordance with
their potential.
Fuller, L. K. (2024). Celebrating the Super Bowl: Programs, Profits, Parties. Common Ground
Research Networks.
Guridy, F. A. (2021). The Sports Revolution: How Texas Changed the Culture of American
Athletics. University of Texas Press.
Nows, D. (2021). The Local Nature of Equity Crowdfunding. U. Pa. J. Bus. L., 24, 475.
Slatten, L. A., Stewart, G., Lanier, P., Credo, K. R., & Bendickson, J. S. (2023).
Entrepreneurship Education as a Vehicle for K-12 Inclusion: A Case with Boys & Girls
Clubs of America. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 6(3), 534-545.

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