BUS 400 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric


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It’s the moment of truth: the first step in introducing the new project to senior management. The senior management team is located in another state and wants to hear your pitch remotely. They have given you five minutes to deliver your pitch during a leadership meeting.


Create and record an elevator pitch for your new product or service using your project outline as a guide. In your pitch, be sure to include the following:

Introduction: Introduce your product or service. (Amazon, one of the world’s major e-commerce companies, has proposed a strategic project called the Sustainable Shopping Initiative.)
How it fits: Describe how the product or service fits into the overall strategic plan and mission of the company.
Speculate about whether the product or service fits within the capabilities of the company based on your research from previous modules (use resources like Marketline.com, Yahoo Finance, and investor relations pages within the company’s website).
Justification: Justify your suggestion based on the numbers.
What will be the revenue gain?
Speculate on an ROI that justifies the project for investors and/or senior management.
Enhancing the mission: Explain how the new product or service enhances the company’s overall mission.
Does it project profitability?
Support your position with information and data from the company’s 10K (use resources like Marketline.com, Yahoo Finance, and investor relations pages within the company’s website).
What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

A 3- to 5-minute elevator pitch video or audio recording (mp3) as well as an outline and references page in Word using double spacing, one-inch margins, and 12-point Times New Roman. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


A 1- to 3-page elevator pitch script in a Word document using double spacing, one-inch margins, and 12-point Times New Roman font. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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PROJECT OUTLINE for Sustainable Shopping Initiative for Amazon Company
Project Outline: Sustainable Shopping Initiative for Amazon Company.
Molly LeCompte
Southern New Hampshire University
About [Product or Service Name]
Amazon, one of the world’s major e-commerce companies, has proposed a strategic
project called the Sustainable Shopping Initiative. The primary goal of this effort is to create
ecologically responsible and sustainable product lines while fostering socially responsible
shopping practices within Amazon’s enormous consumer base (Crespo-Lopez et al., 2021). This
project marks a shift toward more environmentally friendly and ethical customer choices, to
position Amazon as a key player in the increasing market for sustainable products and corporate
social responsibility.
Introduce a variety of environmentally friendly product lines on the Amazon platform:
The first goal is to expand Amazon’s product offerings by presenting a variety of ecologically
responsible and sustainable products. Clothing, gadgets, home products, and other items fall
under this category.
Encourage Amazon customers to engage in sustainable shopping practices: The project
aims to educate and motivate Amazon customers to adopt more sustainable and ethical purchase
decisions (Rikap, 2022). This can be accomplished through instructional content, product
suggestions, and incentives for purchasing environmentally friendly products.
Improve Amazon’s image of corporate social responsibility (CSR): In today’s market,
developing a positive CSR image is critical. The Sustainable Shopping Initiative seeks to
position Amazon as a responsible corporate citizen by matching its values with those of socially
conscious customers.
Increase client loyalty and retention: client loyalty is a critical factor in long-term
success. Amazon hopes to boost customer retention and loyalty by providing sustainable options
and developing a community of like-minded buyers.
Leverage the initiative for long-term profitability: While profitability may not be the
immediate goal, the initiative should have a clear route to profitability in the long run. It must
contribute to Amazon’s financial health by increasing sales and customer loyalty.
Target Customer
The Sustainable Shopping Initiative’s intended client segment is a carefully selected
demographic that corresponds with the project’s goals and Amazon’s existing customer base:
Amazon Prime subscribers: Amazon Prime subscribers are an important target market.
Because they are already interacting with the platform, they are more inclined to adopt additional
services and goods. Many picked Prime for its convenience and are willing to experiment with
more sustainable and ethical shopping options.
Millennial and Generation Z Consumers: Younger generations, especially Millennials
and Generation Z, are increasingly concerned about the environmental and social consequences
of their purchases. They look for businesses and platforms that provide environmentally
sustainable and socially responsible product solutions (Rikap, 2022). This project takes into
account their values and preferences.
Small Business Owners: Amazon’s marketplace is home to many small enterprises.
Participating in this organization can contribute to a sense of community and support for local
entrepreneurs. These businesses are usually early adopters of sustainable practices, making them
ideal collaborators in our mission.
Market Opportunity
The Sustainable Shopping Initiative corresponds to several key business opportunities:
E-commerce Growth: The e-commerce business has grown steadily throughout the years,
with an increase in online shopping following the COVID-19 pandemic. Amazon, as the market
leader in e-commerce, is well-positioned to capitalize on this potential. It can get into the
booming e-commerce market by delivering sustainable items.
Sustainable Shopping tendency: There is a noticeable and growing tendency among
customers to make more environmentally friendly and ethical purchase selections. As consumer
knowledge of environmental and social issues grows, more people are actively looking for
products and brands that correspond with their values. Amazon can help facilitate this
transformation by offering a diverse range of sustainable products and steering shoppers toward
eco-friendly alternatives.
Customer Data Insights: Amazon’s extensive customer data is one of its key advantages.
By correctly utilizing this data, the organization can provide individualized suggestions for
sustainable items (Crespo-Lopez et al., 2021). This improves not only client satisfaction but also
sales and customer retention. The use of data insights is critical to the success of the endeavor.
Financial Opportunity
The Sustainable Shopping Initiative offers numerous cash options that help Amazon’s
overall financial health:
Subscription Model: A key component of the project is to provide Amazon Prime
members with exclusive sustainable purchasing perks. These advantages could include early
access to long-term product launches, discounts, or special deals. The program hopes that by
doing so, it would increase subscription renewals and attract new members, resulting in a
consistent supply of subscription revenue.
Sustainable Product Lines: The introduction of sustainable product lines represents a
sizable income opportunity. While sustainable items may be more expensive, clients who value
sustainability are generally ready to pay a little more for eco-friendly solutions. This has the
potential to greatly enhance Amazon’s top-line revenue.
Data Monetization: By giving targeted advertising and insights to third-party sellers on
the platform, Amazon’s massive customer data can be monetized. Amazon can generate
additional money while improving the value proposition for retailers by providing more effective
advertising solutions and valuable insights into user behavior. (Rikap, 2022)
Philanthropic Collaborations: The project facilitates philanthropic collaborations and
partnerships with charitable organizations. While such collaborations may not result in
immediate revenues, they can help to improve Amazon’s corporate social responsibility image
and contribute to long-term gains in terms of consumer loyalty and brand perception. These
collaborations can improve Amazon’s brand and build customer trust and loyalty.
The Sustainable Shopping Initiative’s timeline is designed to ensure the initiative’s
successful development and launch:
The initiative will begin with research and development activities aimed at developing
sustainable product lines, sourcing, and forming collaborations with suppliers committed to
ethical and environmentally beneficial methods. (Crespo-Lopez et al., 2021)
Product Launch (6 months): After the initial phase, the Sustainable Shopping Initiative
intends to introduce sustainable products on the Amazon platform. This phase entails extensive
testing, quality assurance, and the creation of product listings.
Promotion (Ongoing): Promotion and marketing efforts will continue throughout the
campaign (Crespo-Lopez et al., 2021). Ongoing marketing activities will emphasize educating
people about sustainable options, emphasizing the benefits of purchasing eco-friendly items, and
encouraging responsible shopping.
Implementation of Data Insights (6 months): Amazon’s huge consumer data will be used
to deliver individualized suggestions for sustainable items. Data analysis, algorithm
development, and user interface enhancements are all part of this phase.
Partnership Development (4 months): A fundamental component of the strategy is the
formation of philanthropic relationships and cooperation with nonprofit organizations.
Negotiations, contractual agreements, and the establishment of joint initiatives to support
sustainable practices are all part of this phase.
Crespo-Lopez, M. E., Augusto-Oliveira, M., Lopes-Araújo, A., Santos-Sacramento, L., Takeda,
P. Y., de Matos Macchi, B., & Arrifano, G. P. (2021). Mercury: What can we learn from
the Amazon? Environment International, 146, 106223.
Rikap, C. (2022). Amazon: A story of accumulation through intellectual rentiers and predation.
Competition & Change, 26(3-4), 436-466.

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